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The Corroboree

Loph help!

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Help, this big headed monstrosity is leaning and failing in the graft. It's been a long ass time since I've looked how to graft and I'm terrified of destroying it! Should I carefully remove the heads individually or try to remove the base of the graft from the trich? I don't think I have a thick enough piece of trich to graft it back onto as a whole and not a lot of pieces left to graft the individual heads :( 


Anyone who is in the Coffs coast area who would be happy to come around and show us what to do, I would be hugely grateful and could offer a case of beer or something in lieu? I'm someone who learns better visually rather than just reading online too.






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that looks rough as guts dude, I recently had most of my collection wiped out due to mites but I used my move from one joint to another as a kind of quarantine. im no expert but it looks like what I had as mites. time for poison im sorry to say or it will just die off, that's probably why the stock is having issues as well.

just my opinion and like I say im no expert, im happy for someone else to chime in and correct me.

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Yeah, there's several problems. The discoloration on the stock looks like it's failing around the juncture site. That's bad news as the rot will spread straight up into the scion. You need to cut immediately. The second bad news is the mites are out of control and you need to hit them with some neem/insecticidal soap, maybe even just spray it down with some isopropyl alcohol. I'm a bit concerned with the centers of all the heads and how much mite damage they have. You may have rot at the center of each of those.  

First thing's first, cut it off the stock right at the juncture and examine how bad the rot is going up into the scion. If you can hollow it out a tiny bit and remove all the bad tissue, then great. Dust it with sulphur and call it a day. More likely, the main head is toast and you'll have to remove each head, hoping that the rot has not spread all the way through and up into each meristem. If you have other plants, personally I might just cut out all the rot then dry the good flesh up for tripping. If you're doing surgery and want to salvage the plant, be aggressive in how much you remove and sterilize the blade with alcohol between cuts. If you can, always cut in good flesh so the blade doesn't touch any rot and there's a bit of space between the diseased area and the part you're keeping.   

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Uuugghh my worst fears! Bunnings tomorrow for sharp blade, Sulfur and neem oil! I didn't really want to cut them up for that purpose but I'll try to salvage first. The poor things have been given a rough trot over the last few years and I was hoping another move soon (when we can finance the property we want) will be the final move and we could finally put them in the ground into the magic garden!


Thanks guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've only just been able to get around to looking at the plant, still never got to Bunnings for the sulphur, that's tomorrow. But I've cut all the heads off as carefully as possible with a sharp knife and with as small a surface area as possible so that they dry out better. I didn't see any mites, only a couple of small spiders and a moth, Christ on a Cruskit I hope I haven't destroyed it unnecessarily but I guess they needed de-grafting anyway. 


So considering I'm in a financial shitfit at the moment, I'm going to have to sell a couple of the heads if you guys think they're still OK. As I said I'll get the sulphur tomorrow to dust them, but currently they're in the driest spot I could find. The stock seems pretty solid now, and it doesn't look like there was any rot... doing this hurts...


Are these OK? Sellable even though they're not dried/scabbed off yet? 


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