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Anesthesia through a blow in a joint

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....after the totally weird thread (as weird as not feeling you have half of your tongue, and being able to bite your tongue to the point of tearing into the flesh (xcuse the splatter) , and also the "void" area of no-being-no-feel that occures in dental anesthesia.

Anesthetic awkwardness and pseudosenses



##note I use bold and large fonts to distinguish my ramplings from the titles #######

^^^^^ok , and maybe a part of me is an attention whore - damn leo! ^^^^^^^

I return with another similar thread. Similarly weird, but pretty much more interesting. I post this in spirituality / philosphy, as the anesthesia is not -initially- started by a drug. But the effects , seem to resemble -somewhat- a short and extreme dissociative anesthesia, notably not unlike SD. Hence the philosophical / spiritual content.

I also post this before I check with whatever scientifc shit there is behind it. Another tribute to SAB.

First of all I dont know if you all know this. Certain blows (in nerve/muscles) can make you faint for a some seconds and propably a lot more. Maybe ziou-zitsou and that kind of obscure and mystical 'defensive' martial arts utilise this .

Last night I fainted. By doing a stupid -reflexive movement, I 'hit' the spot. Dont ask specifics: its stupid.

Blunt object, elbow.

It actually requires a relatively sharp object το hit the 'nerve' inside the joint with quite a bolt / dash(( ? looking for the term for speedXweight ))

But I am sure most of you know the pain when hitting your elbow joint in the nerve. Some times (and analogous to the power of the blow) it hurts in a very special way.

This is actually the third time it happened to me.

Once must have been at around 5-10 yo, fainted instantly for a couple seconds. blow of the elbow onto a sharp edge of the piano of my sister, Fell down while doing some acrobatics.

Second it must have at 14 y.o. This was from a hit in the knee joint, of identical nature: fainted for a few seconds, fell down even though I was sitted. I even scrached myself from falling... I dont remember how it happened, it was awward and "lucky" . Sharp object must have been a bulge/bump on the cement block we were sitting - how I hit it ? beats me

In the first occasion I remember less, maybe I was even younger like 5-8 (or else how could I have messed up like this ? :P) but in all occasions there's a memory gap while fainting. The older I get the more conscious these faintings become. I think it was instant in the first experience. I dont even remember that pain. hit and fell, like this.

Well the third time I am a little below 34 yo and there's a big difference. First of all I did not just sleep and woke up. I understood it was coming. Okay, lets face it, me smoking extensively all day before that might have some effect in the experience and how I perceived it, and maybe the detailed timeline , almost movie like - and maybe, just maybe, it was so fucking lucky that this should happen to me at least a third time, while in the influence.

I also wonder now what are the odds someone fainting like this - 3 times in his lifetime ...... so far ??? some kind of friendly carma? :P

Also I remember very well the pain as there's a reminder right now too. I was inside and alone when it happened. I had been smoking and carrying plants to the roof and transplanting and was having a break inside, but had left several jobs.to.do re-pottings and stuff on the roof.

The whole thing is very difficult to estimate, but I remember the timeline well until I fainted:


After the blow I must have said "what an arsehole!" and soon after a couple seconds I realise that some kind of giddiness/vertigo sets on. You know the kind that happens from time to time, when you haven't eaten a lot and stressing yourself, or the one that might happen if you stand up quickly ? But, not more than a second after I knew it was no vertigo, because I never had this after a blow and it was quickly becoming overwhelming (this is a course of a couple more seconds, maybe even 1 or 2 ones). I never had a 'vertigo' with that high and lasting peak, so here I am , I say I got to sit, and while on this trip, its no more about pain: the shit is in my brain.

and indeed I sit. The momement I am sitting I instictively throw my head among my two hands and crouch facing down. From that point , to 'recreate' the experience I am using hypothesis and memories that came to me afterwards, very reminiscent of Am an itas or SD dissociation "blurry" memories. Blurry memories of a Real and bold conscious experience.

I have to divide the experience in two parts. one is what I felt and experienced while I was in that world. the other is what really happened to my physical body back home. I have to start by saying that the moment I crouch the feeling has become somewhat unbearable - hence the curling I guess - and its not pain, I can describe it better as resembling an alcoholic nausea, but one that cannot really get worse because you are dying .

///// I made a large break as a friend brought some quite interesting mushrooms to ID, one of which was the infamous Pleurotus nebrodensis, supposedly the tastiest Pleurotus , and because of the news of a forest newrby that usually dont gives much fruit , but it seems that it might be one of these years, a number of telephonic communications have taken place and the mind continuity might be a bit disturbed but yet I continue ////

1. part one - what I felt.

