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The Corroboree


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  1. I am willing to let this account go. Dolos has only been used for this subject since not long after his conception. Dolos WAS the spirit of trickery and guileIve learnt by experience that you couldnt participate fully on this site if you openly admit that you dont believe in global warming and are willing to say it. Hense, Dolos...Others feel the same as me but are not game to post. If they have been around awhile they would have seen what happened to hutch. My other persona is all over this site but not on this subject, not even from the same url:. Never ever linked to this subject. I learnt how to play the game! I piss myself laughing when I get a like comment from either one of you fools. I have 18 likes alone from whitewind.I hold them so dear to my heart..lol But!!!! Have I done a trade with any of you? Do I have any of your mailing addresss or worse still, your home address? Heres a clueone of you has mine..Its fun playing your gameBut from it you can take a lessonYou may think you are posting here anonymously and for the most part you are. Ultimately we are all traceable and its dead easy. Torston can have me tracked in a second and dont think its not possible for me to track you. Maybe one of you has even given me an address. You can gang up and bully someone for only so long. That person may come back at you in ways you havent thought of. You should never post something about someone that you wouldnt be man enough to say to their face and believe me, I only post what I would say to your face. I have a funny feeling whitewind would cry in that situation.may even piss his girly pants. Do you think you can hide behind your keyboard? Im old school. Thats not a warning. I am simply pointing out to you that at the end of the day you should be prepared to back up your words in person cause you just never know when the need will arise. Maybe you hadn't thought about just how easy it is for a motivated person to track anyone in this country. Keep that in mind when you gang up on the next guy.....He might not be as forgiving as me....Catch ya round
  2. Thank fuck we have a change of government coming that will reverse this nonsense....When people read this stuff day in day out the soon wake up to the con... http://www.heraldsun.com.au/business/companies/australian-securities-investments-commission-reports-record-company-closures-many-blame-carbon-tax/story-fndgp8b1-1226599283585
  3. I just realized, I was responding to one girl and thought it was the other...oh well. You are all like clones of each other so it don't really matter....
  4. No stuff you! And I'm not ya mate..MATE! Never was and never will be. You have attacked me personally for years. Just read the thread if your not sure. You and the other 2 stooges playing tag team. I can't help it if you only type here what you THINK all your little friends would like to hear. You have found 'acceptance' here that you can't find anywhere else. I can't help it if you don't have the capacity to THINK for yourself. OOHHH look...an "alarming" new study.....Don't cry over this one..It's only another study and it doesn't stack up to real life facts. Another one to laugh at and mock down the track in a couple of years. Funny how the STUDY says its warming but when they actually measure the warming they find it's not..Oh dear! How fucked are these fools. Meantime one million Brits died from the cold. And guess what? They are just about to release another dump of IPCC emails. Apparently some very embarrassing stuff but lets wait till they release it before we laugh ourselves silly.
  5. YAWN! Think of something new will ya Qualia....post up some more 'climate models' for us to have a good laugh at a couple of years down the track. I reckon I could find plenty of them from your early days here that have already been proven to be wrong. That may be a fun excercise.... EVIDENCE! Now there is a good word. For years you guys have been posting 'predictions'....'best guess'...The models say..blah blah blah. I continually point out how actual observations show your models are garbage. Absolute crap!The very models you have put so much faith in are your undoing as they unravel. I take great pleasure in laughing at you three in particular. Your bullying of me here hasn't changed the facts. They keep staring you in the face. Much much more here : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2294560/The-great-green-1-The-hard-proof-finally-shows-global-warming-forecasts-costing-billions-WRONG-along.html#ixzz2NmaxG0lP Our friends in Britian are starting to come to grips with the big con....
