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Posts posted by curaezipirid

  1. It is actually the finer art of waste management, to be able, in principal, to keep it all, until you find a use, or meet somebody else who can use it; but to keep it all without becoming cluttered in mind, requires that you sustain an exact memory of how you came to acquire it, and in that no thought of it passes through your mind, without being remembered.

    I collect words myself

  2. Also, . . .

    . . . how many times will I write that word "also" before I get sick of typing here today . . .!

    (listening to Bark + a "history of healing" lecture for school)

    . . . I don't think calorie counting is the only method. Not that calorie counting is bad, in fact it is excellent, and we all need keep an eye on the calorie intake.

    But some days, the body wants its energy from fats, and other days from carbohydrates, and each individual needs to get a handle on the patterns of its own body.

    I first lost about 25 kg, and went quite suddenly down to about 52 kg, from one of those low carb diets, but I don't advocate for trying than more than once in a life time.

    Low carb intake is for kickstarting an inactive liver. But the thing was, that without eating fats every day, I could have fasted a longer time, without even losing weight, because my liver was underactive. Now that my liver works normal again, I just try to keep a balance. But sometimes, that balance might mean that if I drink a sweet drink, which I do not normally, (like a big boost juice once a month is my upper limit of sugar intake), then I crave fats straight away, to balance myself out these days.

    I think we need limit our calorie intake over like a week, or month, so we fit in a few occasions of splendid feasts, and a few fasts. Like hunter gatherers, my digestive system actually works best like that. And I have a stomache that works in one range of sizes when I am looking after myself, but if I overeat too often in a month, my stomache size increases, and then I have to fast to get it back to small healthier intake size again.

    But the balance between fats and carbohydrates is the point I needed to make. Like if I drank a milkshake, then I might want to eat an oily dinner too, but the next day would wake up feeling still full, and want less.

  3. There is scientific research proving that in parts of the world with more than average longevity rates, people's diets as children, were hardly more than a starvation diet. Barely more than would leave us malnourised, is opitmal for health.

    A good fast, and by day three I feel more stoned than on drugs.

    Being also a bit of a foodie, I find it hard to get the fast started, by after one day, the second and third are easier, and Ramadan is blissful, as all Muslims welcome anybody to join in, and if one fasts at the same time as Muslims are praying for the whole of humanity to fast with them, you get a decent bit of insight into Islam.

  4. Alternatively don't tell, and suffer in silence if anything goes wrong. Most folk don't tell about cannabis, but in my mind, it would be the opium derivatives folk ought not tell about, and everything else we should. But if we tell anything hard-to-hear to anybody, it ought to be a good doctor.

    If I were you, I'd worry more about finding a doctor who you could trust with the knowledge of your actual habits.

  5. I'd just tell the doctors the truth it if were me, but only because they are doctors, and their job is to know the crap and not fall into any.

    Also, the stories about the public health system denying analgesics, are most often related to those who had habitual abused opiates/opioids, and the doctors won't give it to them, simply if their tolerance is up and it won't work in the smaller doses used in hospitals. I knew an addict who got refused pethadine when in labour giving birth, and got quite cranky about that, but in her anger only proved the hospital staff correct to have denied her any. Some heroin addicts say never to tell, because you won't get any in hospital if you tell, other addicts simply never tell because they know better than to speak of the devil, and Narcotics Anonymous members say to tell that you have a morphine allergy if you ever had a recreational use habit, so that the hospitals won't kickstart a new habit, which has happened to recovered addicts enough times that everybody needs to take due precautions.

    As for smoking and an operation, the doctors aren't normally judgemental about all our bad habits, as it is our bad habits that keep them in their jobs too often. So they have heard it all before. The point about telling them, is that if something went wrong, they'd need every detail of information they could get, to figure it out properly. They might say no operation without a few weeks clean, or, they might say, how much, how often, and just take notes. But if they were going to say no operation without a few weeks clean, then you'd need to know that, right, or else you would not be asking here.