When I fell in that world, and these are the memories, there was an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The helpless-ness was not some vague feeling. It was coming from the fact that at least 2 centers of my brain AKA [me] were functioning in parallel and rather over-acting , lol god-damnit, dont remember a shit, apparently each of the centers/parts of the still functioning brain did not really seem to recongnizing each other, but [seemingly] both strugling for his own 'cause'.

Obviously they were trying to communicate shit and helplessness -possibly- came from the fact the communication "lines" had been cut off. Possibly they were struggling to communicate with another. The two centers. or more than 2. It was pretty chaotic. 'centers' or 'circuits' or 'parts' of the brain, whatever suits you. What ever it was, it was stuff of utter importance - that's what it felt anywayz - what they were meaning to pass on while 'dying' - hence the struggle, stuff like, hey what was the meaning of your life and what unfinished business you maybe had ? ANd yet it all happened in just a moment

I cannot swear, as I dont really remember, but it really didnt feal like like

"hey, you got 7 bare root gymnocaliciums up in the roof and its propably goona rain tonight or at dawn or tomorrow. . Are you gonna finish those re-pottings? what about the chimera? what about the polaskia crest - what is the growing rate will be compared to, say the pachanoi crest ?"

Anywayz, I am not actually convinced about it , but really , I dont remember! maybe it was part about cacti because I am greatly invlolved in cacti nowadays, and even ...

you know I have said two stupid teen-like sagitarious sayings.

1. at 22 , "and now, if I die, I will die happy.. really .... really, seen it all wut I liked to see !"


and after the cacti habit

2. "now I got reason to live REAAALLLLYYY long.. to see my see grown terscheckii overcome me in height -- "

and other shit like this

okey okey okey I am sagitariusXsagitarius

its not really easy with a terscheckii until you graft or you do it when real young.

in any case try the taquibalensis / tacaquirensis and all this tricho giants fast man!!!

talk about a non cacti obsessive

anayways even thought I dont know which exactly were the issues - like I said dont remember the content of the struggle, they felt really important.

This is the point were this accidental event is linked with dissociative psychedelia. The similarities with SD are striking, but I wont focus on this, ya all know I am a good rhetor. :P

I cannot remember what the content of the 'battle' then, when you're dying under influence you might as well say a lot of thing , hehehe, if you know what I mean.... well not battle, most of it was struggle, and , fuck it was struggle for communicating some things that fel important at the moment - but , lol, I cant remember what any of them were, because I have a sense they were more than one - maybe the fact they were lots caused the chaos?

anywayz visions of waht occured to me while these semi anesthetic states.

I would compare this to a grade -6 disso experience, when you might as well remember only a couple things, and nothing much really, or what. Not discounting the sheer power of a single dissociative experience, and , fuck, how could I do it as I am

When I got together, I was very weak and slow ... it really felt like a ...... dissosiative experience like SD , with almost anesthetic , overdose-like effect , plus a weakness, of coming over this whole thing.

it was indeed like I had done some new drug. anywayz

I indeed did some re-potting cause I had to do it, but had no energy. after the experience , I was very different, and not physically fit and alert.

2. part two - what happened to the physical self.

last conscious moment: I was sitting and curling facing down. Obviously... I fainted, and fell like a log. Well I am not convinvced about they log . I kind of feel the whole head is beaten so the scenario of the fainted dude might be not be without its spontaneous expressions. I made this all out because I later found head pains.

after the experience I was very weak - not feeling well still .

when I got the strength I went to bed. lying there was ok cool and all...

a moment on I could get ahold of the blanket and all and curling


pretty physical in all of it , but the psych self was of course wondering about all these shits... I believe I tried in some way to maintain the "routine" , but it didnt work

I after the experience I was , besides weak, psyhically like someone after fainting , like after having a SD experience after a beer session. Well not quote, it had a tired clarity. It was a VERY STRONG EXPERIENCE

all in all it was clearly a psychoactive experience, and having to do with fainting, it falls under the dissosiative experiences.

not quite the near death stuff NDE, but quite close as I sense it

Cheers to all

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Jeez&s. That's pretty intense :)

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reminds me of the time I smashed myself in the temple, I sneezed when opening the freezer door and then

the accelerating head wore the doors corner.

rofl...I remember the vertigo starting and the need to sit. It was some fantastic fujitsu ninjitsu death bow that had

me in an altered state for 2 days.

I now approach all freezer doors with caution....

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