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The People's Voice: Global Independent Media

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A free global internet TV & Radio station broadcasting the information, background and opinions the mainstream media won't touch

What is The People's Voice?

How often is the question asked ‘What can I do?’ in the face of the global descent into Big Brother tyranny and oppression? How often do we hear it said that ‘the people’s voice should be heard’?

Well here is an answer to ‘What can I do?’ – an answer that will also guarantee that the people’s voice will be heard.

I have been communicating secret and suppressed information worldwide for nearly a quarter of a century and I spent nearly 20 years before that working in the mainstream media with newspapers, radio stations and BBC Television. I have vast experience of the corporate and alternative media and I can tell you this:

The mainstream corporate-owned media is NEVER going to tell you the truth or give you information that exposes what is really happening in the world. Corporations and governments are going to expose themselves through a media that they own?

This is why the mainstream media does not serve the interests of The People, but those of the corporations and governments that dictate the limits of the content.

The corporate media will never give The People a voice – so we have to give one to ourselves. This is our chance and it’s time to grasp it before the global collapse into economic tyranny and Big Brother oppression slams the door on what remains of human freedom.

We need £100,000 as the very minimum necessary to go to air within months and everything above that will ensure that The People’s Voice will be bigger, better and more effective on day one and the dream can be made a reality on the scale that I envisage.
This is my dream … this is how we go beyond protest and bypass the mainstream media to give people direct access to the microphone and camera while broadcasting and breaking the stories that will give the global population the background to world events that the corporate media censors refuse to investigate.

The People’s Voice would broadcast out of London, but this is a global station. We are all in this together and we must come together, talk together and cooperate together to bring about a global awakening.

We would have programmes every day by presenters in the UK and the United States with other regular programmes featuring presenters and content in Australia/New Zealand, Africa and everywhere else that we can secure quality programming.

What will you broadcast?
I especially want to give a voice to people in the Middle and Near East whose views, on-the-ground knowledge and experiences are ignored by the corporate media. No more silent wars. The potential is endless once we gain access to such a volume of daily airtime.
I want The People’s Voice reporters in media conferences where the rich and powerful will be asked questions about their part in world events that corporate journalists would freak-out at asking. Most of them don’t even know what to ask because they are so unresearched.

Whistleblower insiders and expert researchers in their fields across the world will be given airtime to share their knowledge and there will be on-going phone-ins for people to constantly have the chance to make their comments on what is happening through the day.
Public protests ignored or misrepresented by the corporate media will be given their voice with the most significant of them covered live to allow otherwise silenced people to tell their stories and make their points. We would also be the vehicle to promote these and other events that bring people together in mutual support and dialogue.

We can have an explosive impact if we can raise the funds to launch The People’s Voice on the scale that I want. The mainstream media itself will be challenged by our very existence to start behaving like journalists instead of corporate lapdogs.

The People’s Voice also refers to musicians and other artistic expression and I want to give talented, creative and inventive musicians, comedians and artists a platform they are currently denied to share their talents and insights with a global audience. Regular mass global meditations are another must-do that will bring everyone together on an even deeper level.

The People’s Voice will not do censorship, except within the bounds of libel, and it will not be silenced by intimidation or special interests. We have only two special interests – The People’s Right To Be Heard and The People’s Right To Be Told What They Need To Know.

The People’s Voice will be irreverent to self-appointed authority, impossible to intimidate, and will challenge hour by hour the unfolding tyranny of corporate and government imposition and erosion of freedom.

It is time for The People to speak – here is their microphone.

Donations asked for

The total has passed £230,000 so far with a target of at least £300,000 by the end of the appeal on June 30th. This will pay for the technology and key personnel to take us to air as a top class 24-hour uncensored global TV and radio station in which the information will be the 'star'.

We will be broadcasting daily out of the UK and US with other programmes in the planning for Australia, the Middle East, Africa and other parts of the world.

We have 3 days left and the more that is donated the bigger and better we will be. This is a non-profit making adventure and every penny will go back into the station ongoing.

Why should The People not have a voice with the same level of technology and communication potential as the mainstream media which denies The People a voice?

We have a fantastic team of media professionals being assembled who are willing to take this station to air for a fraction of the cost of the mainstream media, but with the same standard and quality and with truth as their goal, not corporate profit or the Establishment song sheet.

All we need is the funds to do that and we estimate this to be at least £300,000.


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Interesting concept, ₤300,000 UK is almost exactly $500,000 Aussie.

I'm really curious to see what he can do with it, whether it's a project that could be run elsewhere i.e. here in Australia. I'd also be interested in the ongoing costs - they'd have to watch out for legal proceedings, I think that's what a lot of media need cash for. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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sounds like a fantastic idea, but it wouldn't get far unless it actually becomes popular.

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Well sign up today and spread the news ;)

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I'd love to contribute, but I barely have enough money to afford lunch right now. I'll have to wait until I actually have money to spend.

I'll spread the word some though, facebook is always good for spreading things like this.

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Yeah I can't contribute either. But I'll be watching to see how it all pans out. It doesn't matter how way out he is I still admire his resolution against the authorities and global corruption. He consistently speaks out and he's been up against ridicule and contempt for years, he won't bow down, and he gets out there and makes people think. He could well make this work, at least you know he's committed.

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Yeah I can't contribute either. But I'll be watching to see how it all pans out. It doesn't matter how way out he is I still admire his resolution against the authorities and global corruption. He consistently speaks out and he's been up against ridicule and contempt for years, he won't bow down, and he gets out there and makes people think. He could well make this work, at least you know he's committed.

That's great. It's always encouraging to know that there are other people who think this way. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

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