    Just tell them. Doctors don't habitually phone the cops, not unless you lied and told you were tying your missus up and forcing her to smoke it with you.

  6. also, the point is duly taken about working quietly away from the energy stealing society;

    something else I have read, says that when the mind is truly completely cured, the body can pass through the most difficult of circumstances, without fear for itself, and in harbouring no fears, the body is not susceptible to diseases, and neither susceptible to having its energies stolen from

    these are my terms and conditions at all times, in work like prescribing homeopathic medicines, or conducting an exorcism such as the major one I have been facilitating for the man I recently chucked out of my home, (major because he had been a bigger player in the whole of Aboriginal politics, than he was known for in the streets, and because his life story is one of the hardest I have come across even in the Aboriginal community, and also major because many of the other men who had been relying on him, had no known how sick his body had become, or that he did not trust his body himself, however is a very powerful Spiritual leader in indigenous society, and so I have had to co-ordinate quite a few other male Nungkari (healers) into working an exorcism for him in unison; in fact my having given a talk at EGA recently, is a part of that process, which he himself, the man in question, had lined up, so as to catch much of the spillage from his gradual withdrawal and detoxification, off of a previously $500- a day habit), . . . that I feel no fear. His bad luck if he wanted to continue to work with me now, in that I will not spend time in his company, now that he gave me cause to fear him.

    However, eventually he might become very adept himself at engaging in exorcisms of addiction, similarly to how N.A. members can; BUT nobody is letting him do anything at all until he is 3+ years clean.

    Point about working away from the energy stealing society, versus immersion in it to facilitate developing immunities to certain kinds of social fabric, is that if we ourselves make even the slightest error when among those who habitually steal energies, we need to withdraw ourselves back into working quitely on one's own again. And only after substantial recuperation, ought to attempt immersion again.

    We might all also find, that our immunities are better in one social sub-culture than in another. AND, that maintaining multiple sub-cultural contexts to interact within, is slightly more demanding on the immune system. Having learned to operate and sustain my own health within indigenous cultural contexts, I don't want to give up being able to, and after taking an unpleasant punch from a black fellow, I am planning to give my body and immunity a shock by attending the Earth Frequency Festival, (hoping to meet and speak with Nassim Haramein), and let myself become immersed in whatever is there, so as to counter balance the shock of a punch. Might be a punch of a metaphysical nature.

  7. I am not sure I have explained myself there, very weill, in the sentence:

    "....the nature of how communication takes place between Spirit or spiritual substances, and Body or physical substances, identifying that where more crudely psycho-active substances enable that communication up, high potency homeopathic remedies enable that communication dow...."

    So here is a longer yarn, telling the same exact information, with an example to illustrate the efficacy of homeopathy.

    What I mean by a "crudely psycho-active" substance, is one that is pyscho-active in nature, and not needing to be altered to enable it to be psycho-active.

    One theory I read, says that all plants, animals, minerals, and people, etc etc etc, have their own "ray of creation" within, which is reflected in the electro-magnetic field around.

    That "ray of creation" is accessible to the human mind in plants known to be psycho-active; but exists in other plants also. We simple need know how to extract it.

    By the homeopath's method of extracting, or opening-to-the-human-mind, that "ray of creation", the communication flow is naturally different to that with the substances that are psycho-active for human beings as those substances grow.

    A normally psycho-active substance, like San Pedro for example, can enable the brain-of-the-body, to perceive what the Spirit is normally capable of perceiving, without the body needing to know.

    Homeopathic medicines enable the Spirit to perceive what the body's experience is, which then enables the Spirit, to go about sourcing how to heal the body, without the body needing to know.

