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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by mark80

  1. mark80

    Muay Thai

    I love to fight. I hae done muay thai ( how do you sya it? moo thai or m(oi) thai?) judo and BJJ. And i've put it altogther in MMA. Not looking to fight in mma though just for work(i am a bouncer) and fitness. Wnat to compete in bjj and judo though. Martial arts are great.
  2. mark80

    ebay cactus

    nayone ehre the guy that live sin townsville? looks like a Trichocereus Peruvianus, but I would need to get a closer look at the spines. glad to help identify. If only I didn't live in Townsville
  3. mark80


    Are people just naming there cactus, in attempt to profit from them? Should I be naming each individual plant that i grow from seed? Me thinks... a rose by another name....
  4. mark80

    FOR SALE: Loph willy

    they usally in aus go for aorund 1$ per mm but some times its as high as $1.25 a mm
  5. God your a twat teotz... and your asian, and american indian and what else are you apart from a little liar? are you supeman aswell who is banging lindsay lohan?
  6. mark80

    I believe

    Your time frames are off. A gp specialst course is 3 years post inetrenship which by the way is only 1 year. That is because once you do your inetrenship you train to became genreal phsyiciain and once completed you do your extra 3 years in what ever field you choose such cardiology. thus 6 years for your speciality Gp's stop at 3 years. And Monash does undergrad med in 5 years and bond does unbder grad med in 4 years. All i said was that average graded doctors don't became what we refer to as true specialsists eg cardiologists and nuerologists. but became GP. thnis si true wehn you look aty the colledges that accept doctors into there speciality training.
  7. mark80

    I believe

    re gp. Firstly lets look at the emdical profession thos ethat don't do all that well in uni became gp's. Just like evry other dgree you need 50% to pass your exams. Some gps onmly know or knew 50% of what they were taught. You can't possibly jam every disease process, pharmacological inetrvention, anatomy and medical tid bit in at the most 6 years (while some uni's go for 4). Look at this way it takes upawrds of ten years to became a specialst and they only know one subject! re specialists. Osmoetimes its a matter of you choose your specialist to choos eyour dsiease. If you have pain in your head, the enurologist would look at your neurology, the orothpedic surgeon would look at your tempormandibulia rjoint, the ear nose throsat guiy would look at well ... your ear nose and throat. And the spychatrist will sya your head hurts ebcuas eyou stuill have unresloved sexual feelings for your mother. Another thing is that all the pateint might not eplain his condition tghroughly enough. look at sore ear for example if you don't tell the doc that it hurts when you rotate neck counter closkwise he might miss the diagnoses of torn muscle. Pateints arn't always getting the information across. Also to neo1 who took colledge anotomy. Did you take medical anatomy or someother pseudo- anatomy bullshit for like sport and exercise of phsyiotherapy? medical anatomy is much much more compliacted than other uni courses. Poeple can complain all tehy wnate about doctors, but in reality they do more good than harm ( by signifacent proportion) and they may not diagnsoses your extermly rare disease that you picked up from that african hooker while th e mossies bit you on the arse but chences are they will pick up your aortic anyuerisms and pulamory oedema. No other profession has to know so much about everything and still try and diagnose whats wrong in 10 minutes.
  8. mark80

    Tricho cure for Cancer..?

    speaking of PNI and cancer. They have found that with cancer pateints reciveing chemo that after sevreal months of drugs that they could the same effect from placebo subistuition in 1/3 or 4 times.
  9. mark80

    Crossing Cacti

    Have a source? I hope your not just saying it.
  10. mark80

    Israel conflict

    [/url] I ddin't read this thread i just figured form the title that someone would argue in here and I JUST has to use it
  11. mark80

    Cacti Mulch

    guess the one on the right is cerues although i'm no expert i also hear that mulch like that is acidic whilst you wnat basic soil for cacti although still not sure
  12. mark80

    How to get Diplopterys?

