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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by EntheoAssassin

  1. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Yeh because you gotta raise everyones kids there. Childcare centre is for the children who's parents don't fucking want to raise their own children or are too financially over committed that they cannot afford to have one parent home to parent. .......OK then. Make sure she doesn't commit suicide while you dog her.....she may try to off herself while she gives you head too....If she goes blue in the face put it in further and end the suffering for her. They're not for everyone. Edit: If everyone grew their own food overpopulation wouldn't be an issue. Hence why I do that. If the government installed a solar panel on every home power wouldn't be an issue. If the government pumped seawater into the desert, used solar mirrors to focus energy onto a containment vessel/boiler and boil the water, they'd have fresh water and power there too and it could be irrigated. If they stopped IV fertilisation and left nature to do its business things would be fine. Don't let over-population stop you from continuing your bloodline. Unless of course you recognise that your genetic traits offer absolutely nothing to this planet, then sure.
  2. EntheoAssassin

    Lactuca virosa find!

    That's nice.
  3. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    I have one bintang singlet and I hate it. My mum bought it from Indonesia but it's this stupid thick cotton and not the thin cotton one so it's too hot to wear in summer. You a fisherman for a living?
  4. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Yeh man, they're awesome. Make life richer but yes, the two eldest bicker and fight but then miss each other so much when they are apart but, like you said, after being with each other for 5 minutes more fights ensue.
  5. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Sorry man, I have a family I need to entertain too. 3 boys, 1 more on the way. edit: Wardrobe of clothing contains clothes, office wear, casual wear, summer/winter.....need to buy a shit load...but I can't be bothered....other things seem more important.
  6. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    I agree there. . . . . . . . . . You are a harsh cunt. But I respect your opinion. Edit: The pic in your sig looks like a cock titty fucking?
  7. EntheoAssassin

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    Just to point out though, not wanting to gripe either but, post #1178 is specifically asking for one type of seed......... I thought it was allowed due to this.
  8. EntheoAssassin

    fruit & veg seed trading thread

    Oh, I get it..... Sorry, once again, bear with me people. Bogfrog, PM me your details.
  9. EntheoAssassin

    fruit & veg seed trading thread

    Whoa, hold on, I'm confused. I thought I was trading 7baz.....Sorry, I've fucked up. Let me figure this out.
  10. EntheoAssassin

    Morning Glory ID

    The seeds come in a fruit after the flower is pollinated and drops off. I have heaps here, and I have mistakenly identified it as I. violacea. I can harvest PLENTY of flowers (research only) though so I maybe will try and do some research down that route.
  11. EntheoAssassin

    Lactuca virosa find!

    Lactuca virosa AND Lactuca serriola have edible leaves. I have both growing wild in my backyard. I have a section for harvesting lactucarium and the other section is to harvest leaves. It is a very viable survival food. Unfortunately they get poisoned all the time. I can confirm Lactuca serriola is also active.....and I might even go as far as to say that any plant in the Lactuca genus, all of which exude Lactucarium (Lactuca gets its name from the the latin word lact which means milk). Also, if it doesn't exude milky sap, it's not Lactuca. If it does exude milky sap, note it down and double, triple and quadruple check the other features to ensure you ID it correctly.
  12. EntheoAssassin

    Delosperma cooperi give away!

    I'm curious. What part of the plant is said to contain the majority of that lovely chemical? I'd prefer to just grow it because I believe if I ever wanted to go down that route I could just use A. longifolia which is said to be fairly abundant in SA. I like D. cooperi because of its awesome looking flowers and the fact it is an 'ice plant'.
  13. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Created by marketing? Which is really no different from advertising, which needs to happen in order for the music to be heard. The Beatles, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix.....all of them had that persona....and I'm sure they all got their fair share of sex but I'm not going to dislike their music due to the fact that when they become successful, and consider this scenario for Mr. Tom Jenkinson, they have mass amount of crowds attending their gigs, which has the flow on effect of attracting the attention of big business...... It's just a rather harsh judgement, thats all, not that you're not entitled to have it, just it's a bit harsh.
  14. EntheoAssassin