    In one form of medicine, the communication moves up, as the body contemplates the Spirit's experence; but in the other form of medicine, the communication moves down, as the Spirit contemplates the body's experiences. Clearly homeopathy will never become a recreational passtime, which is what makes it one of the safest of medicinal practices. Dangerous only to anybody who, like the addict, already happened to be quite sick. But also dangerous to the addict, because their body of soild matter, is habitually inclined to take a peek at what the Spirit is up to. So if the spirit is lining up a story for the body, that the body did not want to have to accept and anticipate belief in yet, (such as rehabilitation), the homeopath needs to very carefully time when each medicine is given, so that the body can't take sneak peeks into its future, before it is ready to accept the best healthiest future for itself.

    It is quite alarming how effective the processes can be within the normally subconscious mind. What I could acheive through last year, was figuring out what medicines, in what sequence, can be prescribed for addicts of heavier narcotics, without those medicines alerting them prematurely, to the inevitability of having to get clean.

    Just a couple of days after I wrote the posts above, my then-sort-of-live-in-partner, who is an old junkie who got himself too far addicted too young, (on the streets of Kings Cross at 13), who is an Aboriginal man who had been in my care for his disabilities caused by 25+ years of addiction, (plus accidental brain injury), had an unexpected shot of whatever that was, (unexpected as in without money to pay for it, and from the dealer he normally won't go near, and felt to me like he was on speed as well as whatever else, when he normally won't touch speed for many years now), and it interfered with the most recent remedy he got given, which is one made out of the shell of an oyster, (Calcarea they call it, which is calcium carbonate, but from the shells of oysters, is indeed different in homeopathy to that chemically reproduced); and he hit me, got arrested, is being charged, and won't be back here again. However, I'd say he may well get himself clean sooner or later now, because he was really taking on board, what the drugs had done to his life story, and becoming more consciously afraid for himself. His kidneys had started to produce more adrenaline, and even his terrible teeth looked remarkably slightly healthier. I had given him the calcarea after he dragged me along to visit some bloke he knew from prison who was a relation of his step father who had been into bashing his mother, and the bloke stood over him bad, and so all his worst fears were very present, and calcarea was the exact correct remedy. But then a shot on a day I hadn't anticipated needing to deal with that, and he came down with way too much pain, and make a mess throwing stuff around, until I told him to stop and he punched me, with the cold clear calculation, of not hurting me bad, but making me angry enough to kick him out. I guess he had enough of being brought to his senses. But now, he is well and truly in a trap in that the homeopathy really is longer lasting in its effects, than even a shot. So he'll never be able to get as much pain relief out of drugs ever again. Do I feel sorry for him. Not any more, thanks to him and his own innate subconscious acceptance that he needed to stop being dependent on me.

  8. Don't let me believe, (as a "newbie" as newcomers have to get to be), that these are forums working like a paupers of San Pedro version of the Dutch flicks in youtube, of top ten varieties of cannabis species. But I love the look of the squiggly one, and wonder if it inspires squiggly minded processing of idea.

  9. one more fact about homeopathy here, is if ever police will let the efficacy of become established in mind, (perhaps in this, that, contrary to much speculation among those homeopaths incapable of pulling an income out of thin air by homeopathy, who are not good enough at prescribing, to have enough customers, to earn as much money as they want without formal government regulation, BUT who were also those homeopaths most likely to prescribe dangerously into the psychosis miasm, MANY of the better homeopaths prefer an unregulated-by-government lolly water reputation), . . . it ought be worth noting, that between indigenous cultures of every land, relating to snakes and snake dreaming, as representatives of the metaphors of talking too truthfully too openly, (I stand guilty of I know, whenever mentioning the police), . . . between this fact, and the diseases related to it, which the homeopathic remedies of Lach. and Naj. (South American bushmaster rattlesnake poison, and cobra poison), reveal; if police wanted a truth serum, I've said so, (but would they know the contents of my file with a homeopath to know which snake's medicine it is here I am speaking through now, or what its strenths and weaknesses are, which include the capacity to either cause or cure, scaly skin for example)

    homeopath IS the business of trade in metaphor

  10. "did you mean to perform exorcisms, or was that a metaphor?" . . .

    sounds like any old unintentional exorcism could be simply metaphoric, which, of course, every exorcism can be . . .

