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The Corroboree

Looking for advice please - sudden change in cacti


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Had to leave my babies (achumas) at home for a while so watered and put them in propagator with clear lid over to prevent drying out too much, and placed them on a table away from the window to avoid burn from afternoon sun. Kept room warm. After 3 days they were then looked after till I got back a week later (3 days ago). They seemed fine then, but today looked dark around spines, and look even worse now. Cannot find anything that looks like this on the internet, so just took some photos. Thanks in advance for any advice, if there is anything I can do to save them, or maybe it is too late :(post-14979-0-43109700-1439271651_thumb.jpost-14979-0-79583200-1439271734_thumb.j







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It´s a reaction to the sunlight. It´s not life threathening...just a sign that they react to the sunlight. This can get a lot worse up the point where they look almost reddish. If it get´s a lot worse, it would be appropriate to give them less sun. But at this point, it´s all fine.

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Yes, I will watch their sunlight exposure. I had been extending their daylight hours by putting them in the grow tent for a few hours after the sun sets behind the neighbour's house, probably overdoing the light now though! (They had been shrinking a few months ago, became tiny, dried up and wrinkled, only came good after repotting in a much richer soil mix, so I didn't let them go into dormancy over winter as they had a lot of growing to catch up on.)

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