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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by at0m

  1. at0m

    i love father bob

    I love dog.
  2. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/pot-dealer-in-uk-gets-sentenced-to-write-10-page-essay--161750168.html
  3. at0m

    i love father bob

    I love Bob's Burgers.
  4. Could you explain the 'corruption' a bit better? How did it happen? Was the wallet encrypted? PM me if you want and I'll see what I can do to help
  5. I've been doing the shake to get them out. Cut them off and make sure you leave about 2-3cm of stem on atleast one side, let them dry until they're 100% dry (no sign of green at all) and then hold them over a large bowl and shake like crazy. Fair warning: They're rather spikey... Hope you asked before picking their flowers...
  6. at0m

    Impressive datura patch

    Wow... that takes me back. Back at my old place in semi-rural Southern Africa we used to have HUGE amounts of this stuff. Loads of wild dagga (leonitus) and wattles too. Wonder if Kim's a psychonaut...
  7. at0m

    Want to buy prints

    I wouldn't go around suggesting people illegally import spores :\
  8. at0m

    Post your track of the day

    *edit: Oh shit... wrong thread . Here's the picture anyway and a track below it. Sorry, Qualia http://grooveshark.com/s/Deep+Search/4oYpmd
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-21833045
  10. at0m

    Moving interstate - competition and giveaway

    I won?! I was not expecting that! Thanks micro, PMing you now
  11. at0m

    Moving interstate - competition and giveaway

    One less for the SA SAB count. WA will be lucky to have you! PC 45 Rhizanthella gardneri Just had a look through your recent posts too (trying to find the answers ) and wow... your garden is amazing! I don't know I could leave that behind.
  12. at0m

    Post your track of the day

    http://soundcloud.com/kcclips/hetfield-grunts Every James Hetfield "Yea"... ever.
  13. at0m

    NSW Police warn of 'Gangnam Style' acid

    Could be LSD. The users might be inexperienced and/or mixing with alcohol. Not a very informative article :\ Just another "Don't do drugs, kids" piece.
  14. http://www.alternet.org/silicon-valley-reportedly-full-stoners
  15. Yeah, that's why I posted it It's nice to see the 'mainstream' catching up with what people already know. I'd be hard pressed to find IT friends of mine who haven't, at the very least, been through a 'phase' where they smoked weed and took acid. The majority definitely did more than that though.
  16. at0m

    Post a random picture thread

    It should be noted, this isn't a real book.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/27/marijuana-cannon-us-border-seized-mexico
  18. at0m

    cloud storage

    Dropbox is free up to a few GB, after that it's still pretty cheap.