    . . . . my metaphors are hard core but, how about "hammer not the harry" for a bout of disease bound lies, or was it "harry not the hammer", . . . "hurry no auction"?

  11. Hi everybody, . . . that Iboga question first: YES, I am in the market for an Iboga plant, and have chewed the bark which I am very impressed with the efficacy of in respect of its capacity to alter the psychology of specific types of cravings, and habitual obsessions in general.

    . . . exorcisms . . . I am becoming (very very gradually), recognisable within indigenous culture, via Mparntwe (alice) Nungkary (medicine men), as capable . . . but it will always depend, of course, upon individual conditions, conditioning, etc. However I am willing to say for myself that nobody else need believe in me, for me to be able, . . . conditionally of course, . . .

    As for homeopathy, its lolly water reputation is hard enough wearing to weather.

    Various theories exist.



    • the intelligence of water, available to learn ala the "what the bleep to we know" films
    • the electro-magnetic fields around every individual (isolateable) substance . . . that can't be manipulated readily, yet can be magnified or diminished in impact
    • homeopathic remedies stimulate changes in RNA
    • my own theory is about the nature of how communication takes place between Spirit or spiritual substances, and Body or physical substances, identifying that where more crudely psycho-active substances enable that communication up, high potency homeopathic remedies enable that communication down, (therefore can be gravely endangering of life if the wrong medicine was given the the right person at the wrong time)(did I bother to explain I am distressing many other homeopaths by bothering to try to help addicts, as most were too scared to try, and my book I wrote about use of homeopathy for addicts, clearly warns how to discern if the medicines could be harmful)


    basically the early homeopaths did enough well minded research about commonly held psychological effects of a good few thousand different substances, such that the modern homeopaths keep on adding more and more and more substances to those lists, but often without so thoroughly examining the whole potential variety of effects

    homeopathy is quite compatible with indigenous traditional medicine men's methodology, as just one aspect of the process

    here is an example:

    Bell 200C = Belladonna mother tincture, diluted 1 in 100, then 1 in 100 again, then 1 in 100 again, and again and again and until 200 dilutions are made

    A friend had it and said it gave him dreams as though he'd been into his mother's daytura bush again. But its most important use in homeopathy, is giving it to four year old boys who are currently experiencing that patch of male steroid production capacity increase, which all four year old boys go through, as a series of fearful imagined monsters at night ideas, and/or increased curiosity about dinosaurs and dragons and large scary beasts in general. . . . the homeopathy texts illustrate that with listing "hallucinations of giant green turtles" among other symptoms that the medicine is able to cause in a well person. Thus, it is a good remedy for all small boys (and those still in boyhood of the mind), who get into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. . . . like for curing an old toy collection.

    As a mother of three sons, I am quite prepared to vouch for the efficacy, but only if the exact physical symptoms were present also, eg hotheaded temperament by red facedness about not yet having found out what all the names of all the monsters were in the game. (my sons are currently more likely to have magic the gathering, or warhammer, or some other equally expensive manner of processing the same now they are older) Point is, that if it is the right timing for the medicine, the person maybe running a slight (not so high to be dangerous) fever, and actually have a red face. It is a great medicine for bringing down the body temperature overnight, of four year old boys, whose hormonal balance is in flux.

    The things one learns when having fun!! I got into homeopathy when a friend took me out to a homeopaths house for a late night appointment and the homeopath offered me a "bit of blow" as he put it, afterwards, but after ten years, I knew enough to prescribe for myself, and as I'd smoked far less than the homeopath in those ten years, it seemed wise.

    Thanks for all your questions


  12. Hi

    thought I best let on what I have to offer

    although I assert here, I will be presuming few need, but may know of others who

    I am working towards developing a culturally appropriate indigenous rehabilitation and recovery centre, eventually one day.

