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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ghosty

  1. Yep, for how long who knows? anything with a .au is mostly pointless. And expensive. Most times if a need some part to make something i cant get it on ebay australia. most other ebays display actual useful things. things folks would want to buy. Items people can actually use. Australian ebay has turned into another pile of... selling generic crap nobody wants. Just like the "brick and morter" stores (i don't waste my time with anymore. no range, high prices, no service, offensive policy's that imply I'm some thief, etc. etc. etc., and now they wish to piss me about with parking, waste as much of my time as they can in every store found along the km long lineal walkways designed to waste your time, like i don't exist, till i demand service.. for what, a feeble bid to make me pay parking... joke). perhaps ebay australia (the stupidest ebay) should sell "insurance" too? A country gone mad.. there are several seeds that can be imported to australia without issues. if ebay wants to continue to destroy themselves with greed and stupidity, let them.. there are many company's to deal with. ebay put a gun to its own head a few years ago now, how long can they play with the trigger before it all ends? not too long now I'd say. In short, Fuk ebay.
  2. ghosty

    Advice for learning about cars...

    good advise Sally. i use little zip-lock bags to hold each and every screw and other part. along with diagram (drawn) to show locations. bigger parts such as heads, i wrap in clean plastic before and after i get round to reworking that part. to use magnetic trays will lead to hundreds of them and they'd be bound to get in the way and get knocked over. never place screws from a part removed together in a tray. you want the screws going into their original holes. Even if they fit, they will cause more "wear" as tightened. leading to less rebuilds before you need to go to threaded inserts and other such fun such as replacing an engine half, or crank-case half at high cost. the wear on each bolt and it's hole, is unique. I'd never "make a mark" on a timing system (the biggest panic for beginners) as the system has all the marks already. Advancing valve timing etc. is an area best avoided by anyone starting out. Unless considerable changes have been made, it's best at standard for general use.
  3. ghosty

    Advice for learning about cars...

    the thing that makes new cars a tad tougher is the emission control stuff (do you like hoses? LOL) mechanics dont, they tend to avoid the problem and stuff a ball bearing into one such hose $$$ great huh. the computer systems are not to worry about too much, you can buy connections and programs to use with them. just costs more. personally, i avoid such things. i like to keep things simple. mostly as i like to get home without something going wrong. its true bikes are often simpler (though this is changing) although bikes tend to have much narrower tolerances. read your manual many times over to become familiar with what your going to do. anything you dont understand you will read up on. installing pistons is harder in bikes than cars, as more often then not, you can build such engines "backwards". simple bikes to learn on would be such models as norton, suzuki (starting to get some complexity now). you want some stupid supprises, try honda, you want to deal with plain stupid tech? try BMW. "I would start there. Save the full engine rebuild until you've tried the basics first." Not me hahha. just dive in! but then i do tend to learn 4 years worth of something in 4 months fixing / rebuilding your own vehicle is great, comes with many benefits. not only can you be sure you vehicle is built well, safe and reliable, you also get to keep whatever you had in the vehicle as there is no mechanic to steal it.....
  4. ghosty

    Advice for learning about cars...

    I second the clean area!!!! this is most important. also, take care about tightening sequence's as specified. another thing worth noting when you get started is this; TURN OFF your phone or leave it where you WONT hear it. any distraction whilst building up your motor can cause massive issues and damage if you forget where you are in a process. I like to draw each part on a page of paper (crude) and label all the bolts / parts and their location. If you come to find your valve clearance is out of spec, REMOVE and CLEAN the valves before re-measuring them. 9 times outa 10 they need to be lapped again. rarely, if ever will they need to be adjusted or re-shimmed. most mechanics will just change spacers when in fact, the valves are carboned up. this will bit by bit, make your engine shit. obviously. the best advise i can give here? If it's hard to do, you are NOT doing it right. NOTHING should be hard in mechanics. second best advise i can give? grab a mig welder first off, many times you will encounter some tool you really need to make yourself. half of mine are self made.
  5. ghosty

    Advice for learning about cars...

    do what i did. go buy a good manual and tourque wrench. a manual like "hanes" is great (though they only make manuals for high end "fast" vehicles), there are others too. I did this when i took to my new motorbike, still owing $6,000.00 on it. i thought, if i get it wrong, i can always go to a mechanic. now, i am a mechanic, and a farkin good one at that. i would now, NEVER take my bike to a mechanic! bite the bullet, feel the fear, and do it anyway! It is not hard to do. i promise you. think of it like this; it's like being scared of lego. once you get into it, you cant believe you were even scared. what is is, is fear of the unknown. best of fun with your adventure. in 6 months, you will be a pro (if your anything like me)
  6. ghosty

    How to treat a lady

    gawd I'm sick on men looking at me like that..
  7. ghosty

    How to treat a lady

    LOL Discostu. Thanks I thought the end was great. A dick with his dick in a box, became a dick in the box LOL. So, you like to put dicks in boxes do ya mate? So do I!
  8. OK. I have spent the last couple months making a kiln for my arts requirements. Despite my efforts to protect myself (a bit lacking if I'm honest) I have found myself at times unable to breathe (edit- some 5% max) for hours on end. with fever type situations the night when this effect became known. It has come and gone over the last month or so. I didnt think about the silica dust in the bricks nor the clay i was working with. It got through the house, then my mop broke at the time i needed it most. having a bike only it's hard to buy one. so, weeks it's been wiping the floor down on hands and knee's with a wet cloth. trying every day to remove any dust that has emerged from between the floor boards (and everything else). this stuff is just so fine. it seems to pass right through skin pores too. I'm aware there is no known cure as such and i may have little time to enjoy life at this point. I have read that the indian sugar material jaggery is used with some success (best yet) something to do with invert sugars (have no idea yet about this). I'm today asking help from nature and the good folks of the world found here. I'm aware there are some very smart people here possibly involved in biomedical fields. My question is simple one. Does anyone here have any idea's at all how else i might be able to help myself with this horrid situation? I don't care at all if you have no "papers" or other such materials. I also don't care if your idea is currently recognized or not. After any input at all. Any "gut feelings" etc you might have. In short, this is for me only, no other life. I will take an educated chance on myself. rather happily. possible the chelate these compounds? silicon dioxide, so, silicon and oxygen matrix. Thanks for any offerings at all.
  9. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    psst, Pat, You're smarts are showing . again..
  10. ghosty

    Calling the police on a suicidal friend.

