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Growing Mushrooms

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Amanita muscaria, as far as i know are not "easily" cultivated, i am not sure if they can be culivated, certainly not indoors, as far as i know.

Psilocybe Cubensis are the mushrooms people start on in the countries where it is legal to do so. Alot of those people find sites like www.shroomery.org and www.mycotopia.net very helpful.

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as far as i knew a. muscaria grows off certain tree roots in a type of symbiotic (is that the word i want?) relationship. wouldn't this make it rather difficult to cultivate? forget about tryin indoors anyway if you do give it a go.

let us know if u have any success

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its my belief that a. muscaria can also grow from pine needles the method the friend in amsterdam will try once he gets his spores

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well of course if you can fit a pine tree inside you're laughing. personally i only got about a square foot of kitchen bench space :mad:

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There was a discussion about this a little while ago. Amanitas are mycorrhizal and require a host plant to grow. They are not saprophytic (they don't eat dead wood or anything else). So, yes, you do need a pine or birch or alder or something to grow them. Mulching the plant with leaf litter may improve growth rates very slightly but probably no more than a non-mycorrhizal plant (of which almost none exist outside labs).

I thought you would need to inoculate seedlings grown in sterile soil to get good results but Rev assures me A. muscaria is aggressive enough to push other symbionts out of the association and take over. So you should just be able to spray spores around the soil at the base of a tree.

[ 30. May 2005, 02:29: Message edited by: creach ]

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to answer your first question

go to www.funky-fungus.org or .com... which ever one the shop is

and get some strain of oyster mushrooms... they are practically indestructable and taste good too!

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i thoguth the answer to gettin a pine or birch into ur house would have been obvious BONSIA though it may be hard ot find those particular plants bonsai i know through my parents conifer nurserya very large bonsai nursery so i will look into this as i have muscaria spores on the way

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pretty different... they are sposed to taste like oysters... but i cant stand oysters so i wouldnt know. generally you treat them the same but they are a fair bit stronger flavour wise so use less...

sautee (hot and fast cook) them in butter with onion. when juices start to come out a bit mix in some sour cream and chives.... mmm!

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