    I am feeling blessed to have been invited to be a last minuite fill in at EGA to give the talk about how I ended up this way, being capable of exorcisms of addiction.

    I am feeling somewhat under the weather this week in respect of having needed to assert very overtly that my work needs to be kept right out of politics.

    I know a thing or two about opium derived substances, from learning in homeopathy originally, but also learning within an indigenous structured paradigm of how to think about what any drug is or was not, and within indigenous culture, how I could describe myself in this, might sound like this:

    "involved in the recycling of dreaming of hard core addicts, kind of keeps ahead of the game, but which is very expensive . . . since opium's device in the psychology, was to disable animist belief, and even when animist belief is held onto well enough by the conscious mind, the Spirit becomes disabled from animist practice, and instead turns lies into bacteria and viruses and other teeny tiny creatures, whenever attempting to sustain the self in true belief" quoted from an e-mail I sent earlier

    here is a different quote from a different e-mail I sent earlier, to a different recipient:

    "for the record, if I am going to introduce myself formally to any Aboriginal person, the facts I need to establish at the outset, are:

    I got born at Armidale NSW, in the songline alike the story of Koopoo the Kangaroo as it is told at Katherine, also known as the little, but very hungry, snake story, south west of Tenant Creek way. My father and mother are Rainbow Serpent people, known well in the Dreaming where they live now, down in Canberra, but they do not identify, as my ancestors started passing as white prior to Federation.

    I have been informally identified now for over nine years, which is not long by contrast to the experiences of other Aborigines, but long enough to understand, that even as a white person, a whole different level of oppression is conducted against Aboriginal culture and cultural bias, that very often goes unnoticed by most white families, my own parents included.

    I am 43 years old now, 44 later this year, and a mother of three sons all over the age of 12.

    My current partner is the son of an Aboriginal woman and a white Naval officer, and my sons and I support his recovery from various different traumas he had to accommodate only from being born black, but including extremes of homelessness in youth, and a total of 14 years in prison, (for whatever that was worth). I mention that because I know among some Aboriginal families, length of time in gaols, counts as a strange kind of status-less status, however, might reiterate that he is at present in real recovery.

    My own clan I am accepted Dreaming among by traditional families in the Northern Territory, (at Yuendumu I am Yapa way, a true nungarrayi, and have been accepted briefly in Darwin and Alice also), is Emu, which makes me a bit of an oddball within indigenous families, because my birth family blood is Rainbow Serpent, but I am instructed my Spirit family blood is Emu, but I have a Scrub Turkey husband now. I also have some wallaby story, a few black goanna, a red bellied black, desert kultarr hopping mice, and sugar glider local to my hometown of Armidale.

    I live at Brisbane now."

    UMMM, and the point of this opening introduction to who I am, (and might be in your heads),

    is to say that I can, and will be making available, a set of homeopathic medicines, for taking in sequence, which are enabling of alleviation of such serious addictions as I have happened to have to mention, to communicate the fact, but normally prefer not to have to speak of

    thanks for reading this, it ought to be fine for me to post without further reference to addictions, but I will from time to time have the medicines available for sale

  13. Hi,

    it is certainly true, that use of Eucalyptus leaves need take care as to which variety, and that Koala are very picky

    I have two interesting facts to add:

    tea is made from trees in the paperbark family, from the bark, but maybe not all of the paperbarks, but the one I know about grows in the tropics, and maybe all are safe

    the tea is a medicine, . . . but how to know if it is needed, would not be from any particular single symptom, but rather overal patterns in disease. a sort of too much wondering about what you look like kind of psychology, which was causing any health problems associated with that psychology

    how Koala's learn to manage a diet of Eucalyptus leaves, when young, is interesting:

    the mother gets her own shit and softens it with milk in her pouch, leaving it in there until the milk in the milk-shit mix curdles

    the feeds it to her baby while weaning the baby

    clever huh!
