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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by botanika

  1. botanika

    The Communist manifesto

    Those with the Gold make the rules. Back to the days of Spartacus Weishaupt, The Russian revolution - Marx to Trotsky, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxenburg, the formation of the Chinese communist party, the building of the Goldman/Rothschild American empire...on and on... they all have something in common. Something I usually get into trouble for mentioning here so I wont mention it Marx was an internationalist. Even if Marx understood the logic of capitalism, what he did not see was the emergence of a post bourgeois economy and the hyper modern colonisation of culture and language. Since the change in power relations expected by Marx (and Engel) did not happen, either in the west or in the Marxist/Leninist world, the globalisation of intellectual, cultural and informational production has fallen totally under the hegemony of the economic. Im not sure how China is 'ahead of the rest of the world' though. A lot of the high level management, technology and creative levels of the 'new chinese empire' is actually being built up by expat expertise from the west, China gets things done rapidly and at enormous scale but the price to pay for that is poor and often dangerous quality, lack of creativity, lack of responsibility and vast environmental degradation. Australian banks are like Club med in comparison to Chinese banks. In Australia you need a OH&S vest just to put out the rubbish at night...in china a lot of people die or are injured because they are moving so fast, they'll take any short cut they can. Whole buildings fall over because the system ultimately is run on the foundation of corruption and selfish greed for money 'gong xi fa cai'. What goes up must come down. But I like their cheap dvd's and their women Globalisation constructs itself on collective forgetfulness.
  2. Hehe CT I was talking about the hallucinations you get AFTER sex when all these chemicals are released and you want to flop next to your partner dazed like a lead weight...I'll drift off into intricate semi conscious hallucinoscapes for a while until my partner brings up the cuddle talk...
  3. Yes its nice when you can fly, brutal when you can't even walk. How much influence does the actual sleeping position have on this though?
  4. Sorry mate, writing from phone, didn't realise I had quoted qualia! And no arguments as I was asking out of curiosity because I live in Asia. In contemporary times at least I recognize china - the 'biggest entity of the east' - is formaly devoid of spirituality. They say 'wish you money' at new years and thats what most of asia is obsessed with. Then America - the 'biggest entity of western society' - almost the majority of the population believes in god and attends church regularly. Politicians ultimately use science far more effectively than scientists use politics and sleep is universal to everyone. I'm not 100 % sure of everything your talking about in your thread because while I follow your highly visceral imagery Im not sure it describes exactly what I may have experienced. Maybe the brain has screen saver moments between programs. There's often a flash and sparky noise as a PC metamorphs into screen saver/energy mode. During sleep the brain does what it does...it may not be a teacher of wisdom, it may just be the guy who repaires your car. Indigenous Australians title of 'dreamtime' is very good - simple, literal and universal. You highlighted a huge potential physical factor. I often have dreams where I need to get from A to B and cannot seem to walk or run in my dream. I have to sort of hop and skip along...often waking up in the process frustrated. Other times I can fly off into the sky on dreams but sometimes Im stuck in mud. Perhaps its simply because I cant move my legs physically in a walking motion, only like scissors. So I feel like I would need to understand a whole dynamic of how the physical body relates to my mind during dreams and to what degree at various stages of sleep. I do understand what you mean by the noise. I have also experienced my conscious mind snapping me out of falling to sleep in a semi panic as if its not sure Im falling into unconsciousness or death. It is often accompanied by a flash of hallucinogenic brilliance and rippling noise - a feeling not unlike vertigo. I dunni, maybe its like chemicals released after sex. There's some great hallucinatory trips to be had after sex. It could all ultimately be just about getting laid.
  5. Cool - qum rug bagpipes!
  6. botanika


    Great stuff Dale - very clean, talented execution and good composition. Well done.
  7. Have you ever lived in an eastern society for an equal length of time as you have in western society? Western society can be very accommodating by comparison.
  8. botanika

    It's here...

