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The Corroboree

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woke up at witching hour on the dot ... outside was so misty i half expected 3 shuriken to the face..

checked mail ... misty nutz dispatched :0 aaaah you fkn beauty! you know it makes sense.

reminiscent of all the other times plants and mycology woke/spoke to me over the last few years ...

gaze3d at the new monster taquimboes as if they just said something but glowed the message instead... with recently reddened spine enhancements from an ole toothbrush and a blob of petroleum jelly..


something special about this misty wet weather when something wakes you randomly...

almost like a web of communication enhancing rapidity, or perhaps de-enhancing the general ambience to allow the sharpest through?

mmm did that tree/those nuts/or earth do the misty speech?

maybe a harmony sung from all the amazon fae?

or mama aya? or is that papa virola?


hope they get here ok ...


swamp nuts lamp nuts from that tree, make it all the way to me , sprout and teach me what you do , and mote it be that we pull through ;)

2016-03-12 13.41.36.jpg

2016-03-12 13.41.36.jpg

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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and began to wonder if i had the Trichocereal equivalent to the H.A.A.R.P. masts :P

....what with all the weather being so compliant with my will... :lol:

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as the air cracks with a high velocity blast , the breeze that blows through the window suddenly back drafts as all hell breaks loose and the walls and floor begin rupturing with the implosion drawing invisible forces ever inward until capacity fully reached ... and


Fukkin Boooom! for a radius of thirty seven and a half krillion miles echoing round the planet full circle the floor floating up and immense light blazing out from the cracks and shattered earth flings pieces of debris soaring miles high into the sky arcing and then with the same force they went up with; .. hurtling back down to smash and vaporise all that remains ....

which is just one little glimmer of light at first powering it's way through the dust , wreckage and raining rocks ....

to reveal the shiniest, beefiest and most spanking pair of taquimboes that a lad could wish for ..

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glanced over to the phone ... , should i accept the new place? ... let's go have a sneak peak I thunk ..

Withinn 26 seconds the train left with a happy go lucky lift in it's step :)

as the train pulled into the station , the funky gas released that nobody else seems to smell permeated the surrounding air with

what they decided to label "door lubricant" .. wonder why it smells so fecal? and why nobody else notices.. whut le furk?

So after escaping the new pungent nasticity on rails , and ambling over a few fields and hills with my lil pals and spirits high and in anticipation of all good things new .. there on the horizon it stood ..

22 Acacia Avenue ..

had enough room to grow some cactus and kick a ball so i thought fk it , let's take the plunge and just kick arse if anything goes wrong ... , a standard matrix plan that never served wrong in the past,.. would be just the ticket away from the dangerous cliffs and back finisher moves that plagued us so badly in the prior months...

the government worker pad viewing agent smelled so strongly of particularly peng and udeniably; bud..

which was simply far too blatant for them to hide from this nose...

the look back into the eye ..of acknowledgement and the slight fear of my potential reaction wavered and exuded from his body language .. which was met with simple questions about the structure and works to be carried out and absolutely zero reaction the obviously fresh and high grade material that must have been in one of those pockets of his...

to which he replied with a confidence look obviously walked before with those who just don't know and began to tell of the plans to adjust and reform , and tidy up after themselves before the first day of availability ...

as we left with a click in our heel and just as much spring in the step as the train did ;) .. we allowed good distance prior to asking the inevitable comments and questions ... "I've smelled that smell before on one of my teachers but never THAT strong", "did that guy reek of what i think he just .. er .. 'roke' of ?"

"yes honey, do you like the new pad and shall we keep it?" was all to be said

with a positive affirmative that just couldn't be denied .. it was settled then ..

just a small countdown to the Acacial path, the Alien ant farm, the Frogeries of dart and milk, The power of Witchgraft, the return of La baddasserie, and all things good and right ..

plus the rage to overcome along the road to the happier and better days ahead, were dripping and electro pulsing into existence with more and more life; the more we thank of them ;)

As we cast the silly bastard from yesterday's nuts to the dirt .., and imagined his limp body being impaled and fractured and tossed about with a 24/7 hundred crack fist of the north star ..



