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Grubs eating lophs

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Hello! I've recently, after a big repot sesh, had little grubs that look just hatched coming up through the soil and munching down 30/160 lophs seedlings..

Question; what poison is available to get these little guys? They are the same sp as the common garden slug by the looks, only 3-5ml long and 1-2ml wide. Will said poison hurt the cactus?

Why I ask is a) I wanna kill them and save the plants and B) I purchase soil by a two tonne minimum, so I have approx 1.5 tonne left and will happily bait the mound as it's not used for any of my organic stuff.

Also since I have recently set up my plants in a new location, could it be the larvae/eggs were on the property and not in the purchased soil (it's never happened before and it's probably the 5th tonne we've got so far...

Is an organic approach to simply apply plastic sheeting to the mound and solarize it? I've already had to solarise parts of the land due to various wilts and bacterias being present so maybe the place just needs a rebalance if I didn't the grubs in?

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