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Everything posted by tanjent

  1. tanjent

    Melbourne Psilos?

    Good evening fellow freex! I just came out of a very vivid and bizzare daydream involving magic fungi. In the dream I was just beginning a period of experimentation with BLOO FUNGI. I was trying to find out what documented species, if any, were common to melbourne. I was seeing something called 'blue meanies'(wavy caps, growing on tanbark etc) which I was trying to figure out whther they were either p.subaeruginosa or p.cyanescens but was not entirely sure-maybe there are un-documented species in melb? the next part of the dream involved trying to figure out if p.semilanceata(Liberty Caps) existed in melb? hmm strange dreams... I wonder if anyone can comment, I obviously need help
  2. tanjent

    Melbourne Psilos?

    Thanx for ure help ppl! Cheers for the great link ED, just what i've been looking for! hoo roo
  3. tanjent

    MAOI advice??

    Hey freex! I'm trying to fast at the moment in preparation for a syrian rue/dmt combo, and would luv to hear any advice/suggestions of the best amount of time to fast for, any foods(which arent on the NO-No list ofcourse)that ppl have found useful to eat during the fast, just to keep the stomach acids at bay.. thanx!
  4. tanjent

    MAOI advice??

    cheers Chemical Shaman, i've heard of what happens to those 'joint' smokers. i'll be more careful .i really dont wanna do another stretch Gem, say hi to that ole iguana, i'll look in to what u suggested.
  5. tanjent

    MAOI advice??

  6. G'day fellow freax I'm in melb. & wish to start a simple garden to grow mainly vegies/herbs, but would love to include some entheogenic species-(I Have seeds for p.harmala & I.Violacea.) I'm tossing up whether to have an outdoor/greenhouse etc?? as u can tell i'm yet to learn the ways of my greenthumb, any Links or advice would be much appreciated!
  7. tanjent

    advice for starting ethnogarden?

    Cheers Ed Dunkel, ure help is much appreciated. I'm slowly getting the garden bed ready. i'll let u know how it goes
  8. tanjent

    advice for starting ethnogarden?

    Thanx for ure replies. I'm in blackburn. ps Adrian, are u behind 'green house-earthpod'?
  9. tanjent


    Dear God of Fuck, That is the most beautifullest post i have encountered in a long time, u crazy bastard!. I am left breathless, speechless. No one could have put it more eloquently than a pure enlightened being like yourself I'm trembling with enchantment! Nice photo by the way! happy solstice