    hahaha, classic...man I haven't heard the word franger used for a while.
  9. I'm a Sag' too. We are pretty damn awesome you know ;) I voted no but will also admit I have checked horoscope compatibility with girls before
  10. botanika

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill... But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." Pavlovian conditioning/response indoctrination has been fed to every individual, through schooling. The media then takes over. Peoples' opinions are simply sound-bites from news, talk-shows or quotes from glossy magazines. Trust replaces the instinct of self-preservation. Jacque Chirac from 2000, he says, "For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance. From the very earliest age, we should make environmental awareness a major theme of education and a major theme of political debate, until respect for the environment comes to be as fundamental as safeguarding our rights and freedoms. By acting together, by building this unprecedented instrument, the first component of an authentic global governance, we are working for dialogue and peace." They want us to pay. It's about money.
  11. botanika

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Population reduction doesn't have to imply genocide or culling - it can be managed down over successive generations. End of the day it's a tax. It ain't the first tax and won't be the last. Will it change our humancentric view of the world? I'll do whatever I can but ultimately I think we need to hit the problem from the top down and radically change our societies from a monetary system (tax, loans, debt, overly powerful banking cartels, corporate giants, rigged markets, religious powerhouses, war profiteering) to a resource based system (communities, ecosystems, science, technological innovation, education, social equality). Theres a lot of bad in the world right now let alone what the future might hold. Could grow a lot of organic carrots with those military budgets.
  12. Yes, more scientific stewardship.
  13. botanika

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Most of human evolution is a result of rapid and dramatic climate change. Rainforests thinning to savannahs and deserts, ice sheets marching across continents, being forced into coastal areas and developing new skills, sea level fluctuations allowing access to new land. There is also an evolutionary advantage to climate change when you consider our past. It's not all bad.
  14. botanika

    hoodies , beanies banned in shops.

    This. Can't ban Rocky.
  15. botanika

    plain alcohol packaging

    Warning: excessive alcohol consumption may make you feel good.
  16. botanika

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    There are some leaders who want to halt and reduce overall populations. That doesn't neccessarily mean genocide or 'thinning' but introducing tougher policies to limit the amount of children a family can have. Whether or not or how they would do that on a global scale is only speculation. The Gorgia capstones are usually misintepretted as being a decree to kill off the worlds population to reach 500 million but all it actually states is to maintain a world population of 500 million. It's a tough one because who doesn't want less people in the world? But going around the world killing lots of people, managing the remaining infrastructure and mitigating the rebellion that would follow would be an epic, vastly expensive and morally volatile task - it would be far easier and efficient to implement more humane strategies to manage and slowly reduce population levels. While its possible this scenario of being rounded up into cities for termination could happen, the fear from such a horrific concept is also a strategy used by the conspiracy media to boost sales/views. Whatever happens in australia is basically irrelevent anyway. Visit China and India - its going to be hard to stop those juggernauts. Some aspects of evolution are irreversable and we'll have to see them through for better or worse. It's best to be prepared for the worse. Whatever change happens is still going to be somewhat gradual. Our ancestors have been through all sorts of instantaneous comet strikes and volcanic eruptions. That's the thing, even if we manage to band together and change the climate and population for the better, soon or later a nice big fluffy chunk of ice is going to slam into our planet, a massive supervolcano will erupt, or the ice sheets will march again.
  17. botanika

