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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by botanika

  1. botanika

    Psychedelic Cacti art

    nice, how big are they trippi?
  2. botanika

    Jury Duty

    You could have done what a mate of mine did to get out of Jury Duty - wear a t-shirt with 'hang em high' inscribed on the front. You'll never be chosen
  3. botanika

    Close encounter with a 4 metre shark

    Yeah cool story BM! Haha sharks are making me miss australia! Can I add a couple more shark stories? - dont aussies love shark stories? My father once visited an oil rig off WA in the 80's and the men on the rig recalled an incident that had occurred a few days before. The oil rig routinely does rescue drills in case someone falls off into the ocean below. In the previous days they did the test using dummies and flung them into the water. When the dummies hit the water the men watched in horror as a massive great white aggresively thrashing chomped it to pieces. Two days later one of the guys who had witnessed this actually fell off the rig, injuring himself on the way down to the water. According to the story this guy literally did walk on water to get into the rescue boat or lifeline because of what he had seen days before. Later he realised several ribs and his leg were broken. I met a bloke on fraser island at a nearby beach campsite who used to dive and surf around eden, south coast. He showed me some scars of a shark attack on his leg. The shark, probably a whaler, snapped a bite at him, while surfing, when he fell off his board in the white water. The shark was only small but it left him in hospital for 6 months and intense micro- surgery. The thing just mashed his shin and ankle area to shreds. We all fear bigger sharks but smaller ones can do some serious damage. This guy said he had also been spooked once by a huge great white during a shell diving mission but it just investigated and left him alone. I guess that's eden for you, lots of big men, big trees and big sharks... I reckon there must be some huge tigers in the waters off far north qld - I dont know if anyone ever saw a local paper cover story about 5-6 years ago in australia (Im sorry I cant recall the paper) with a picture of a guy holding up an absolutely massive hammerhead shark's head that had been bitten clean off by an even larger tiger. The guy had caught the huge hammerhead on line and, bang! this tiger came up and ripped it in two. The hammerhead was an estimated fat 4.5 metres - how big was the tiger!!!
  4. I did these yesterday with some chalk pastels, which I hadn't used in a long time, and thought I'd share them here. Each one took about 2 hours from start to finish. Sort of Alex Grey inspired. Im impressed with chalk pastels ability to render quick colourful art and recommend it to anyone wanting to get dirty fingers :D
  5. botanika

    When a cubensis strain has been grown too many times

    IMHO single strains can grow into a variety of fruiting colours and shapes over the course of different grows and conditions, from pale to very golden, from tall and slender to fat and short (+ marked variations in potency). I think the spore sites sensationalise their strains uniqueness a bit, with the exception of a few like PE which is truly freaky!
  6. botanika

    Police net $1.4m cannabis haul on north coast

    I dont think the locals use it much for medicine but possibly animal feed and fibres. Not really sure. Its just sort of growing where they aren't farming vegetables or where its escaped into its own stands. Cola's full of seeds. The 'trees' are in the lush valleys and appear to have been growing there wild for some time. Maybe they are similar to the big Nepalese cannabis trees. In Dalian in the north I came across acres of rambling cannabis near the coast. Literally a whole mountain was covered in the stuff. Quite surreal. Xin Jiang province out west has the hash plants, originally from afghanistan and pakistan, which it borders. They also have excellent fruit. I always see these xin jiang guys selling dried fruits and turkish bread in the street with red baked eyes
  7. botanika

    Police net $1.4m cannabis haul on north coast

    I wish I had photos of the cannabis trees in the valley near leaping tiger gorge, Yunnan. I hope I can visit there again one day. They are massive. It grows wild all over the place there and in many other provinces in PRC. Its sort of nice to see the weed so free and happy amongst villages homes
  8. botanika

    massive semilanceata hall

    Either the scale in that photo is deceiving or those are some big healthy liberties!!
  9. botanika

    original music

    The new keyboard has a patch name called 'bluemeanie' and another called 'shroomy'
  10. the guy in the pic looks like Joey from friends...
  11. botanika

    New Psilocybe in NZ

    How native/endemic do u think the psilocybe's of aus n NZ actually are? i always find em in areas closer to people or forestry activities. bm u reckon they were here b4 europeans or that they have adapted or even evolved becoz of us? i read in stamets books about the azure's being a relatively new species, maybe subs have a similar story...
  12. 'A croc death rolled her and spat her out'... thats hilarious! Ive met a few opinionated female ecologists called Val - Maybe they are all geneticly engineered? ;)
  13. botanika

    Well that was easy....