  6. HA ha ha, perfect example of what happens if you cry yourself to sleep alone at nights or if your just really really nasty. Wonder if you shed a tear for any of the Britians who have died because of the cold. Ill keep this post safe for now as an example later of how a much inferior intellect, (YOU) reacts when actual observations fail to back up the shit that you guys have been putting up here for years. Your response? Lets make fun of a guy with a medical condition he has no control over. Okay for guys like you because you are saving the planet. WAKE UP! NO YOUR NOT. Your costing the planet! What confidence could anyone have in another graph from you lot? Oh look, the IPCC has put out a new graph that shows the end of the world..oh look, lots of red shades of colour, good so far....oh look, thats great newswere all doomed, doomed I tell ya. Quick to post these things but never quick to acknowledge their failings. Too many I suppose so who can keep track? Why would you put your faith in anything that mob put out? What would be their current strike rate for being any where near right? And the rest of us now just laugh at this shit. "the angry summer'...Give us a break!
  7. Well done waterboy. How could a man resist such stomach churning nonsense. "I cry alone at night" Oh please... no more I just don't think I'm up to it...and yes my good clown friend it is over...well to the majaroty of well read people around the world who have not cocooned theselves in an alarmist bubble it is....espesially those countries freezing their balls off at present. You guys are scared to read anything but your own dogma. Woe is the world....It's okay to freeze your elderly to death. The following is from one of your own...do you guys remember the old saying that 'as the facts change then so does my mind'. Astrophysicist Dr David Whitehouse: In retrospect, nobody predicted that in the age of global warming the annual average global temperature would remain unchanged for so long… It is incontrovertible that the global annual average temperature of the past decade, and in some datasets the past 15 years, has not increased. Year-on-year fluctuations, and any trend over this period, are within errors of measurement. The only justifiable statistical description of the global temperature during this period is a constant. Technically, this standstill can be seen in the datasets produced by NOAA, NASA, the BEST consortium, HadCRUT3, and especially, its successor HadCRUT4. This standstill has occurred as atmospheric CO2 has increased from 370 parts per million (ppm) to 390 ppm, providing an increasing forcing factor that will raise global temperatures. Some argue that the duration of the standstill is too short to be meaningful. Thirty years is taken to be the baseline for observing climate changes and fifteen years is too short. This report argues that 15 years is not an insignificant period; what has happened to make temperatures remain constant requires an explanation. The period contains important information and should not be dismissed as having no climatic importance. The recent warming period began about 1980 after four decades of globally stable temperatures thus the years of constant temperature are about equal to years when temperatures increased. This is not a trivial observation Calculations based on ensembles of climate models suggest prolonged standstills of about ten years can occur once every eight decades. Standstills of 15 years are much more difficult to explain. This report shows, that if we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold of global observations becoming incompatible with the consensus theory of climate change. Might be time to start pulling your collective heads out of your collective rear ends and read all the material.
  8. Thought I'de pop back for a bit of a look see how the alarmists are going....you guys never let me down. Seriuosly... You have got to be kidding? ROFALMAO.... OH How dramatic! Why don't you cry alone at night about something worthwhile and something REAL like this. http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/home/11076-britains-shame-one-million-britons-dead-in-winter-scandal?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+climatechangedispatch%2FnkcO+%28Climate+Change+Dispatch+news%29 Considering the globe hasn't warmed in the past 15 years I would suggest you turn your mind to the real disasters besetting humans and the planet and not manufactured ones. People like you will pay down the track for the trillions in wasted dollars and missed opportunities to solve the real problems of this planet. Your missguided side track has come at a huge cost to man kind. You will work that out in the not too distant future. "THE GLOBAL WARMING STANDSTILL" By Dr David Whitehouse. http://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2013/03/Whitehouse-GT_Standstill.pdf
  9. I'm finished....I'll just come back and laugh at you lot when it's over. Won't be too long. We laughed like fuck in the 70's at another lot of alarmists and we will be doing it again. In the words of another respected member of this forum..and I quote: Out of respect he shall remain anonomus. He is right and I shall head his advise....I've much more important things to be worrying about than your obsessive doom and gloom garbage. Your elitist boys club shit gets very tireing. Very childish for so called mature adults. ..... how much time have you wasted out of your lives trying to silence little old me. Am I that important? Now I‘m just bored with you....I'll pop back every now and again as important events unfold. cheers children....
