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Everything posted by goneski

  1. goneski

    Germinating Iboga Seed in Townsville

    I'd avoid cheap and nasty reptile heat mats.. They Do have quite a higher probability of becoming a fire hazard. Also on that topic, make sure you allow for some air flow above And below the mat. Don't entirely sandwich it between two surfaces.
  2. goneski

    N.rustica & N.tabacum Giveaway

    I'd love some N tabacum if you still have any?
  3. goneski

    A chat with ms straightedge

    Isn't that true of culture in general? Many did/have turned away from their society and it worked wonders.. Perhaps not in their own lifetime though. Why do the general public have to understand or like what artists do? Isn't that severely limiting and forces people to confirm to a rigid set of standards? Many artists (writers I'm mostly familiar with here -- particularly philosophers) were not well known during their lifetime but established a strong following in latter years. Or are we so vain we need immediate reception? I find the most subversive are those most likely to help affect change on any substantial level.
  4. goneski

    A chat with ms straightedge

    I see society as little more than a deterministic freight train / self-fulfilling prophecy of vanity, stupidity and absurdity, and as such seek to avoid it as much as possible. EDIT: feel free to call me a cynic, pessimistic, etc.. But think about it. We're dealing with millions of years of evolution, and watching group psychology / sociology in action.
  5. goneski

    Sydney Plant Swap - 02/03/13 @ Bents basin

    I don't really have anything to trade (yet), but definitely keen to come along and camp.
  6. goneski

    Germinating Iboga Seed in Townsville

    I use reptile heat mats + thermostats for my snakes without an issue.. can get a nice constant temp, or even have the thermostat on a timer so it switches on/off for temp fluctuations. I'd recommend a tile between the heat mat and whatever you're planning on keeping warm, so as to help disperse and even out the heat a little..
  7. goneski

    Tool Tour 2013

    This is what I've come to dislike most about Tool... the cultish following of groupies.. And they just seem to have lost it a bit, as mentioned (especially MJK's vocals -- he just shouts through a megaphone now)
  8. goneski

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    I selected the pot size based on the roots of each plant, and they're more than half full anyway? I'd say they're 2/3 - 3/4 full. I'm wondering if I should've made the calea mix a bit grittier.. Not sure I want to disrupt it any more though EDIT: You're probably right about the caapi, actually.. It's definitely under filled.
  9. I left my only two new cuttings I received on the bench to heal. Awesome. I also looked at them a few times, too.
  10. goneski

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Potted up the Caapi 'Enano' I bought... Potted up the Passiflora and Calea plants I bought.. As you can tell, the Calea looks rat shit.. Not sure what, if anything, I've done wrong? It's in a mix of seed raising & cutting mix, a coarse, cheap potting mix, and some perlite. I've watered it and it's in a cool, shady spot inside. Transplant shock? I have heard one or two members say that Calea do tend to go quite dead-looking before bouncing back. I figured they're considered a weed elsewhere, so not sure what I'm doing wrong. Oh, and there's some Super Pedo x Pach that are finally sprouting in the take away tek on the right hand side I also have a Pach and an Eileen cutting I'll pot in the next few days I also put up a 3x3m tarp outside to help add further shade to the greenhouse and provide a nice little grassed area for some plants (there's no verandah or shaded spots here otherwise).
  11. goneski

    Tool Tour 2013

    I used to be a massive Tool fan (and even have a Lateralus vinyl somewhere signed by the band members), but after 10,000 Days kinda went off them a bit. Having said that, I'll probably still go -- only so I don't regret it later on.
  12. Hi all, I'm currently in the process of coding a Mushroom Grow Log Application / Calculator. I want to be able to develop something that goes beyond a simple bulk substrate calculator. So far I have the following ideas: 1) Allow user to create/save/open 'grows' 2) Each grow will have parameters -- bulk spawn(s), number and dimension of bulk containers (whether tubs or trays or whatever), ingredients list for bulk substrate 3) A database of bulk spawns to choose from 4) A database of bulk substrates and additives to choose from (possibly including nutrition too, if this is easy information to find and calculate) 5) A database of species you can select to grow from -- perhaps some kind of catalog system that shows you information about the species, too 5) Ability to record notes and other aspects of the grow -- essentially so you could grow out isolates or whatever and log how well they perform 6) Ability to compare grow logs. This way, you could have separate grow logs for different isolates, and compare/contrast to see which is better performing. * I'm thinking maybe some way to grade your grows based on different characteristics. Number of fruits, size of fruits, etc. It would be pretty subjective I suppose, but ultimately up to the grower to standardise? I've already started getting the basic UI and framework developed (all done in C#/.NET/Windows Forms, with a few third party Telerik controls to allow for docking windows, etc) Let me know if you have any suggestions. My aim is to get something basic together, release it, and see if people can come up with suggestions or things they'd like to see.. I don't think it will be too hard to quickly knock up something that surpasses a basic calculator. I'm also keen on open sourcing it if anyone would like to collaborate. My only experience with source control is TFS, but could try getting something set up with git. My personal motivation for this is that I'm pretty shocking when it comes to documenting things, and don't really like the idea of word documents or excel spreadsheets or whatever, and I just figured I would combine two interests together.. Would anyone else see any use for an application that assists with growing your delicious legal edibles? Cheers
  13. goneski

    Sydney Plant Swap - 02/03/13 @ Bents basin

    Count me in.. I'm fine with any weekend
  14. goneski

    Mystery seed arrival resolved.

    I guess SAB is like Secret Santa all year round
  15. Right, so that makes her the Anna Wood of synthetics then.. Complete with campaigning parents. Even worse. DISCLAIMER: I don't use or condone the use of synthetics. Frankly, I think they're shit. It's just insane seeing history repeat itself over and over and watching people fail to learn anything.
  16. And yet the real thing will remain prohibited. Nothing will change, people will keep dying or becoming severely injured, life goes on.. Fucking bullshit.
  17. goneski

    Whats new at Wandjina Gardens

    Definitely going to have to order some cuttings shortly
  18. goneski

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    I found these at Woolies. $2 each, but were on special. Polypropylene, 250mL. Possibly a bit big, but should be okay. I like that they're a bit stronger than sauce containers and the lid screw on tightly.
  19. goneski

    good torrent sites

    *Everything* is permissible when it's for microscopy studies only!
  20. goneski

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    I ended up getting some brewing things, but think I go the wrong thing. I got a box of Coopers Light Dry Malt (not dry malt extract -- so i'm not sure if this will work). I also go some other beer enhancer that contains dextrose and maltodextrin. From what I gather, you shouldn't use maltodextrin, but should it be okay if contains dextrose?
  21. goneski


    Awesome.. Can I take a lucky dip? If so, thanks!
  22. goneski

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    Thanks for all the help / suggestions. Bigred: when you PC the takeaway containers with agar in them, I take it you leave the lid cracked, and put a piece of foil over the top? I'll experiment around to see what works, but will also grab a whiskey bottle or something to pour if I need to. Cheers.
  23. goneski

    Mushroom ID

    I literally did a google search for 'yellow mushroom' and clicked on the first result ;)
  24. goneski

    Mushroom ID

    I'm shit at identifying, but after a quick search, I reckon it's Leucocoprinus birnbaumii.. aka 'Yellow houseplant mushroom': http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/feb2002.htmlhttp://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/feb2002.html
  25. goneski

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    Is this even necessary? The whole reason I wanted to get containers (apart from price), was so I could load up agar into each dish/container, and pressure cook -- no-pour agar. Does this work fine if you put agar in the container, snap on the lid and pressure cook? I only have a glove box, and I'm not too keen on pouring agar inside of it.