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The Corroboree


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About mickyJ

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  1. mickyJ

    S.W. Western Australia sub pics!

    yes they are
  2. mickyJ

    do blue meanies grow in western australia?

    Hey Rev, is your site up and running, like can i order some stuff from you now or u still workin on it?
  3. mickyJ

    Help my hunt

    subs dont grow in cow patties or other poo, well they might but they dont require em. They are found most commonly around grassy areas amongst eucalypt and pine, there are many that look very similar so be careful what u pick, there is one poisonious variety that grows there that looks very similar, ive always gotta empty them out of my mates bag, hes seem them in the flesh and he still picks the wrong ones *poke* image: http://www.hiddenforest.co.nz/fungi/family...ges/strop01.jpg Make sure the stem is white, and is hard, it will also turn blueish after being picked. Older shrooms will look less caramel and more brown/cream but have the same stem.
  4. mickyJ

    WA season

    yer they are out there, but not many, found some that would be over a week old and a few pins from the recent rains however with the fine sunny days forcast for the next week or more i dunno if they gunna get nice and big, think might have to wait a few weeks till the next rain to make it fully worthwhile...
  5. mickyJ

    WA season

    Thats a bit disconcerting to hear focus, sounds more like a nightmare than a dream. I was planin on walkin the bibblimum track this wekend and havin a look and had my hopes up but now im wondering if its worth the effort and petrol :/
  6. mickyJ

    WA season

    What times have ppl most frequently encountered them? Prolly be pretty safe early mornin as the sun just come up, they still be in bed or waitin for thier wives to deep fry thier dognuts hey....
  7. mickyJ

    WA season

    Hello all, im stocked i stumbled acorss this forum. For those fellow balingup enthusiasts im sure you all know Sen Costable Croucher, he busted us last yr so the cop threat is very real. We wernt even in the main jays rd area either, we drove down the balingup-nannap road bout 20-30mins out of balingup and came across a dirt loggin rd and drove along this for bout 10mins until we were in the middle of woop woop. We parked the car and then went for a walk amgousnt the pines, we spoted quite a few shrooms but none that we were lookin for About 20mins into our search we hear the sound of cop sirens and a megaphone "COME DOWN TO THE CAR". We shat ourselves and came up with an excuse being we were lookin for a suitable spot to camp followin the visit to the manjimup motorcross. Anyhow we got to the car and Crocher had a large milo tin filled with leaf, which he had got from our car, one of the idiots decided to bring his mother load down from perth. The fool then owened up to it, dun ask me why and was fined and given a criminal record, we did not have any mushies so did not get busted for that just told to leave the forrest area. I did however notice in his boot 4 bags of mushrooms so im guessin he had previously busted 4 other ppl for collecting. If you do not consider yourself a very cunning person i would not be going collectin durin the prime times at ballingup. Not unless u lived in the town and knew what was going on. All the same i live for my mushrooms each yr and i dont care what the risk i must have them so i shall be down there agian at my lil spot of bout 10m's squared. My friends go down to the main grassed area right off jayes road and they reakon they walk around with bout 12 other random ppl collectin them, that just sounds too risky but they havent been caught yet. All the best Micky J ps. stumbled across this article tonight (donnybrook news) , that is croucher in the pic for those of you who dont know him, hes a real prick so dont expect him to give u a warnin if u own up or be nice, its totally black or white for him so careful what u do, trust nobody, search all areas, the mushies are out there....