    How are you watering them? Try mister sprays nearby if you can. Sub season is around the corner anyway...
  14. botanika

    original music

    Ended up buying a roland fantom x6, it was slashed in a moving sale and too cheap too ignore. its got some tasty sounds and potential!
  15. botanika

    Best tasting edibles?

    My fav' is shitake, bbq'd lightly or hot pot. its rich tasty and good for u! i like enoki in hot pot too but it has mild taste.
  16. botanika

    Growing Kit from overseas......??????

    A $200 kit is surely a hardware kit u could easily buy or make here. innoculated kits from the netherlands actually work well but need to be used within a few weeks of making and kept sterile. customs and quarantine dont allow these kits into aus. sounds suss and too much trouble from ur end and hers...
  17. botanika

    Growing Kit from overseas......??????

    A $200 kit is surely a hardware kit u could easily buy or make here. innoculated kits from the netherlands actually work well but need to be used within a few weeks of making and kept sterile. customs and quarantine dont allow these kits into aus. sounds suss and too much trouble from ur end and hers...
  18. botanika

    Ayushakti- ayurveda

    Yes great post min(E)erval! Living in asia I have definately noticed the beneficial influence of less wheat and dairy products in the diet, but that said I reckon I eat everything that post says not too and in everyway it says not too quite a lot of the time Good luck with it, sounds like an adeventure!
  19. botanika

    new hag beat

    Hag: I finally got your song today! I tried again at work (work internet had been down a few days) and the megaupload page came up as per usual without that stupid premium banner like my home connection. Really like your song - I enjoyed listening to that this morning - nice sparkly indian vibes... cheers
  20. botanika

    new hag beat

    Nah it doesn't have the ad banner or the timer like before - it just has the button 'download with premium' and further down is megaupload advertising to install a new toolbar that allows you to download but even if I install that it brings me back to the same page and nowhere to download. I dunno whats going on sorry - I'll have to try circumnavigating it unless you can email it?
  21. botanika

    original music

    witchdoctor: interesting stuff, well done! - be good as a horror soundtrack. Nice to see it progress with some percussion and phrasing. Limpet: excellent! - very professional sounding but with its own identity. You guys have given a pretty damn good reason to spend my next paycheck on synth/sequencing equipment
  22. botanika

    Little Smoke

    A couple of other potential factors: - Shrooms may burn differently mimicking a headrush (Lack of O2) - context of when someone smokes it; during or after a shroom trip or seperately - other compounds within the shrooms that might be potentially active when smoked - the vapor thing; psilocybin being blasted into the lungs bloodstream without full combustion (like tar being inhaled with smoke)
  23. botanika

    Police net $1.4m cannabis haul on north coast

    In Lijiang, yunnan province china, cannabis grows to well above 6m height and in forest stands that resemble bamboo forests! If u ever want to see plants with tree trunks this is the place. Its been called c. gigantica by some but its apparently not too potent. Lijiang is a world heritage site well worth a visit if u get a chance.
  24. botanika

    new hag beat

    When I click this link it comes up with 'download using premium' - Im not sure how to doanload it without joining the premium service?
  25. botanika

    original music

    Thanks for the comments Prier. I dont have any idea of what my lyrics are about either, my songs are like musical sketches at the moment I record the whole lot myself on an old boss digital 8 track, a cheap microphone and Im very much still learning about mixing and mastering. I'll get into some electronic music next few months as it warms up here. I just got a soundcard and some programs - now to figure out how to use it all. I'll have to check out Limpet's stuff this week...