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The Corroboree


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About shadehouse

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    Day Tripper

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    melbourne, aus
  1. shadehouse

    Tips for NOOBS

    im a noob and this is what i do, critique is welcome! first i clean the bench and my hands, then i get a chinese takeaway container and fill it two thirds with water. i work at coles so i bring home the cardboard that the apples are displayed on (its kinda like egg carton cardboard). i tear the cardboard into little chunks and submerge the shreds. i then put the lid on the box and nuke it for 6 minutes. after that i CAREFULLY drain the hot water while keeping the cardboard in the box and leave it to sit for a few minutes with the lid rested n top with a small opening for steam to leave once its cool i take the bum end/spawn/skinned stipe of the mushroom and plop it in, close the lid, label the date and species, give it a good shake and leave it under my desk. so far its been really really good for king oysters and white oysters, theyve even started pinning on the cardboard alone, and what i think is Hypsizygus tessellatus is colonising well too. ive had poor luck with shitake though i recently took the pininng king oyster out of it box because the mushrooms were getting too big for such a small box and i microwaved some more cardboard, some newspaper, a handful of coffee beans and a handful of whole rye (or was it barley i forgot) grains in a bigger plastic container, drained off the water, let it cool, put the colonised cardboard in and shook the whole thing up so far ive learnt from failures that oysters LOVE coffee but HATE tea (or at least contams love tea more) and they also HATE getting too wet and even an egg yolk is enough to drown them. they seem fine with dry dog food though!
  2. shadehouse

    Indoor Oyster Kits

    hey i think i ordered one last night, but it was in the dying seconds of the ebay listing so im not sure if it processed. i did go through the paypal checkout but its not showing up under my purchases. could you please check if you received a payment on paypal? look for the name sendeckyj sorry if im troubling you, but i went through the paypal steps so im not sure if i was charged or not :/ thanks
  3. shadehouse

    Gourmet Edible Grain Spawn for Sale

    your turkey tail's got my attention!
  4. shadehouse

    king stropharia

    hi all, my first post! i recently bought this: http://www.fungi.net.au/grow_your_own_mushrooms/shop/white-button-mushroom-kit-11.html and im wondering if its any good, because from what ive read across the internet some strains are aggressive and pretty unkillable whereas some are weak and slow, ive also seen forums that describe some strains being smaller/paler/less delicious while some describe gigantic delicious burgandy wonders. has anyone grown these bad boys from fungi.net.au out? im new to growing mushies, ive got some P. eryngii bum ends from an asian grocer mycelliating pretty well on boiled then cooled egg carton shreds in a chinese take-away box, but considering how new i am to all of this i think something like SRA might be a safer bet for a n00b, i just hope i got one of the tougher strains :s