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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by monkey

  1. monkey

    FREE spore print/live culture trading thread

    Thankyou kindly! VVVVVVVVVV Gets Type 2 B+ for microscopy only VVVVVVVVV
  2. monkey


    Greetings all, I was wondering if anyone has bothered with any sort of thermostat systems in their fruiting chambers? I once knocked up a temperature and humidity controller using an Arduino (programmable controller) for an unrelated use, which I think I might use when I try to grow some Shiitakes, given the FREEZING winter we are having. does anyone bother with such complicated solutions or do most species not really care enough to justify it? I could explain how I did it for anyone interested. The most expensive bit is finding a humidity sensor that works at high humidities. Temperature-only is a piece of cake. Monkey
  3. monkey


    Thanks for the replies everyone, I guess I'll finish my Arduino system since its half made anyway, even though the consensus seems to be that you can get decent results with a much simpler setup. Thermal mass is a good thing to get right if you go down the thermostat path, too little and you get annoying temperature jumps, too much (big bucket of water or something) and it might take too long to heat up the air every time you exchange it with the outside air.
  4. monkey


    There are different types of sensors, resistive, capacitive etc. capacitive seem to be the best at high humidities while still only paying a few bucks. I'm using a Humirel HS1100 datasheet here which claims to have an accuracy of 2% below 90% humidity. I've never had to use it above 90%, so I don't know how it goes up there. Question to those in the know, how would you describe the relative importance of all these variables? Does temp alone and rough humidity control (spraying every now and then) pretty much cover it? Considering a *wide* variety of species too. Since I've already got the Arduino I'll set it up to control: -Temp -Humidity -Fresh air exchange (using a CPU fan) -Carbon dioxide levels (overkill but meh. can cost round $50)
  5. monkey

    Ten Amazing Timelapse Videos

    HOLY MOLY thats amazing. I love the 2 men fighting
  6. Some great posts here. As a last resort, if you can't cancel the vocals using more sophisticated methods, try cutting the frequencies 75-1100 Hz using a graphic EQ or something. Narrow down within that range using trial and error... works good enough for mashups and stuff.
  7. monkey

    Lucid Dreaming

    These ideas of using herbs intrigues me... There has got to be something out there in nature that can aid in controlled dreaming whilst staying asleep. I can be fully aware that I am dreaming without waking up, the problem is, if I try to control the dream, the effort seems to wake me..
  8. monkey

    Perpetual Motion

    I really don't want to sound all closed-off with this statement, but really if you are thinking of perpetual motion machines you really need also become familiar with the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Basically not only you need to conserve energy, but it is very difficult to harvest low-quality, highly random energy such as heat in ambient air. The good news is our Earth has an abundance of sustainable energy that can be used (that still isn't technically "free" or "infinite"), such as solar energy. It is only a matter of time until people figure out how to make it cheaper than coal to practically use. IMO, its cheap enough already.
  9. not that this is a short term idea, but I've found citrus (esp lemons) go nuts producing once the tree has been given a few years to establish.