    First tracks from my new EP

    Killer. Really like 'Play'. You have a habit of getting vocal FX to not sound corny. 'We mean you no harm' reminded me of some old digitech effects. I really like the end split of 'Arizona'. They're all good mate! Are you mastering your stuff or just saving it straight out? You should get me to do some guitar solos for you though ;)
  18. You're right and one has to ask: if the Rosetta Stone is not unique, then when was the first draft done? Who wrote the original before it was ever transposed into 3 scripts?? The Rosetta Stone is possibly only a small piece of what we have discovered. Yep I read a few reviews that rejected him and some that strongly supported him. I have to step back objectively and fathom whether Formenko was simply publishing the results he collected - what he gathered from his experiments and had to run with - plus the subjectivity of the media and reviewers that portray him. He is ultimately another way point in theory. I kinda wish there were more people writing about history from different perspectives and disciplines. It could at least help free history from being so tabloid and dogmatic. History seems to hide away beneath religion and politics like a sucker fish next to a shark.
  19. I mentioned carbon dating but was questioning how accurate it is. In history books how often is the process and calibration of carbon dating explained in detail? Many historians and scientists themselves will use carbon dating test results to back up their position if the results agree with their preconceived theories. But if the carbon dating results actually conflict with their ideas, they aren't too concerned. This attitude is clearly reflected in a regrettably common practice: when a radiocarbon date agrees with the expectations of the excavator it appears in the main text of the site report; if it is slightly discrepant it is relegated to a footnote; if it seriously conflicts it is left out altogether. Even if a carbon dating was accurate it may not explain the rest of a historical event's complexity. Radiometric dating techniques are based on sound scientific principles, but rely on many basic assumptions. Footnotes and sourcing is fine for modern history because the cronology is more complete and evidenced but the further back in history one goes the less primary sources there are to accurately prove correct. Again, I dont know if Formenko's theory is correct, but find it interesting to ponder. We can see how the media can manipulate contemporary history - I wonder how much of the past has been heavily editted and manipulated. Even Hitler once said something along the lines of: 'Let me write the textbooks and I will control the next generation'.
  20. botanika

    plain alcohol packaging

    Look at how nature packages itself: colourful flowers full of pollen, bright inviting fruits of sugary nectar, birds of paradise dancing in neon porn feathers, Elephants with their 550hp V8 tusks, tribesmen marking their bodies with punk paints. I dont think its all about exploiting weakness or purely being for profit. One could argue that beauty and packaging is a crucial part of natures function. Would our ecosystems function any better if they were plain packaged, fair and uncompetitive? We would have far less waste on the planet if we had far less people.
  21. botanika

    plain alcohol packaging

    Plain gambling machines? No graphics, buzzing sounds and swirling lights. Just numbers or letters.
  22. From a scientific perspective the Rosetta Stone has to be firstly irrefutably dated to 200BC to be legitimately that age. There is a decree on the stone issued 196BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V but is this date actually true? In many ways the Rosetta Stone is the corner stone of classical history however it is not unique. According to Formenko, Almagest was compiled in 16th/17th century from astronomical data of 9-16th century. As the King of astronomers Ptolemy is proven to be a medieval phantom. The third script on the Rosetta stone is demotic.
  23. botanika

    Flower Girls

    Good first post and poem, welcome aboard!
  24. botanika

    Why is there only one human species?

    There's still a lot of controversy surrounding floresiensis. They are still not sure whether it is a unique species, a dwarf erectus/australopithecus/neanderthal or dwarf homo sapien or whether some breeding between homo sapien and an earlier proto-floresiensis took place or whether the dwarfism is a genetic disorder. Same with the 'hobbits' they found in a cave in Palau, Phillipines. In a way it has been 1 species in a way for a long time that branches off and then crosses paths again. Erectus/Ergaster branched off into neanderthals and homo sapien, then as homo sapien left africa, they meet again, some mating occurs, neanderthals are wiped out or assimilated into the homo sapien population. The lineage branches off and recombines again later. It's also possible that some erectus survivors in asia were assimilated into the populations of newer homo sapiens. Genetic flow was possible between neanderthal and homo sapien and it is also theoretically possible from erectus to homo sapien. We also dont know if Neanderthal existed in asia. We can only study their known range from fossils but that doesn't mean they weren't in asia or elsewhere. Be cool to go back in time and hang out with a peaceful group....with a BIC lighter...
  25. Recorded in my apartment recently. I'm on guitars and vocals. The drummers using an electronic V-drum kit. Its not as good as mic'ing a real kit but far easier and free. http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_8950091