    Well, you would start by getting a passport and than buying the ticket and than getting on to a plane and flying over there. You would than get the plant and fly back over. You could also hope and pray and maybe with a little help of your "Lost peyotes" grow wings and than with a flaping motion and porbably gps you would than catch the north easterly air flow and than wityh gliding and flapping you could make it to brazil.
  13. mark80

    wanted pygmy drosera

    Willing to pay cash or trade a trich.
  14. mark80

    Merry Christmas

    Astrophytum. They are some of the most sexiest cacti alive, there colours and formations and the ease in which they form hybrids is most amazing and how members of the same family can have such varired form. Turbinicarpus , for mostly the same reason. Fralia. they are one of the most under rated cacti. An intersting fact they are the only species of cacti that are known to seed without first flowering.
  15. mark80

    How can I become a Doctor?

    What girls ACTUALLy do that? I only thought that was in porn?
  16. mark80

    Crossing Cacti

    Attempted a loph x turbinicarpus lophoroides yesterday, it was my secondf loph flower so i will have to remember or take note here so i don't distribute the seeds as a cross, cause i ain't gonna graft them as i have no grafting stock left ... oops! anybody know if the other turbinicaprus other than sharzii are able to self seed?
  17. mark80

    Internet censorship?

    No its fucking not! It is not acceptable to ban pornography. It is more understable to ban ethagenon forums than it is ban nuidty.
  18. mark80

    How can I become a Doctor?

    if you buy a medicial degree from india you can call yousrelf doctor in australia. As long as you have the secrtificate that calls you doctor you can legally call yourself a docotr. However if you wish to practice medicine than you have to sit the exams. They can take away your irght to practice but you will always be a docotr. For instance when medicial students finsh there degree they are doctors but they are not able to practice becuas ethey are not accerdited to became accreidted they must do there intern year. In austrlia MBBS is used. medicine bachelar bachelor of surgery but how many medicial students are surgeons?
  19. mark80

    Argyreia nervosa cultivation & propagation

    thats what i do cut a thick peice off and chuck it in some soil wait 1 month and repot. Don't try rooting it in wtaer never ever worked for me.
  20. mark80

    Uses for discarded cactus juice?

    spines cause porblems if you eat them...
  21. mark80

    Tricks and tips for botanical names

    notocactus/ pardio magnifica caus ethere magnifecnt! thelocactus rhinconesus ---> cause she is alitle rhino. Catha edulis --> edulis means edible hint hint.
  22. mark80

    Risk Taking

    Awesome thread. Vert makes an excellet point. As a young person today well i'd like to thyinjk i am. I love risk taking. I love driving at 200 k an hour, screwing some bird i meet on a dance floor, getting into fights. Jokes. I just wnated to say bring back the coke fueled orgies... It sounds like fun :")
  23. mark80

    3 men on a hike..!

    I asked my professor of obsterics and gyneacology if the pill deminshes a womens ability to get aroused and a womens ability to achieve ogasm. after I talked about what i thought were the most relevant aspect of female orgasm in relation to hormoal and nureogenioc reflexes. He said it has nothing to do with it and than said.... Who cares anyway? thats why the invented ky jellym, just bend her over slop slip and slap and than send her on her way. To which i replied, why did you go into gynecology? To which he said "because like you i used to care about her orgasm" To shey my dear freind to shay.
  24. mark80

    The Nook...

    Teotz, i DOn't think your helping yoursdelf much by calling them jack asses and telling them to "fuck you" ( pun intended) I am just syaing you can be annoyed but if you wnat back in there they will probably remeber you not for the 19 yr old (which is no excuse!!!) but for the guy that told the moderators and well respect memebers (and as we all know they are very influentail) jack asses. which is something they probably won't regreat. Going and insulting someones integrity may make you feel better but makes them even more defensive such as questioning whether or not they maybe a man of there word. Your probably right and they probably arn't a man of there word but throwing it at them is just going to makle them even more annoyed. Just my 2c.
  25. mark80

    Twin seed-embryos?

    the begininsgs of dichotmias ramification? I have a trich like that.