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Spirituality & science

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Who is going to find a workable way of combining science and spirituality?

The three forces that hold sway over humanity may simplified/broken-down into:

Spirit - Religion, paranormal & scientifically unexplainable

Technological - Science and

Biological - The biosphere/ GAIA and our own physical bodies.

It would appear that these forces are in conflict, fighting over the fate of humanity.

I would also suggest that the times of change are at hand, Technological presence is exerting tremendous presser upon the living entity of earth.

Religious extremisms is erupting, the spirit appears to be preparing for the quickening, but do not be distracted, my friends, a difficult task is at hand.

Equilibrium must be obtained!

Remember you too are organic, your spirit and soul may last an eternity,

Discoveries and learning’s, immortalised and preserved for children of tomorrow, so they may stand up and see the sun.

Please I beg, while you exit in the physical, show determination to survive and respect the past lessons learnt. We are a species in adolescence; we have to take responsibility before the decision is made for us.

In the name of the gods

Sol/sun/Ra. Energy, light & life, the heavy elements.

GAIA/Earth/biosphere our environment and our physical form, our mother who we harm.

Infinity/Fate/Lady-luck for chance and luck will be essential

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You have basically said what has been on the back of my mind for years.

Basically I think it's possible in time, as our evolution has resulted initially from spirituality, and in the recent era (that is slowly changing) it has been science.

Basically I hope that we are moving towards an aeon where magick and technology are fused.

I don't think it's too far away, providing we don't kill ourselves first.

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I read a thing on a website (deoxy.org ithink) about the earth being pregnant. that this overpopulation of humans is the physical embodiment of the accumulated phychic structures of earth (human or other). As if the masses of people represent a means for the earth to communicate itself to the rest of the universe.

Maybe all our strivings are an attempt to describe a higher-dimesional information network on a physical plane. are we dreamed or dreamers?

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It's interesting - my mother thinks that "we will be the ancient ones" ie. that we will populate the universe, and that other species will evolve from us. The down side is that our search for others may reflect our emptiness - we are truly alone.

I told her that this is'nt that different an idea to ones underlying star trek - she hated that. Captain kirk was a sleaze bag!

However, even if we are the old ones, that doesnt mean that there are not already other consciousnesses here, synchronous with our own - eg. cetaceans, plants. Maybe the planet itself (if you are a Lovelock fan (I am). Obviously all of this is very dependant on an anthropomorphic notion of consciousness.

I am with wittgenstein "About that which we cannot speak, we will remain silent". Magic is science yet to be described.

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