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The Corroboree

Chrissy Star

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Everything posted by Chrissy Star

  1. ...this post have transformed to something else, hasn't it? ....if it hasn't - what am I missing ??? What has a timecapsule, snapchat and 3 interests of folias got to do with Aya Ceremonies in Oz ?? All the best to you 2 who do understand, but could you please make yourselves a new post if it isn't relevant? I consider this to be a serious issue - I am an environmental scientist and I wish to lean on aya as a resource. I plan to do this in much the same way that the dude who won a Nobel Prize for unravelling the mysteries of DNA used LSD. Psychoactives can solve big problems that are otherwise too complex for the everyday mind. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvZt9YrNCkE So PLEASE - don't sidetrack the post !!
  2. Hi yvolution, FINDING SOMEONE TO HELP: I have always thought and felt that an open heart with good intentions is all a person needs in a search (doesn't matter what the search is for)...this is because when communicating to people, they need to feel comfortable and safe - and on a psychic level, these attributes will be read loud and clear!!! I think that also being calm and centered also helps - so that the psychic communication is clearer. WHY THE DELAY: Getting "there" (wherever this may be) may mean some insights or understandings are required...it may take time to obtain these. You may be preparing yourself for the experience without realising it. A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON PEOPLE'S REACTIONS WHEN SEEKING AYA: I recently had a person's name passed to me (regarding Aya sessions) whom I contacted via email. I was open and truthful, believing this would make the person feel comfortable. I sent it to their work, which is Aya friendly. I assumed such an email would lift their spirits (knowing qualified people are behind their work and willing to stand up and say so). This was the type of letter that if need be, could be shown in the courts as proof that there is a need for aya, thus could contribute in their defence. Unfortunately it was not taken this way - apparently I put them in a bad position with their boss and they were very angry with me, telling me they never want to hear from me again and that it was putting their business in jeapordy. So, I have learnt that the oppression which causes things to go underground is pretty significant when it comes to this subject - it's not like cannabis, where many people will openly admit to being a supporter...I'm not sure what makes it so different though. I hope it gets better soon. It gets me down - won't stop me though!!! The medicine is just too great to oppress (and personally, I won't do so by being afraid of the [fake] authority)!!! SUCCESS: I have not had success yet - but my research have led me to many plants within which are aya's major properties (ie. DMT). They are pretty much everywhere once you get to know em and their extraction is a simple process. I can see the difference in being self-facilitated over an experienced facilitator - and would like to know both. PM me if you would like to catch up and chat about the subject. I am in the Lismore area and will travel to surrounding areas (ie. Byron etc). Hope you find what your looking for soon.
  3. Chrissy Star

    Fertilizer for Acacia maidenii?

    Hi! I had 10 madenii which i grew from seed. I gave them very little care for the first few months, maybe up to a year - I pretty much left em for dead. So one day i did get round to em and found that 4 were still going. It has been around 2 years now and they really started to take off when I replanted (gave more root space) and fertilized. I have found they are very hardy with fertilizer and react quickly and well (dark green, glossy & wide leaves). I use EcoWeed (Seaweed fert) & hydroponic nutrient. My bf had a good point about whether to treat Aussie natives with fertilizer or not...he reckons that just because a plant can exist in low nutrient soil doesn't mean that it wouldn't appreciate a good dose of em...and this makes sense - we live on(in) a boom/bust land where there is little water and nutrient for long periods, followed by excessive water and nutrients sporadically. The plants boom in the boom times and tolerate the bust times. So fert on, I say!!!
  4. Hi Scarecrow. I like your post and feel the effects of the illusion of disempowerment also. I notice that I have to constantly re-align and re-assign my energies to deal with the lack of love that I believe this illusion stems from. This can be very hard - especially due to my recent human history (ie. my upbringing, including local and extended communities). But I love the effects of these efforts - bringing a sense of knowing what it is to be truely alive and kicking (and loving)!!! Through experience I have found that this disempowerment "battle" is the same as any substance - it creates sensation through experience...and through this - we know ourselves and all that is. ...the point of that last comment is to say that in my opinion, no substance should be outlawed. I believe that all peoples (though respect for each other in communication and love) should educate each other when it is the right time...and therefore, in regards to substances, a person will see that heroin, cocaine, ibogaine, mescaline, LSD, DMT and all of life (including non-life) - should never be fucked around with, everything will teach a lesson in respect and there is no such thing as "abuse". I love overstepping my boundaries and allow my consciousness to expand beyond limits. The universe and I co-create such experiences and my heart keeps beating. I hope this sharing assists you in overcoming your "shamanic illness" and if you would like to chat more, I love this subject - bring it on!!! The reason I love it, is because it is in my nature to love and unravel and unravel and love (ever healing, ever healing, ever healing, ever healed). My assistance in helping you heal helps me heal. Thank you from the depths of my soul.
  5. ...wow!!! We certainly have some issues here in Australia (due to fear of the unknown) with the govt bodies (elected as fairly/unfairly as they are) and some of their workers (such as the law enforces who do not turn a blind eye for the greater good)! Just the very topic of something "illegal" has caused disruption and dysfunction in communication between "members of the public" !! Sad really, that the friction of policing is carried over to circles which are trying their best to be free and open - freedom fighters, standing against those who take away freedom, are themselves forced to be freedom takers. How hard this must be for all who are involved - such confusions over the why the desire to communicate freely is oppressed (the ones being "told off") and also over why people don't understand that their actions are to keep freedom on the net (the ones who are doing the "telling off"). It's times like this that I observe that we live in a "nanny state & country". Know what I do? Follow my heart and ignore it all - put my head down and take the blows. Yes, sometimes I have trouble over it, but most times I don't. And I feel good on the inside (my heart and conscious), which to me is all that matters. I love you all. Glad you caught me on a good day.
  6. Chrissy Star

