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The Corroboree


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About pillhead

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  1. pillhead


    Cut out mucous forming foods from your diet (bread and milk are two major problems). I've found nasal douches work well for me, this involves using (for me) a port glass with mild salt water, tilting your head to one side, pouring the solution up one nostril and getting your head at such an angle that the solution runs out the opposite nostril. If you're extremely congested this can take some doing - perhaps wait till it clears up a little - Taoist texts explain the procedure a lot better than i have here ... i've used this with satisfying results before meditation. Garlic will certainly be of assistance also - expels mucous from the body quite efficiently. Three cloves raw per day, eat it with cucumber and lettuce to take away that edge !!
  2. pillhead

    e - good or bad

    It dawned on me that i didn't really answer your question - so i'll push the soapbox to one side and make an attempt. A turtle once told me that the best way to TRY and describe the experience is thus : when you awaken in the morning and take a BIG stretch, there's a point where it feels REALLY GOOD for a split instant. Imagine this feeling increased dramatically, flowing throughout your body for a good five-six hours. That's pure ecstacy. The turtle does point out though, that this doesn't even come close to the ecstacy induced via plant sacraments. STICK TO THE PLANTS.
  3. pillhead

    e - good or bad

    I'VE BEEN TOLD BY A FRIEND WHO DOESN'T EXIST ... that the pills you get at street level can do FAR MORE than tingle your brain, they can make it feel as though it's being bathed in acid (not the good kind). You're lucky to get MDMA in pills of this kind. PURE MDMDA on the other hand, is quite beautiful and as with LSD etc, there's no "crash" ... you wake up feeling better then you did prior. This is quite hard to come by though - unless you're "in the know". The prices quoted are standard for the horrible little pills being passed off as MDMA, and are generally not worth investing in. Stick to the plants !! One more point that i feel should be raised though - is that generally a lot of people use these substances as "party drugs". STUPID !!! You take them out in public (be it a club or whatever) and even if it is a "good" pill - your senses distract you from the whole experience, which lies WITHIN. Personally, my friend feels that all "drugs" should be used in a darkened room with eyes shut. SPEAK and the experience dwindles. Share your thoughts afterwards, don't even attempt to explain or work out what is happening to you at the time - surrender to it !!