We looked into the future along the planes and reflections of any surface capable ..

and anticipated the hopeful was going to be golden enough to obliterate that silly fool..

he had to be ,

or else all fkn hell would break loose again

and the first day was just a little sniff of the horrors to unfold should there be another fuckery of the wankest degree against the highest tree

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as the ninja clans battled it out down below on the foggy streets...swords flashing , flails .. um ,.. flailing ..

..up high above ,.. through the window..

.. a bit more,.. no to the left.. yes .. a young fella was a-hoping and a wishin' the release of his nutz into the fluffy sphagnum

to be this day ahead ..

once the sunshine would come to bring the great postbast of nottre damn who chases all the ninjas of the night away ..

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burned sacred resins and ancient herbs to commemorate the obvious loss of our dear postie who didn't turn up so can only assume was taken down badly by the ninjas of the night ... viciously flailed or some terrible similar fate of that ilk..

and prayed there be a replacement postie by the morrow ..

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as the sanctuary of nightfall enveloped the lands....

Tthe young horse put down the phone ..

"I can't believe they told me I would get 4 weeks to move and now they deny it.. fkn 5 days they're trying to say !" - the bunch of government bastages had struck again in their powers of self-damage reduction and harm delegation from the previous tenant taking a whole month to clear out :3

As he glanced over to the freshly sowed Virolarium , as if to draw the powers of the swamps ..

they distracted him long enough to smile happily..

and absorb their wisdom and source .. , their might and ancient magick..

The phone rang again ..

." oh what now" he sighed..

"Allo Horsey mate I got some missed calls from you ..,

is it about the move you were trying to get hold of me for ? .. yeah I finished working away ,

-just decided to give it a rest, so I'll be definitely available to help you move ..

only 5 days? i thought you told me 4 weeks!? ,

fuuukin ell what a bunch of limpdick pencil pushing bastards they are eh? ..

I guess it's no surprise really if we look at it and how they are with people in general...

well I've got something here that's made my day so much and.... ya know your cactus you gave me.. .. now,

.. it's eaten that whole bottle of feed already .. how do i know if it's growing? ..

oh yeah , I'll gladly move your house for you mate no sweat..

I bet you'll be wanting to know how much it'll be eh? ...

"yes please fella" -the hoss replied..

"One cactus!.., I've got this lovely girl here looking at my cactus but it's a bit of a phallic symbol ya know .. heh heh ..

"what type of cactus were you after mate?" - the hoss asked..

*muffled* "what type of cactus?, he says.. " ..

*return to prior reception clarity*

"anything pretty mate , .. have you got a pretty cactus? , it's for a very pretty lady ;)"

"no probz me olde china I've got just the thing.. so... , what only one?" - the hoss delved..

"oh ok then make it 2 cactus , how's about that ?.. do you think that's a good deal eh? ;) "

"bless you mate you're a fkn star! I've got some that like to flower and most girls i know; absolutely adore them - no matter what age either.. " - the hoss settled..

"well all right then mate that's settled. ... now,... you give me a ring when you get the keys and I should be over all this coming weekend's debauchery and raging pub demon fun that you don't like doing ; by then *giggle*

-the phone went silent-

fffffffffffffffukkin yesss!!!!

not just fkn yess but FKN ROAAAAAAARRRR((*ground shaking*))RRRRRRRZZZZ!!!! you muthafukka *pumps fist and air guitar widdles*

So all the panic of having to hire a van ....and risk the loss of something ,

or an extra months rent to find from somewhere for a second property if I couldn't find a driver/van hire in time .... gah ..

-had rained away finally but fight or flight mode is just too hard to shake off at will..

As the taste of stress still lingered in the horse's mouth .. he filled up the old nose bag with some fine green frosties and fired up

... and tried to realize just how amazing the last week and beginning of this week had gone ..

and how against all odds - including some of the most assholic cunticity - he had slain the dragons, ... won the kingdom ....and the freedom .

And got to save the princess and her prince brothers like a fucking hero ..

yes, the losses impacted hard and deep indignation ..and echo to the day ...

but the hard fought and righteously won kingdom ..

...was in the best hands now ..

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