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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by IndianDreaming

  1. IndianDreaming

    home security

    Because they're cacti - you could claim "I put the barbed wire there to make them feel like they were surrounded by their spikey brothers..."
  2. I'm leaning towards Leonuris... I've dug up pics of each that look similar though... Qualia: Ive had a tiny Calea sprout before and die before getting bigger than 1cm, this one looks different, but the pic you sent is the one i've seen to that made me have doubts...
  3. IndianDreaming

    Is it illegal to import magic mushroom growkits into Australia?

    I think the document you're looking for is: Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 Here is a link to a general page from AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service): http://www.aqis.gov....&LogSessionID=0 These are only the customs rules, once your import has been deemed to be restricted, you're then passed over to the legal system. If you google 'AQIS' or 'Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service' - They have a searchable database
  4. IndianDreaming

    home security

    You could hire this dude to watch em for ya...
  5. IndianDreaming

    home security

    You can get some good cheap ones off the net these days, you can use these as an example when you're shopping at Dickies or wherever - the thing to look for is LUX. This is the amount of light the camera can operate in. A cheapo crappy one would be 3 LUX, this will work at dusk'ish, but in the dead of night, it'll be pitch black. This is an example of a cheapo: http://www.ebay.com....=item4606e11df7 This is one thats much better: http://www.ebay.com....=item3cc37574ed This one would suit your purpose well, it's noticable, its got IR LEDS, so it switches to B/W in the night. your thief will look like a vampire, but fairly visible: http://www.ebay.com....=item2a16e12afd The TVLines is an indicator of resolution - camera 2 ^ Has 580 TVLines, Camera 3 ^ has 380 - so camera 2 with IR leds would be the best... Work out what you want: 1 - Wireless or not? 2 - Indoor outdoor? 2 - Colour + IR - that can see in the dark? - Yes - then get one with the highest TV lines, lowest LUX, the brightest IR Leds - No - Highest lines, lowest lux 3 - Sound? 4. Recording? I think the biggest difference is in the LUX and TVLines - Wireless distance stated, LED brightness for IR, and what are you gonna use for recording. All this varies with cost... the DickSmith 4 cam recorder thing is ok, and will probly do what you want, but if you wanna get enthusiastic about it - the above characteristics are the ones to check when comparing. There's more, but they're one ones most often stated on the box or in the propaganda. Catch em!!! Then thwack em on the asre with a length of your spiniest specimen! Good luck!
  6. IndianDreaming

    for trade 30cm black sapote plant,500+spach seeds

    Oooh - would love your Eph. seed - pm'd
  7. IndianDreaming

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    VVVVV Offers (all seed): 10 x Acacia Maidenii, 20 x Peru-Icaro, 20 x J3-Psycho0, 20 x Leonuris Sibiricus VVVVV
  8. IndianDreaming

    Mr Tesla

    I find it hard to take his word against the word of men who are able to spell 'particle' correctly... but who knows, spelling seems to have gone by the wayside in recent years...
  9. IndianDreaming

    Akashic Records True or Not?

    I went for a walk in Byron Bay - I'd never been there before and went there for some soul searching. I deliberately decided to 'walk where my feet took me' - I wandered down a little alley and up some stairs, I had no idea where i was going and wasn't even sure I was still in a public place - and walked right into the 'Abraxas Bookshop' - I spent the next 5 hours in there and could have spent my entire week there. They have a section on the Akashic records and it was the second spot I walked to in the bookshop. The first book i grabbed (randomly off the shelf) was the one i was looking for. This doesn't happen to me often, and if someone told me to do what I did and expect results I would have laughed at them for a month, and still be laughing. But it happens all the time now. I guess just being open to whatever can land you in places you didn't even know you wanted to be. Good bookshop, well worth a look if you're up that way - and there were plenty of books on Akashic records - but I wasn't ready for them at the time.
  10. IndianDreaming

    drug or pokemon

    20/40 - Interesting... get the kids used to the linguistics of pharmaceuticals and they're more likely to eat them... imo
  11. IndianDreaming

    Best dirt mix for cactusses...

