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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by SirLSD

  1. I am not expert on poppies, but i tend to agree that the norma strain seed would probably be used for oil production or other non food purposes.

    you would think so but there has been some anecdotal evidence to the contrary. i have read somewhere of a person who threw out some seed and when they grew into flower the person eat some a few times and definately felt quite a stimulant effect along with the opiate buzz. the person claimed to be quite experienced in the effects of opiates. but then who believes anything they read on the net. just like the whole seed wash thing. i still claim that the seed thing is all just a myth. no need for public hysteria about poisonous foods on the shelves in supermarkets

  2. things must be different in other states because coles definately isnt my supermarket of choice in WA. sadly my favorite seed to eat is no longer appealing to me. batch number ending in 33 that has just come out dont have their usual deliscious flavor. but you can tell that just by looking at their colour and flow characteristics. i hope that it isn't going to be a perminant thing.

  3. have only once had major substance remorse. was with a slow onset(though immediate release) long acting opiate. 45 mins after having 40mg and feeling nothing i took another 40-60mg. wasnt nice though i woke up the next day so alls good.

    other than that i dont mind a wait. though nothing beats that instant gratification after pushing the plunger.

  4. i get them too and they really piss me off. how can i get rid of them?

    they might not be directly harmful but they can make the soil go bad when there has been heavy infestations that eventially die off naturally. i have lost a couple of small grafted cacti because of this.

    so how can i get rid of them and stop them from taking over whole pots??

  5. looking for more blue lotus plants. prefer if they have been sampled and known to be good.

    can swap for:

    trich pachanoi cuttings or seeds

    trich peruvianus cuttings

    l williamsii var caespitose cuttings

    p somniferum seeds -persian whites, indian raj, turkinsh purple

    ummm thats all i can think of.

  6. SirLSD that's a great photo! Just incredible,... I had no idea a can of coke had 39.8g of carbohydrates. :rolleyes: Yeah I thought there may have been a slim chance for a newbie such as myself winning one of the categories in the comp , but that photo shatters every little bit of hope I may have had. :worship:

    grafting from cut pups grows a lot faster than grafting with seedlings in my experience. so my entries in this comp wont get as big as that one id expect.

  7. that is soo funny. you would think that they would atleast speak to a chemist when making up anti smoking scare campaigns!


    how do they expect to get people to listen when they clearly dont know what they are talking about. they continuously make up unjustifiable conclusions from data and other unscientific bullshit. next they will be telling us that the tobacco industry puts whole rat poison pellets in the tobacco mix, and if you open a cigarette up you will find the green pellets in there.

    I quit smoking a few years ago (piss easy) because i knew that it would do serious damage to my health in later life. but they wont get the message across if they they turn to unscientific propaganda. its not like they need to. there is enough proof that smoking can kill.

  8. i assumed it was mice because there was a mice once before that took too many and had to be destroyed (btw dont buy all plastic mouse traps that say they dont break the skin as they are too weak and the poor mouse survived 24hrs until i found it) back on topic now... this offender hasnt touched 3 mouse traps with cheese but eats lophs next to them so maybe not a mouse?? any ideas or solutions? appart from camping out all night in the shed with an air rifle?










  9. its gone through most of the pots. least of my problems now. checked them this arvo and more than half have dissappeared completely, with a few half eaten corpses. probably about thirty or more gone over night. talk about fucking pissed off. put the rest into sealed containers with a few air holes till i work out whats going on.

  10. growing in white sand pit sand. definately not fine roots. definately a pathogen of some sort. does look like ms smiths pic though i havent come across any of the mealies. anything else cause the same looking white fluff as root mealies? what should i use to treat that wont harm my little seedlings?

  11. zee werp, yeah a number of my grafts have very shrivled root stocks but the scion is always well hydrated. and when i water them they dont seem to fatten up much. they definately havent been over watered though that is for sure. id rather underwater as i have problems with a bright yellow fungus/mushroom growing in several pots that i dont know how to get rid of. suggestions? there are 3 grafts in that pot. you can see in the first pic how big the middle one was compared to the others and now they are all about the same size. btw the middle one was on a m geometrans and the rest are on t pachanoi.

    cough. yeah will be interesting to see if it is able to grow any sort of a tap root will keep you informed on any progress

  12. this one was the one i bought for $5 a few years ago and i made all my other grafts from it. it hasnt been growing a great deal for the last year or so and has been putting out little roots from the underside. some of the newer grafts are biger than her so i decided it was time to degraft her and plant her. i cut it off a little below the graft and carefully tried to cut away all of the bottom cacti. i tried to drill away the woody stem as it was too hard to cut with a razor, but i slipped and drilled a hole in the graft :( . hopefully should heal fine. decided to leave some of the stem in it rather than risk it again.

    pics of 28/5/05

    and 05/04/06

    and today









