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The Corroboree

Zen Peddler

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Everything posted by Zen Peddler

  1. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Oh well that was what I was told.
  2. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Trying to get as much done as I can before baby 2's arrival ;)
  3. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    I did a few random straw bags that did ok but I do intend on giving it a crack on a supplemented wood/sawdust block as I gear they taste way better off that. more recently I did a few large substrate bags for a local school and I'm waiting for photos ;)
  4. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Haha - my wife sends me to the compost heap quite often. ;) your defibately throws off some very uniform flushes
  5. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    That flush of shrooman's looks fantastic - dud you notice a taste difference between wood v straw pr similar substrates?
  6. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Nsf's does look very tidy!
  7. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    My white oyster strain was given to me by an old friend when I got back into the hobby and I had no intention of selling it as I'm not really an oyster fan myself but literally broke open four Petri dishes by cracking them it got my attention. not sure of its origin but I doubt its an official aloha bank strain or any other similar commercial strain. But then again I have ko1 and ko3 king strains and my Aussie sourced one seems way better.same thing with pioppino - have swordbelt and workie's and Worowa's performs.better.
  8. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Looks great on straw there nsf. Nice even flush.
  9. Zen Peddler

    FREE spore print/live culture trading thread

    I got confused -anyone want blewit strain that pins but hasnt yet fruited or one of my king strains?
  10. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    My wife refused to eat those kings on shape alone... LOL
  11. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    I just cased two large bags with two more to go. Have to fruit in a cheapo fruiting chamber at present but my better set up is finally unpacked post mites...
  12. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    Thanks mate - these were more test grows of specifici strains more than anything else:
  13. Zen Peddler

    Lepista nuda - Wood Blewit?

    They were superb!
  14. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

  15. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    These are all test grows so rarely on more than 1 to 1.5 litres of wood. Will be doing big baggies now I know which strains are worth it Here is some rhizomorphic lightning from lepista saeva: And the superb SRA strain looking tidy:
  16. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    Oops posted the same twice.
  17. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    Here are some photos (more and better to come) of Forest Fungi's Pioppino - Agrocybe aegerita - my current favourite taste wise: On agar by accident: Uncased: I have better photos of that big bunch. Second flushes were cased and three up one or two big boys which seemed to taste even better:
  18. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    I have more photos of my two indoor King Stropharia coming (on my phone rather than my wife's and thus annoying to upload):
  19. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

  20. Zen Peddler

    Sorry if these are inappropriate....

    Sorry for the freaky results - I was away for some of the period they fruited so Co2 may have played a part...
  21. Zen Peddler

    Lepista nuda - Wood Blewit?

    I like them cooked with cheese
  22. Zen Peddler

    Lepista nuda - Wood Blewit?

    Look pretty right to me. Should smll strongly of orange juice or lately ive found gin or pine.
  23. Zen Peddler

    Where to buy?

    Grow bags are pretty expensive here compared to the states - all the shops in the states want to charge outrageous postage. Worowa at Forest fungi is the best deal i could find.
  24. Zen Peddler

    my reishi rocket

    No nothing I have ever owned as done it on agar before. Interesting. SRA certainly pisses on grain and saw dust though so who knows.
  25. Zen Peddler

    shiitake. spawn on dowels

    Forest fungi may be able to help.