    " Firstly, if your friend sends you these images and messages, it is a call for help, specifically to you. It is a manipulative act, for if your friend truly wanted death, then they would not have informed anyone that could possibly interfere." hit the nail on the head. well said.
  11. ghosty

    Calling the police on a suicidal friend.

    " Is there anything else i could've done like a service or something other than the police to go and find him?" He is your friend, why cant you help him? you'd know him better than any services would. whats causing his issues? do you talk to him about it? is he honest with you? there is much YOU can do. I wouldn't accept his anger at you either, you did nothing wrong. those issues are HIS and he has NO RIGHT to put them onto you.
  12. me too LOL. but still, well compiled report. bound to help someone move a cactus in the future. great effort!
  13. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    "the 'Shamans' being referred to in the article posted, by practicing and applying their 'arts' to people who come from outside their immediate indigenous community, be they Westerner, or Eastern, or whoever, are by definition not Shamans at all. I've seen such people referred to as Neo-Shamans, but that is too kind a nomenclature in my opinion, opportunists is a better way of putting it, psychedelic entrepreneurs, might be a nicer take (particularly as i understand that they take monetary payments for their services in, which no true Shaman ever would) . At any rate, they are not Shamans. that was true yes. BUT, consider this. Money is, and will always be a major factor in the evolution of a person, culture, society, community and country. They, like anyone, would accept money if they felt it could help them to heal more people. improve their ability to do their work. The fact that many will work with gringo's and accept their money is not that "they are not shamans" but that, they, as shamans are evolving. as are their communities. If YOU were a healer, would you not wish to heal more people?
  14. ghosty

    Essential Oil Still

    I like you Grandawood, Love honest people good business.
  15. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    love, take a laxative.. and hope it doesn't hit real sudden
  16. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    " Let me see if I'm reading this right. Western ignorance = ignorant westerners = blame the victim Cultural clashes = armchair moral relativism = excusing the actions of the abuser" nice lot of hideous assumptions. Enlighten you? hmm, i doubt that's possible. I'm sure you can read, and have the net.
  17. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    "Whenever you get a situation like that unscrupulous practitioners will move into any field, especially in countries where poverty is rife. It will also happen in more affluent countries but to a lesser degree as life generally has a higher value in affluent society." maybe. or perhaps they have a network of vested interests / numerous "medical bodies" that protect these unscrupulous people, and paint over such matters with fancy colors. If you have ever had to deal with a negligent "doctor" here, or just looked into sri materials and medicine criteria you notice something rather alarming. something that directly conflicts with your statement.
  18. ghosty

    GLASS GEM CORN seed in stock!

    hmm, interesting story. Got to love folks like that
  19. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    good question and good point. Given the size of the america's and the differing issues and beliefs retained by the folks throughout the region, some bad is bound to happen. Add to that, the views of many brazilians and no doubt many other areas, that those with money or seen as having money (gringo tourists) must have got it through bad / brujo means. this would mean to them, that they are not of the same worth. In terms of ayahuasca, I'd imagine many tourists bring it on to themselves too. After all, this is the main reason some add toa (plain stupid). but gringo must have his chased effects, at any cost. with pharmacological views that dont mean anything pertaining to ayahuasca. Their ignorance leads to changes being made that are not in the best interests of anyone concerned. The result? deaths. What we can see is that western ignorance is mostly to blame. along with cultural clashes. full stop.
  20. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    well said Yeti. I'm the sort of person who puts every living thing before myself. I am very meek by nature. I just give and give of myself for others. some will say this is a mental condition. LOL. wWat ever makes it possible to justify their actions to themselves i guess. As you would imagine, i have been used and abused in almost every way imaginable. I,like shamans concern myself with the well-being of my community, animals, and the nature I'm part of, as a whole. I have interests in healing too. Whilst I am not specialist in anything, or any plants in particular I thus do fit the criteria of Shaman. I take much pride in that. So yeah, i do find it offensive. have we not yet learned as people in the year 2015 that pigeon-holing anything / anyone leads to only harm? Change, if you looked into "shaman's" or correct spelling will help you here. in it's the page title for ...sake. you'd have come to see that much of your expressed views are intrinsic to shamanism. You'd thus find that you have also offended yourself. edit - I have not ever abused or taken advantage of anyone. sexually, financially, or physically, my whole life long. Not once.
  21. ghosty

    GLASS GEM CORN seed in stock!

    OK, this thread has confused me.. there is painted mountain corn, glass corn and indian corn. they all look the same to me (the cobs at least) so, are they the same thing? if not, what is the difference?
  22. ghosty

    Abuse Of Power In Ceremonies That Use Psychoactive Substances

    wow, this thread became utterly appalling super fast! change, that's just plain stupid mate. and offensive. perhaps it's time for you to CHANGE your ways
  23. ghosty

    eBay/Gumtree finds

    well, they seem to have more than one ebay account too. like all ebay sellers who charge way too much. i have no trust in that person.
  24. ghosty


    hmm, might be wrong about this one. I'm going for possible red-belly.
  25. ghosty


    Hey, Good find Coolname. Thanks.