    Quandong - germination

    Hi all the green thumbs out there... I have tried and failed to germinated quandong seeds. The net does not propose this is an easy task - but I am sure if it has been done - it's been down by someone on this site (ie. the fantastic corroboree community has not failed me yet, thank you to all.) ANY ADVICE PLEASE - on how to germinate the quandong seed ???
  7. Chrissy Star

    What weird things do you collect

    Feathers knives Chem-ware crystals knowledge plants cloth healing and mind expansion experiences for others (ie. taking people on experiences they wouldn't normally do)
  8. Hi, does anyone know where I can source grass from? I am sick of looking at the same types of lawn, I feel like something different!!! In particular, I would like to source Phalaris aquatica (common name: toowoomba canary grass). But I am also interested in other species (especially native) - I just love grass in general. Are there any other grass lovers out there? I would also like to source grass that grows well in acidic environments (ie. in acid sulfate soil). Info on P. aquatica... http://www.pasturepicker.com.au/Html/Phalaris.htm
  9. Chrissy Star

    Quandong - germination

    Thank you Psychonaut. Do you mean via passing through their gut, or via their dung?
  10. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Thank you so much Whitewind!!! You have put to words what was in my heart all along and what I many times tried to include in this post but ended up deleting for one reason or another (I've still got far to go in my communication skills). It was really upsetting me watching all the negativity unfold with regards to ceremony/no ceremony...glad you have leveled this. I appreciate you.
  11. no prob....the trees call me anyway....no need for company!!! they are all I need.. Sorry for scaring you folk, and myself (it scares me if this site was gone), sometimes I get carried away in the no fear thing I seem to possess so strongly. ...see u in private somewhere maybe one day.
  12. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Maybe a little experiment could go on for the ones who honour the "traditions"...one time follow the traditional methods etc...the next time don't follow the traditional methods, then see how different the experience is. I personally am more interested in whether the experience is different due to the dmt source - will it be different if it comes from say acacia compared to the vine (even with purification etc)...is there an inherent energy in the molecule due to it's origins???
  13. Chrissy Star

    Cancer treatment

    I believe that all air play is good air play when it comes to plant communities being used in place of pharmaceuticals (...so long as it's not prohibition that is...) - so I do get excited, VERY excited when I see articles like that!!! I get excited because it brings to mind that we have choice and that what the average doctor tells us to get at the pharmacy is not the only possibility for healing - that yes, we can find healing substances in our plant communities!!! Awesome!!! The planet looks after her own so well.
  14. Chrissy Star