    fruit & veg seed trading thread

    VVVV takes 30 heirloom capsicum seeds and 20 mini heirloom baby carrot seeds VVVV VVVV gets (number yet to be determined) Roma tomato seeds, Basil seeds and if I can scrounge any up, Italian flat-leaf parsley seeds VVVV (Nothing like warm italian cuisine during a Nuclear winter )
  15. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Genesis 8:20: LinkEpic of Gilgamesh (Ancient Babylonian/Akkadian text which the bible stole): Link (scroll down to line 160)And I will give the link later of the chemical produced being very similar to the dopamine the brain releases.
  16. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Well, I have to give those people credit for finding another use for it. I will assume you're joking because that is beyond the realm of nasty. Actually, I hear burning flesh/meat also gives off a sedative. The ancient Sumerian gods, and even the Holy Bible's 'God' flocked to the burning meat offering by the humans. Seems the Aliens know about a lot of the entheogens available on this planet.
  17. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Gross dude. I had not heard of that before.....and I'm not that much wiser having learned about it. Yuk.
  18. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    28, While I've been overseas I've used DMT, Psilocybe Mushrooms, Mary Jane (of course) and Calea. Next time I am overseas I plan on trying San Pedro cactus, Khat (on my visit to Yemen) and Ayahuasca/analogues, oh and Bufotenin. Pink floyd, like the music but not a big enough fan to have a particular era. I really like Queens of the Stone Age. Was a big System of a Down fan and will probably always be a Metallica fan. New stuff isn't that good though but the old stuff is timeless.
  19. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Oh, like this: cunt That's much easier than other sites I have used. Yeh, trying to bring up my old thread somehow. He wants to see its (not-so) epicness. What is the meet for? Sunday is a good day, and I certainly have been wanting to go to the Botanic Gardens.
  20. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    Hahaha, that's scary. I'm german too....like a one quarter or one eighth. Mainly aussie. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Ohh, thank the aliens that you explained about chnt. I didn't know that Siberian eskimos suffered from so much flatulence. It would certainly explain this: http://www.dailymail...on-dioxide.html (how do you tie words to an external link on this forum?) I can't access it. I've tried. The URL was http://www.shaman-au...showtopic=30817 but it just keeps saying I have no permission to read, which is expected given it got closed. It's fairly standard procedure that all is lost once it's closed.........and unfortunately I should know....although I've never moderated so I could also be wrong.
  21. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    I've read 'about' glass vapour genies........but I asked for your opinion. Given you seem a big fan I wanted the optimistic view of their usage. ......or maybe I'm asking for too much.
  22. EntheoAssassin

    heimia salicifolia preparation

    After reading this entire thread you sir are awesome and those crystals are something you should be proud of using just water. I wonder if there is a way to clean the product naturally? Given the traditional method was to leave the 'wilted leaves' in a glass to ferment in the sun for 24 hours (to absorb the knowledge of the sun), to then drink it (nothing was said about removing the leaves so I have to assume in the traditional methods the whole lot was consumed), it would make sense that it would be inactive if trying to absorb sub-lingually but active when consumed. So MAO's don't nullify its effects but the chemical doesn't have the right properties to pass through the tissue in your mouth. I find this herb, given the natural crystalline formation from evaporation, very very interesting....
  23. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    willkommen? Who? What a pleasant welcoming. I guess I should thank you. Well, here goes: Fuck you very much Glass Vapor Genies......what is so good about them?
  24. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    I need more info man. What is it you speak of? Hahaha.
  25. EntheoAssassin

    My intro, a big hello, minus the self-incrimination

    If you leave the hose in? or this chemical comes out while smoking and permanently changes the characteristics of the plastic? We usually take the hose out and wash the bottles....but we'll stop if this is really the case. Hahaha. I should have been a little more articulate. That way I have the proper intro and no warning/warn status. Ah well. In the dog house for 24hrs.