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Anandamide may dampen psychotic experiences

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So is it possible that People with this condition are self medicating with weed rather than the weed triggering the events?

This would make an interesting skew if in fact Pot didnt cause it but rather the higher rates of coincidence between Young males and heavy cannabis use were in fact because those with a neurochemical tendency towards schiz episodes are actually drawn to and stick with weed at higher rates than thos without.

That would make the association between the 2 correct but the current proposed mechanism in error

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So is it possible that People with this condition are self medicating with weed rather than the weed triggering the events?


There is no doubt in my mind that weed makes schizophrenics more psychotic.

I am not saying that weed caused their schizophrenia but it definately makes it worse as far as the symptoms of schizophrenia are concerned.

Totally possible that although their symptoms are worse they actually tolerate the whole process better.

This is no way suggest that those not predisposed to schizophrenia will get it if they smoke dope.

I like dope and would probably smoke it every day if it was not illegal

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The most exciting implication of this research is that we may at last have a cure for normality.

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