    Cancer treatment

    RADIUM WEED or CANCER WEED....used by indiginous fold, plucked from the ground and placed over skin cancer until it heals. I have included 2 attchments, one about the plant (Euphorbia peplus), one is a medical paper on it's success. this should be common knowledge for all australians and grown in the backyard in the vege patch. All the best in treating this before u loose ur nose !!! Radium weed.pdf Radium weed (Euphorbia peplus) - Copy.pdf
  15. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Here are 2 lovely things to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4RkOsLxoT4&feature=related Old school documentary on Ecuador Ayahuasca Pasha Dume - shaman song of the Amazon Paintings by a shaman who is also an artist: Search on images - Pablo Amaringo
  16. Much appreciated. ...anyone else? Please feel free to communicate with me.
  17. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    If a person were to follow their intuition and learn much from their surrounding environment, it could be possible to become a self taught shaman. This information was sourced from the beloved wiki. Chakapas are percussion instruments used by Shamans. The sound of the chakapa is said to comfort patients in an ayahuasca ceremony and "cleans" the energy surrounding the client. Shaman have a large variety of shakapa movements that create different sounds and energy waves, these movements match the coinciding icaro and healing that is being done at the time. Icaros are medicine songs, used as part of the toolkit of Shamans. The doctor spirits teach the shamans their icaros. Icaros are expressed in the form of song and are a major system of delivery of the shamans’ spiritual energy. They are used to bring on mareación (the visionary effects of the Ayahuasca), take mareación away, call in different plant spirits, call in the spirits of others or the deceased, take away dark spirits and dark energies, and manage the ceremony. Common admixtures with their associated ceremonial values and spirits: Ayahuma[13] bark: Dead Head Tree. Provides protection and is used in healing susto (soul loss from spiritual fright or trauma). Head spirit is a headless giant. Capirona[13] bark: Provides cleansing and protection. It is noted for its smooth bark, white flowers, and hard wood. Head spirits look Caucasian. Chullachaki Caspi[13] bark: Provides cleansing to the physical body. Used to transcend physical body ailments. Head spirits look Caucasian. Lopuna Blanca bark: Provides protection. Head spirits take the form of giants. Punga Amarilla bark: Yellow Punga. Provides protection. Used to pull or draw out negative spirits or energies. Head spirit is the yellow anaconda. Remo Caspi[13] bark: Oar Tree. Used to move dense or dark energies. Head spirit is a native warrior. Wyra (huaira) Caspi[13] bark: Air Tree. Used to create purging, transcend gastro/intestinal ailments, calm the mind, and bring tranquility. Head spirit looks African. Shiwawaku bark: Brings purple medicine to the ceremony. Provides healing and protection. Camu camu Gigante: Head spirit comes in the form of a large dark skinned giant. He provides medicine and protection in the form of warding off dark and demonic spirits. Tamamuri: Head spirit looks like an old Asian warrior with a long white wispy beard. He carries a staff and manages thousands of spirits to protect the ceremony and send away energies that are purged from the participants. Uchu Sanango: Head of the sanango plants. Provides power, strength, and protection. Head doctor spirit is a grandfather with a long, gray-white beard. Huacapurana: Giant tree of the Amazon with very hard bark. Its head spirits come in the form of Amazonian giants and provide a strong grounding presence in the ceremony
  18. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    I am also seeking one...I have tracked down some people and am talking with them about it. I think if you started to talking to people in your local area, they will open up as mine did in my area. Through friends, like minded people on the street, in shops (pick the right ones obviously, I'm not talking about in coles). etc etc.
  19. Chrissy Star

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Don't be silly!!! Alot of people are free and without fear! Maybe you should self-check yourself before you make wild claims !!! I myself will tell you anyting you ask if I feel it is right. And I have sourced so much info from this site and found no barriers. Try Errowid, that is another great source of info. I wish the fearful would free themselves and not spread their dis-ease !!!!
  20. Chrissy Star

    Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)

    Heya, MAITAKE mushroom pics are supplied below... I am interested if any Australian mushrooms look like these (ie. is there an Aussie counterpart or related species). I would also like to get a MAITAKE mushroom for home use. Do you know these mushrooms or better yet - have you grown any in Australia - or know of how I can get one (I live in Lismore, Northern NSW)? Additionally, tell me what you think about these beings - do you like them, know them, have u eaten them, are they attractive to you???
  21. Chrissy Star


    Hey u awesome ones...I am looking to custominze my beautiful world (of grass) with something other than "blue cooch" and all teh rest of the lawn regulars. Someone mentioned Phalaris as a possibility...does anyone know where I may find this plant? Or know of ANY grasses that are not common knowledge and can be grown as an actual lawn...or not even a lawn...ANY grasses u like??? Thnx u great souls, much love and respect 2 u and ur peps!!!
  22. That's so funny !!! I generally think the other way - my husband would slow me down !!! But that was when I was with my ex-husband. My current one and I would have no problems at all. And as for the kids, well of course that would be mine and my husband's responsibility and thus would be fine too. That's just the way we roll.