    I add a touch of cinnamon to my mix, but i've been growing from seed - It finally made the damping off f-off. Mostly tropical leafy plants seem to benfit from cinnamon - becauce of the high humidity, but it shouldn't bother cacti much either. You wouldn't want cinnamon in a mix for plants that had mycorrhizal associations though. And for the initial soak, i've been using a weak chamomile tea.
  12. IndianDreaming

    reducing the chat post time limit

    This is the actual code in 'shoutbox.ajax.js1' - which is a module in IP board - There's be a setting in the shoutbox xml file for shoutbox flood control - which might be different than the main IP board flood control. Or you could wrangle the below code... if ( ipshoutbox.flood_limit && ipshoutbox.bypass_flood != 1 && ipshoutbox.my_last_shout ) { var flood_check = ipshoutbox.getTimestamp() - ipshoutbox.my_last_shout; if (flood_check < ipshoutbox.flood_limit) { ipshoutbox.produceError( ipshoutbox.errors['flooding'].replace( '{#EXTRA#}', ( ipshoutbox.flood_limit - flood_check ) ) ); return false; } } Looks like it's called: flood_limit
  13. IndianDreaming

    Akashic Records True or Not?

    ^^ If the records are DNA, and you pop in and have a read - then you're only going to find what you know already, but may have forgotten? The reading into the future and 'unique or original insights' might not be encoded in your DNA yet... I've asked to be shown something I didn't know (or didn't think I knew) - and I was. An engineering concept that's so bizzare and so simple it's beautiful. A 'Z' shaped piece of material looped around and fed back onto itself makes a never ending spirally locked pipe. 2 months later - I saw an article 'revolutionary new engineering concept makes pipe jacking faster and stronger' - and there was my vision, which I'd built out of paper 2 months before and stuck on my shelf to remind me that you get what you ask for.
  14. IndianDreaming

    Mr Tesla

    Anything is possible DTB... I'm generally reluctant to jump on the tech bandwagon when things like this come out, but really - we know nothing about physics/gravity except what we've been taught and learned from falling over lots of times. There may very well be laws and forces known to others that have been fully understood but not released to the general population. With the gravity thing - There's one way that could end in disaster if you knew how, and one that might not (there may be more - who knows) - If you make a gravity engine that *pushes* off the planet, then you're screwing with the planetary alignment - and unless you have an engine diametrically opposite yours (on the other side of the planet) pushing off the planet in the other direction, then surely the planet will move (albeit a very small amount, but how much is too much to upset the balance?) It's possible that some bright spark knows a way to become *invisible* to gravity, in which case you might not upset the balance of other gravitational bodies around you. Without having a clear understanding of what gravity is, its hard to know what sorts of things you can do with it, apart from fall over and guarantee that every time you do, you'll hit the ground... The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy says that "The art of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss" - I've tried it dozens of times without success - but my failure to grasp this concept does not imply that it's impossible - just highly improbable, which means that its also certainly going to happen... Can you imagine how freaky it would have been when they worked out a coil of wire with a current running through it made a magnet? Most people would have scoffed till they saw it, then they would have freaked out, ran in circles chanting, tried to burn everyone and screamed at the top of their lungs "it's the devils work" - Tesla mentions that when he lit up a bulb wirelessly in front of a non-scientific audience this exact thing happened - people were trampled trying to get out of the theatre! I'm personally of the opinion that anything is possible, (and probable) - But anything that moves faster than the mainstream mass of human imagination is too much of a shock to the system and people freak out - It will be interesting to see what happens, they've given a specific date not too far into the future - I hope I'm building a gravity drive shortly after that - but I won't be selling my things ready to move to Mars just yet.
  15. IndianDreaming

    Moving state sale

    Howdy Sharxx - I've been to the last couple of melb meets, you seem to be the ghost member - will you be moving before the next meet? Woukd be great to meet before you join another states clan (and have a rummage though your collection) Edit: ah, posted too early, will see you there
  16. IndianDreaming

    Some rare seeds

    Would love to try Lobivia famatimensis - will pm to see if i have anything you're interested in.
  17. IndianDreaming

    Flawed GM research

    Money v's Health - How can people be so greedy and ignorant to put money before health (insects in this case, which are very important). Do they not worry about their children eating this food? Are they uneducated about the repercussions of actions like this? Were they not taught in school about the food chain, cycles of life etc...? I really can't fathom it. When I'm confronted with this sort of thing, I wonder if there's another earth - or another continent where these people are living, it seems like they think they're immune to their own stupidity and can make changes to nature and just watch what happens to us here...
  18. IndianDreaming

    The Universe: No God Required

    Well articulated! This is my favourite version of the tale...
  19. IndianDreaming

    I don't think I get sick??

