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naja naja

petri/ culture tubes

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I can get petris no worries but can't get culture tubes. Could I use sterilized old jam jars instead?If so, Would the mycelium need a filter fitted to the lid to allow gas exchange?Also when incubating the petri's, do u have them wrapped in glad wrap or taped? Would both of these still allow gas exchange while minimizing contamination?

Would test tubes be fine if I sealed them with a cotton ball,then a sterilized(with alcohol)rubber stopper then glad wrap for storing slants?

How much better improved results will I get from using my glove box?Noticable?

lots of questions, any replies greatly appreciated

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Could I use sterilized old jam jars instead

Yep. PC them.



If so, Would the mycelium need a filter fitted to the lid to allow gas exchange?

That depends on the size of the jar and how much food you're going to put in it. If you just want to do a slant (ie 1/4 full) don't worry about it. If you want to fill it up with PF mixture it's worth it, but even then not entirely necessary.



when incubating the petri's, do u have them wrapped in glad wrap or taped?

I use glad wrap. Air exchange doesn't seem to matter.



Would test tubes be fine if I sealed them with a cotton ball,then a sterilized(with alcohol)rubber stopper then glad wrap for storing slants?

I wouldn't use alcohol. PC things instead. Mycelium doesn't like alcohol much.



How much better improved results will I get from using my glove box?Noticable?

Glove boxes will make a difference when working with cultures. However I usually just work in the kitchen. Close all doors and windows, turn on the gas burners and the range hood, and work quickly.

I found glovebox work clumsy and difficult but it definitely was cleaner.

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Thanks for the info C. I havn't tried it yet but the glovebox work shouldn't be too clumsy cause its a professionally made perspex glove box with gloves for both sides. Also has an heating element that can be turned on to incubate at any temperature within its range bout 24Deg C - 40deg C. Also can be humidifyed and filled and pumped with a gas of your choice(not that im going too but it's just cool). From an old hospital, I have a spare one aswell.(unsure if the heating element work). look at universities getting rid of 20 year old stock.

Also just one more question(for now), what would be the best way to sterilize plastics? I assume most plastics can't be pressure cooked, do you microwave them instead? Since I want them for mycelium culture(not spore),after microwave could I wash out with hydrogen peroxide then distilled water?, as the H2O2 will act as a fungicide but any residue won't inhibit mycelium formation of your desired culture.

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Sounds like an awesome setup. Far better than my plastic tub from kmart with holes cut in the sides .

I don't use plastics but you could probably just boil plastic items in a saucepan on the stove and then wipe out with H2O2.

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if you want mycelial culture use glass

u can use old booze bottle stoppered ith polyfill or you can use 250ml erlenmeyer flasks stoppered with polyfill

or smaller i just use baby food jars

as for plastics

a good deal of my muckin around early last year was this topic.

LD polyethylene is shit dont use it

but i recall anything with the numer 2 or 5 in the traingel on the base is ok to autocalve. The topic of a review i intend to write one of these days.

the problem is that no MOFO makes lids in teh same plastic to fit all these recyclable cartons! o/wiese we can all use old milk cartons or juice bottles - and i have succesfully on a few occassions

If u can solve the lid issue please let me know as the potential is endless

agrocybe aegerita on small test substrate (enriched sawdust) in milk carton - cut down to allow fruiting


a pretty tasty shroom actually when picked a little younger than this

if you has a gas exchange filter then milk cartons could be fuilled with chip sn sawdust and sterilised then spawned with grain with woodmulch type mushroom spawn and left to colonise

each 2L bottle would be a handy and voluminous form of spawn to make outddor beds

[ 16. May 2005, 08:50: Message edited by: Rev ]

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Thanks alot for that info. I also discovered today, that not many plastics withstand extended microwaving( a few blobs of plastic and a fire in the microwave was fun, not!)I don't think it has a gas filter but I could easily fit one then the whole chamber would be like a big jar.

Also I have sourced a few small vacola canning jars and as many big ones(10cup)as I want. until I find more smaller ones are there any jars from the super market I can use to make PF cakes? The only ones without a lip that would allow easy birthing have a pry off lid(so u recycle it as a drinking glass afterwards) If I was careful and pried the lid off without damaging it, could I use these some how? Like putting tape around the lid to seal them around the lid.

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PF is ok but old tek

need special jars, slow colonising, size limits etc



Anno has his finger on the pulse..

especially http://www.fungifun.com/polyfill/

thats all u need for a few mushrooms of any kind at home. some for fruiting others for spawn

If you want to grow stuff in blocks then use spawn bags.

[ 16. May 2005, 12:26: Message edited by: Rev ]

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