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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by GingaNinja

  1. GingaNinja

    lotus stamen

    According to literature a dose of this is in the few grams range. How are people dosing it? For now I just more or less eat it as I dont have anything to grind. I know mixing with alcohol works but thats not what I want all the time.
  2. GingaNinja

    Electron Microscope

    awesome Pusemuckel, many thanks for sharing
  3. GingaNinja

    delosperma bosseranum bioassay

    Harry did you plant this in the ground or pot?
  4. GingaNinja

    Heavy Metal

    haha thanks, may help thing along the song is this one The Divine Falsehood ill be ya best friend if you help me
  5. GingaNinja

    No-Dig potato growing experiences?

    Ive grown spuds like that (wire mesh) before with success. As for yeilds I cant accurately compare to inground but I was satisfied with the outcome. I generally make a good nutrient rich base and use only small amounts of compost when doing the 'layering'. I figure there bottom roots will do the job well enough. The advantage is that you can squeeze in a 'tube' in some random part of the garden and it doesnt have to be permanent. I say give it a go, if you got space and resources you could do half half. As for tyres I have heard at high temps the rubber starts to leach bad shit, pretty scientifical info I know Having said that I have used tyres in the past.
  6. GingaNinja

    Ayahuasca and learning to die

    IME they are the complete opposite of slow growing. 30cms in 2 years seems wrong to me
  7. GingaNinja

    references about DMT in the popular media

    The DMT molecule: A tryst with spirits, elves and aliens not sure if thats exactly what you want In the last ten years, there has been a slowly growing occurrence of underground ayahuasca religious ceremonies in Southern California, and primarily in Los Angeles. These ceremonies are spread by word of mouth, and entrance to it carries a donation. It’s a ‘donation’ because it can’t be called an ‘admission,’ which is considered taxable income. Also, the ayahuasca drink used in the ceremony is illegal. What is ayahuasca, and why is there a ceremony surrounding it? First of all, ayahuasca is a religious drink consumed by indigenous Indians in the Amazon. It’s hush-hush here in this country because the drink is technically illegal. This is because its active psychedelic component is a compound called DMT (the illegal part.) DMT is short for dimethyltryptamine. It occurs naturally in mammalian brains, albeit in extremely small amounts. It is a psychotropic drug. It can be extracted and refined from certain plants, such as mimosa hostilis. DMT is also a Schedule 1 drug in the United States. This means, very simply, that ingesting this innocuous-sounding substance lands you in very hot water with your local drug and law enforcement authorities. By the accounts of people who have ingested DMT, the experience begins with the visual appearance of geometric shapes of increasingly complexity. This is then followed by the gradual imposition of a subjective perceptual reality populated by entities of either animal and/or non-human form, and interestingly, of creatures which resemble contemporary descriptions of aliens. There are also encounters with human spirits (who may or may not be relatives.) The preceding is a grossly simplified encapsulation of the sensory experience and it should be noted that the duration and appearance of these entities varies from individual to individual. Now, these perceptual experiences may or may not sound like the psychotropic adventurer’s cup of tea (which is how ayahuasca’s consumed) but there’s a caveat to this ticket-to-fairyland beverage; the taste of ayahuasca is indescribably vile, and the Indians also refer to ayahuasca as la purga, (the purge) because the consumer will inevitably vomit, or have extremely loose bowels. There are alternative and less gastro-intestinally distressing ways to ingest DMT, such as smoking it, or injecting it. Both are disquieting prospects, because in order to smoke it, you must know how to chemically extract and refine it. To inject it is an even more physically invasive procedure that immediately bumps DMT consumption into a much more serious category of psychotropic exploration. DMT is not for the bong and pizza crowd. So what’s the point of ingesting DMT if it can either make you hurl or require that you have a background in organic chemistry? It isn’t called the ‘spirit molecule’ for nothing, because the transcendent qualities of DMT cannot be disputed. The ingestion of DMT in the form of ayahuasca is a sacred function by amazonian Indian shamans and tribes. It is also part of religious ritual by the Christian Santo Daime sect of Brazil. DMT is one of the few psychotropic substances where users frequently describe interactive encounters with personalities. DMT’s consciousness-altering experience has been sampled by William Burroughs, Allen Ginsburg, Terence McKenna and Timothy Leary. They all attest to DMT’s potent launching of the subject into a sometimes frightening plane of reality. But they all agree it is a powerful psychoactive experience. The "trip" itself seems (in a distillation of several accounts) to break down into specific stages: Firstly, geometric patterns appear in the subject’s vision. They grow in intensity and complexity. They are not static, but mobile, and constantly changing into higher orders of shapes and size. The second stage is the movement of the experimenter through a metaphorical transitional structure; this could be a huge tunnel, encountering a "membrane" of light, beyond which dim figures can be seen, or entering a vast hall or chamber, where the topmost dome or ceiling opens up to whatever the individual is then about to experience. And this next part is where it gets tricky. Depending on whom you talk to, this next stage ranges from traumatic to awe-inspiring. Various animals may be seen. Most encounter the "machine elves." In some experiences, they’re literally wearing elf-garb, down to pointy hats. In other instances, they may have an insectoid appearance. They’re all under four feet high. Many times they’re aware of your presence, and may try and interact with you. There’s a strong impression they’re workers. But even this stage is a preamble. If you’re lucky (or unlucky) you might next encounter the "alien entity." This personality fits most contemporary descriptions of an "alien" – large head, narrowing chin, black slits for eyes. Their demeanor can range from indifferent, to curious, to outright hostility. Many of those who have partaken of either ayahuasca or DMT testify that the stages of experience described above may not happen during a single trip. Sometimes it takes multiple DMT sessions to progress toward the next phase. It’s as if there’s an acclimation mechanism at work. Because of the seemingly organized aspects of the DMT-induced experience, some experimenters have hypothesized that DMT turns off filtering mechanisms in the brain that prevent certain visual and auditory stimuli from interacting with our cognitive processes. These stimuli are assumed to be unrelated to our consensual reality, to our coping & survival in it, and therefore our neurobiology has evolved to block it from our consciousnes. In other words, if these filtering mechanisms didn’t exist, we’d be swamped by so many audiovisual phenomena that we wouldn’t be able to focus on our immediate survival needs. So where’s the auditory and visual stimuli coming from? Is it generated by our subconscious, by some part of our brain that’s been locked away for hundreds of thousands of years? The commonality of the experiences, the literal "sameness" that all DMT experimenters both supports and undercuts that. The initial appearance of geometric patterns could be ascribed to a section of our noggin that all of homo sapiens shares, one that generates the same imagery. But the animals? The elves? The aliens? It could be that DMT is helping the user to access a collective unconscious of stored archetypes. But if you’re willing to ingest that scenario, then why not a dimension beyond our own? Is that still too far of a stretch? There’s actually a precedent for this belief system. It’s called religion, and billions of us ascribe to one form of it or another. Sometimes, out here in Los Angeles, it’s by word of mouth, a donation, and a teacup of la purga.
  8. GingaNinja