  10. They say? They are a body of respected scientists...Who are you? Oh thats right...you is on the 'corroboree' so you are an expert on all things. You have shown you are not up to any form of debate unless all sides are in agreement. There are plenty of parts of the world that would benifit from some warming...to say otherwise is about as delusional as one man can get. You should move on before you make a real goose out of yourself.
  11. Can I just remind you of one thing here? I'm not the 20 or so scientists who put this report together. There is something about this body of work that really gets under Halcyon's skin. But anyway, I can pull your first statement apart easily...like this: The report says AGW is 'not settled science. Fair statement! But you say: . Yet how many times have you read Halcyon say things like this: and I quote.."Just accept the science and move on basically, we have a planet to save" I won't waste any time chasing up one of whitewinds quotes because you have been reading the same thread as me. They are every where. So your already wrong. I have lost count of the times I have been told here that the science is settled. IT"S NOT! Thanks for at least taking the time to look at it and respond. Look forward to your follow up.
  12. Well done mate...poor form again. You obviously can't debate this rationaly. Again all you have done is attack me. Silly stuff really.
  13. This report is not what Obama needs at the moment given that he has finally decided to address climate change. Even I was amazed there was no mention of it at all throughout the whole US election. Whilst the American people are freezing a group of respected scientists bring out a report that can only cast doubt in their minds as it does in mine. I don't know how you can just shrug this stuff off cause I can't. How can you just say the science is settled, move on?   (note: I would like to debate their findings. I'm not interested in tearing down the reputations of the authors/scientists or just trashing the website the information was sourced from...It gets none of us anywhere and just leads to more childish arguments) http://www.therightclimatestuff.com/SummaryPrelimReport.html
  14. Another example. Your message here is directed at me and could have been sent via a return PM and yet you have chosen to send it to me publicly. Stiring the pot I see...there can be no other reason. I only PM'd you to show you that I had a copy of what you previously posted and quickly removed. Please be reassured I will not PM you again.
  15. May have been nice if you had weighed into the debate in that tone in the first place. There could have been an interesting debate to follow about fudged numbers. I have some examples of the very same cherry picking or 'statistical inferences' by the 'other side' (for ease of future reference). You come in here obviously annoyed at me with your 'do you know what in the hells' and tried to freak me out cause you are a 'Statistics major'. That is basically how every one comes in at me now. Attack! And so it happens again. Where and when have I ever 'out rightly' (your words) said any nonsense of the kind that you wrote but just the opposite. You would know that if you had read just a little of the thread. I simply deplore alarmism and will call it out when ever I see or hear it and I disagree the planet is warming because of green house gases. It doesn't look to be warming at all at the moment. But how would anyone know really. The snap shot is so small given the age and history of the planet. I do believe mistakes have been made by scientists and attempts have been made to cover them up. A blind man could see that. As for all the other crimes against humanity you believe I am guilty of, not caring about the planet is not one of them. I would say my footprint or environmental impact would be much lower than most here. And that I would be willing and able to prove. We could have had an adult conversation. Our views may have differed but I could have excepted that. This is how I am treated here all the time. But I have everything backed up even the stuff others think they have edited out. And one more thing...you don't need to be a scientist to discuss things in the global warming/cooling thread, do you? Do you need a university back ground? Do you need be a member of the local 'greens party' cause that’s the way your made feel around here if you have a differing view. Sure the thread has gone off the rails again. But I can assure you that it is not all my fault. You dragged it a bit further off with your post. Each person has before and after you has...each little chip away at me just derails the thread that little more. Course I'm going to get my back up. Cheers Dolos.
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