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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by LokStok

  1. LokStok

    Dealing with fungus gnats

    The real problem is in the media where their eggs hatch into little maggots which munch out on the fine roots of your plants. Pyrethrum is good, but also use it as a media soak to kill them in the maggot stage. Make up a watering can & water into your pots your every 4-5 days. After 3 rounds you will have broken the cycle, but you can never totally eliminate them. They also build up resistance. Also put half potatoes pushed down into big pots & trays, the maggots are attracted. The adult gnats are attracted to the colour yellow- make sticky yellow hanging traps. There is no quick easy final solution with these little fuckers, once they are there it takes an integrated management system to control them. In commercial nurseries, outbreaks are considered a sign that things are too wet.
  2. LokStok

    So where do I ask about none ethno plants

    Poisonshroom Ive got some spare Moringa tree seed that are a coupla months old, if you want to pm your address I will send them.
  3. LokStok

    So where do I ask about none ethno plants

    Ive grown these a couple times. Once using peatbased SR mix & the other just seived potting mix. About 80% germ.They need nothing special although I think they do like it warm. Daytime temps were 25-30 C. Leave the wings on & cover with about 1 cm of media. Keep moist. I direct sowed into revegetation tubes (70mm x 70mm x 120mm) and then repotted about 6 weeks later. They are pretty vigorous and robust.
  4. LokStok

    No growth on mycelium from spore inoculation

    I'm assuming he sterilized the agar mix in a pressure cooker or by doing a series of cooks in a microwave, yeah? Its easy to over-cook an agar mix and have the sugars caramelise as to be unusable to the mycelium- it then actually can retard or deter growth. For 500ml, about 15min in a PC once its reached pressure is about right.
  5. LokStok

    Quotes of the day.

    "On a clear day, you could see the back of your own head" Captain Goodvibes
  6. LokStok

    Cacti spines in flesh

    About 3 years ago i had a cactus spike in my index finger knuckle that I just couldnt dig out. It got so painfull & it was like everytime I used that finger it felt like it was grinding between the joint! I was seriously weighing up the surgery options when a work aquaintance told me to put a flax-seed poultice on it instead. I kinda gave that scant regard, but that night in continuing bad hand pain I googled it anyway and found this - http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/herbal/msg0117260822463.html so I thought WTHell, and gave it a go. Looked a bit feral after day 2 (leprosy bandage!?) -found myself explaining to everyone inc strangers. A meeting with the CEO of the company I worked for at the time was the worst! But it actually worked!! Really ! After about 7 days the sucker just came out. Anyway, felt I should share that.
  7. LokStok

    Garden getting me down.

    Ive been dragging my plants around in pots from place to place for the last 10 years (6 moves) and each move telling myself "thats it, I'm getting rid of ..%, cutting down, etc blah etc. But I dont. Attrition thru the neglect cyle takes it's toll, but I'm also always adding, can't help myself. At the moment I'm in an upcurve with it- cleaning up, repotting, weeding etc, in no small way instigated and inspired by some recent posts on this forum- Tripsis's garden pics & Mutants cacti porn to name a few outstandings. Sooo.... right now I guess for me its around 95% up & 5% not, and how i can easily guage that is that at twilight I find myself just wanting to go out and look at everything one last time. Like now. (funny thing is, I only came top this site for the myco action)
  8. LokStok

    Filters for grain spawn and liquid culture bottles....

    This is a very interesting relevant thread to me. I agree with your "infection due to residue" theory with self healers ENt, but whats a good/best alternative. I'm thinking for "working" LC's, possibly 5-6 seperate selfheal holes on a lid- should see it thru. But what about master LCs?
  9. LokStok

    Cactus and weeds

    Greetings, This is my first post on this forum. There is a selective herbicide that only kills monocots (grasses) called Fusilade. http://www.nrrbs.com.au/chemicalsfusilade.htm It works.