    What do you see?

    nice work FancyPants. two thumbs up
  9. GingaNinja

    Who is going to EGA?

    lol lets hope so
  10. GingaNinja

    A hobby I never knew existed.

    easy captain, no need for that crap simply over a difference in ideals.
  11. Ive never heard people mention growing these but on the off chance someone is I would like to get hold of either Calea urticifolia Calea montana
  12. GingaNinja

    The great Diviners Sage

    All but the iboga are illegal to possess/trade.
  13. you knows it its meant to be good for aeration and root health. Still in early days of experimentation but so far things look promising.
  14. Not organic but I use these 4 in varying ratios depending on thing getting potted Searles potting mix Coir Diatomite Sand
  15. GingaNinja

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    awesomeness VVVVV gets dream herb (calea herbage), lotus stamen, and acacia acuminata, heimia salicifolia seed VVVVV
  16. fooken hell, thats awesome Coquero. how long has it been in the ground?
  17. GingaNinja

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    nice Wongsan VVVVVV A.acuminata, Tomato 'Tropic', catha edulis seeds and a few grams of lotus stamen VVVVV
  18. GingaNinja

    Youtube vids

  19. GingaNinja

    Cacti heaven

    good find man. not sure about the taste of bridgesii fruit, but you could get the seeds out aswell and try germinating some.
  20. GingaNinja

    Heavy Metal

    If anyone could be fooked, could you listen to the following song and perhaps recommend similar bands?? The thing is that this is the only song i like of Job for a cowboy. There other stuff doesnt do it for me but this song is the shiz nits imo. be a sport
  21. GingaNinja

    tuning in

    Ive had no experience with this sort of thing but have been meaning to looking into it with more detail. Thanks for posting Do you use computer programs to create single frequency tones? If so what program?
  22. GingaNinja

    What do you see?

    The quality went a bit shit from reducing the size but I dont know how to do it differently
  23. GingaNinja

    Youtube vids

    Im sure alot of people have seen this but for those that havent... Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL
  24. GingaNinja

    lotus stamen

    many thanks VS now i need to get motivated and make my lotus beer
  25. GingaNinja


    Thanks PD \m/