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The Corroboree


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About Hajuu

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  1. Hajuu

    Ye Olde Tek(ish)

    Hey guys Just found on an old hard drive of mine a nice little combo tek I did up over a couple of weeks a two years ago or so that was clean and pretty successful (given it was summer)... Was hoping to give it a try now in the cooler climate where I now live.. Obviously, I uh... would never ask for any potentially illegal substances, but if anyone has any sporeprints for trade or sale (Definately definately definately legal ones..... definately), give me a PM. Thank you for furthering research into efficient mycology!
  2. Hajuu

    Atropa Belladonna WHERE ART THOU!?

    It's okay. Don't stress. Found some, brewed, consumed. I was careful with my dose and didn't have any terrible experiences. I was lost in hallucination for around 12 hours. Nothing of note happened. Slight memory loss, but vague recollection of the entire time. I will also care to point out to those who are mortified by the erowid experiences vault on this substance, that in more or less all the terrible experiences, no care was taken. More than what one would consider an appropriate first time dose was taken on pretty much all accounts. Not a single one of those people started slowly, increasing their dose incrementally over time. Marijuana was also a common factor in many of the bad experiences. Also, thank you for thinking yourself better than me, torsten. It's precisely this attitude which has driven me to "not care". I won't consume any more of your valuable time. [ 22. August 2005, 16:30: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  3. Hajuu

    Atropa Belladonna WHERE ART THOU!?

    Ok. What I meant was.. I am propperly educated in the EFFECTS to expect. I am not concerned with negative effects really. Not to say that I am an idiot or anything, I just simply don't particularly care. Um. Yeah well information was kind of sketchy as to how to consume, so I took the most universally agreed method of consumption that I had at hand, and that was brewing it into a tea. Haven't suffered any negative effects as far as I know, though I wouldn't know about the actual content of my ejaculation, it is flowing freely heh. So basically, What can I find around thats safer or more controllable that is found natively in the bush. Call me naive, but this prospect has me excited, and I don't really want to wait an extended period of time to grow/buy plants. That was the main apeal for me. That it was readilly available. (Or so I thought) OH! Also, if a link or a particularly useful page for information on uhm.. Ahusca brew or something? Sounds good. heh. Thanks, Hajuu [ 21. August 2005, 11:10: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  4. Hajuu

    Atropa Belladonna WHERE ART THOU!?

    Oh! and also. I am properly educated in what to expect from consuming this, and related plants, and will aproach it the same as with any drug I have not consumed before. With excitement, but with caution.
  5. Hajuu

    Atropa Belladonna WHERE ART THOU!?

    Hmmm. I see. Well I knew about the Black Nightshade.. But someone told me that was not at all what I was after, and that Atropa was the only good species of belladonna for human consumption? Wouldn't suprise me if they were wrong. They aren't particularly knowledgable. heh. So.. What am I likely to find around Perth then? Seeds would be appreciated, but why the no-eats? I thought thats how they were healthiest? But no, if you send me seeds they will be well appreciated and planted as i'm going to be after a steady supply of this stuff rather than gathering it externally. Is Black nightshade psychotropic? Do I need to tincture it, or can it be par-dried and brewed in a cup of hot water? Thanks alot, Hajuu
  6. Hey y'all! I am fairly new to the world of plant identification and location. My interest was first sparked by the intricacies of mushroom identification, and now honed strongly on common plants. I have yet to get a 100% positive identification on an Atropa Belladonna plant, though I was informed by the C.A.L.M website, that around my local area, they had re-planted some minesites with Atropa belladonna plants. I have found a small patch of plants that fit the bill nearly exactly.. But they are nowhere near big enough! They could possibly be first years, but I find it strange that there are so many first year plants, with no matured plants. I have been testing the plants authenticity firstly by visual identification (Thick fleshy white tap root, Upstanding 2-6 foot, Green or purple stem, Leaves compared from photos, Berries), and also by brewing a small portion of fresh leaves in a mug of hot water, straining, and consuming. This seems to produce a mild euphoric effect, but nothing normally associated with this plant. Also missing from these plants are the distinctive flowers! Not a single flower have I seen. Which is what leads me to believe that this is not the plant I am after. Any help with locating this plant (Locations or descriptions or a guide to consuming, which I have been unable to find) would be EXCELLENT. Thanks alot, Hajuu.
  7. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    ah ok.. Will go down at like 11am instead of 5am then.. much better for a saterday morning hehe. Thanks for all your help.. I will return tommorow night with more mushrooms or ID no doubt.
  8. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    yeah.. um... By the way.. one last thing.. how important is it to go shroom hunting at like.. first light of the morning? someone told me they die in the sun really quickly.. so its important to get them at first light.. is this true or a myth?
  9. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    Im not too concerned what it is.. so long as it gets me high heh... I want to have an awsome trip like I did my one and only time on mushies.
  10. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    Is it true that cubes etc grow fairly commonly around pine plantations? or would I be hard pressed to find some in a good 20 acre lot?
  11. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    [ 02. July 2005, 17:06: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  12. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    [ 02. July 2005, 17:07: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  13. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    [ 02. July 2005, 17:07: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  14. Hajuu

    Help a newb identify some shrooms

    [ 02. July 2005, 17:08: Message edited by: Hajuu ]
  15. Hey y'all... Just wondering if I could get some help identifying these shroom pictures? Sorry about the dodgy quality pics... Thats just how I found them on the web... heh heh "Mushroom 1:" Image 1: A dodgy image of "mushroom 1" displaying the top Image 2: An image showing the underside of the shroom. I would guess that whoever took the photo squashed the gills somewhat. "Mushroom 2:" Image 1: An image of "mushroom 2" showing the topside and the stem. "Mushroom 3:" Image 1: Can see the head and the stem... "Mushroom 4:" Image 1: Good view of the top of "mushroom 4" Image 2: Good view of the stem and gills. "Mushroom 5:" Image 1: Good view of the stem and gills of "mushroom 5" Image 2: Good view of the cap. Yeah.. found these photos around (heh heh) and was wondering if anyone could help identify one or all of the kinds? Cheers, Hajuu.