    Another method of folding is to fold, wipe, reverse fold, wipe, fold wipe, fold wipe, check dispose. You get one extra wipe doing it that way... I love potty time and dirty talk! Yes! Ghost poo's - if you're even luckier, it's slipped down up and around the ubend too! No trace on the wipe, no trace in the bowl - ghost poo... Sorbolene has many uses...
  20. IndianDreaming

    Thee Truth About Hair

    Thats some pretty flash logic there CBL! Especially with the %rate of growth. With regards to hair being an antenna - We made an ECG circuit back in the days of uni - it was a differential mode amplifier that rejects the common mode signal (static all over your body). At rest, your body has anywhere from 5-10 kilovolts of static just hanging around. When you shuffle your shoes on carpet or rub a ballon on your head - we measured up to 150,000 volt spikes. 150kv is plenty enough to travel along the surface of a hair, and so much infact that the electrostatic forces can lift the hair (which weighs a few hundred micrograms to to about 1mg). The hair, touching your nice moist and salty scalp, could quite easily discharge into your head... So I still believe that although hair may not be acting in the classical sense of a radio antenna, which is picking up a 'modulated' signal, it can definately pick up static discharges and can move with electrostatic forces, which your body can interpret through touch - where the follicle meets the head. An 'electrostatic movement detector' so to speak. The simple experiment to test this being the ballon or 'stick of amber' to charge your head, then move an object near, and feel your hair moving... The question remains how useful this is: If someone charged differently than you creeps up behind you, is their electrostatic cloud big enough to cause a few of your hairs to re-align? Then you'd feel the movement, or enough to push a few hairs over their limit and discharge into your head? I really don't know, but I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the possibility. Weirder things have happened, like the blue receptor in birds eyes (and humans) can actually see magnetic lines of force... Nice description of wisdom teeth! I bet a kid that knows everything would dissagree though
  21. IndianDreaming

    I don't think I get sick??

    Haha - yes, i've tried the scrunch - it doesn't work well at all, and can sometimes spring apart - with disastrous consequences... especially if you're not a hand washer... lol - so many poop fingers, I'm surpised the whole world isn't hep B positve... save the trees, become a folder! hahahaha....
  22. IndianDreaming

    I don't think I get sick??

    Yep - folding is an art, if you have to, you can a good few folds in a single sheet... ;) Also, for that waxy interleaved stuff, i take 3 bits still interlocked and with both hands, ruffle em into each other - takes the waxiness off and you get grip instead of slip! Oh fruit, how i love you so - I'm eating the whole thing these days - orange peel, apples core and all, lemons, everything, just munch the lot...
  23. IndianDreaming

    I don't think I get sick??

    Really? hehe - ah well, its pretty much automatic now - if there's a paper towel thingie there i just do it on autopilot. I've never really taken notice of other people watching me to see if i'm weird - that sort of thing doesn't phase me much. I know i'm weird already without confirmation
  24. IndianDreaming

    I don't think I get sick??

    Since the conversation is already in the toilet... I've noticed that my workmates absolutely stink now that I'm eating really really really healthy. I walk past the loo and I can litterally tell you what they ate, and how long it's been rotting in their guts by the stench. I'm a smoker too so my sense of smell is supposed to be crap (pun) - I did notice that as i weaned myself of processed food, I had sickness symptoms like puffy glands, tired, irritable etc... like coming down off a huge bender.,. but I haven't been sick for ages - except for the smell of other people that eat greasy processed food, and the smell of public transport and teenagers is a bit putrid too. It's icky! Oh, and I wash my hands after poo's n wee's and generally turn the tap off with the paper towel - and open the door with it too, then fling it in the bin... Edit: I'm a folder not a scruncher too ;-)
  25. IndianDreaming

    Thee Truth About Hair

    Makes me wonder why they're called 'wisdom teeth' too - maybe that's why there's so many drongos on the planet...