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mr b.caapi

Dead animal in my bin and other Tales.

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Oh FFS, get over it and move on. Ignore them for a couple of months.

Have you ever seen how fast this shit escalates IRL? How much time and angst it takes to deal with a full on neighbour feud? How crazy it can get? It becomes a war of attrition that can be really draining on your headspace because you live near them every single day. And night. And when you aren't there

I had seriously crazy and dangerous neighbours right on my fenceline- a succession of them for almost a decade ( with one good family who were the exception but they were only there for six months before the idiot landlord threatened them and their kids ). I dealt with it and stayed on top, but it was a consant headfuck the entire time. And these households were a real threat.

If you're getting peevish about a dead possum in the bin I'm wondering how you'll cope when their overly muscled guests troop over to your driveway and threaten to bash you, or they call the cops for no reason, or you wake up at 3am for the third night in a row wondering what that noise is and whether they're in your yard or if they're just rustling around in their own car looking for something

Part of the skill in life is learning how to turn these situations around. Personally I'd ignore the first salvo and if it's all good by xmas, take them a beer and have a laugh about it. If you ignore them and they keep going then yeah, wait a bit and go hard.

Thank heavens all my neighbours are lovely now- but it did take a while and a lot of patience on all sides cos our lifestyles are very different. Finding common ground through all this is something that will serve you well for the rest of your life

Yeh. Its all sorted now mate. I stated that a few posts ago. It's all good. Everyones revenge suggestions are just novelty posts, lol dont worry about it.

(still, theres some good suggestions coming in but :devil: ) J/K.

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