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Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies

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It’s a multi-authored book, non-fiction. It’s pretty much the brain-child of the second author, whose name is Slavic Wojtowicz, who is an oncology researcher for a pharmaceutical company in New Jersey, and who also happens to be a big science fiction buff and illustrator. He read my book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, and felt that there was a lot of overlap between the material we presented there and the kinds of things that people read and write about in science fiction. He felt it would be a fun and helpful thing to educate people in the science-fiction community about some of these overlaps and areas of similar interests. He asked me if I’d like to collaborate with him, and I agreed. I asked another colleague of mine, Louis Eduardo Luna, who is a South American anthropologist who divides his time between Brazil and Helsinki and has been working with Ayahuasca for a few decades now. He has probably got one of the more balanced and sophisticated overviews of how to look at and apply the states and plant wisdom information that is associated with Ayahuasca. And so Louis Eduardo agreed to collaborate, and then Louis had a friend in Budapest Hungary named Ede Frecska, who is a Hungarian psychiatrist and has written a lot on new science views on shamanism – having to do with quantum mechanics and non-local theories of information transfer and storage – and so Louis Eduardo asked Ede if he’d like to collaborate. So that’s how the four of us came together to collaborate on writing the book.

Each of us contributes three or four chapters. I wrote an overview chapter on psychedelics and DMT and also describe some of the range of experiences that occurred during our research on DMT. My last chapter in the book is probably the one I’m most proud of, which is a fairly long and involved chapter on getting ready for the journey – kind of how one prepares to take a psychedelic trip. Louis Eduardo wrote several chapters on his relationship with Ayahuasca and the way that he supervises Ayahuasca sessions and Ede Frecska wrote some chapters on shamanism and new scientific paradigms of consciousness through which he explains some of the findings in shamanism. And Slawek wrote some chapters pointing out the commonalities between the material in science fiction books and films with the material that is more well known within the psychedelic community.

-Rick Strassman, MD


Haven't read it myself, but it looks interesting enough.

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Half way through.

Chapters -

1. The psychedelics: Overview of a controvesial drug type

2. DMT: The brains own psychedelic

3. The varieties of the DMT experience

4. Ayahuasca. The sacred vine of the Amazon

5. The varieties of the Ayahuasca experience

6. Magic Mushrooms

7. The shaman's journey: Supernatural or natural? A neuro-ontological interpretation of spiritual experiences

8. How can shamans talk with plants and animals? The topological roots of plant consciousness and interspecies communication

9. Close encounters of the ancient kind and spontaneous DMT release

10. Hypnosis, past life regression, meditation and more

11. Preparation for the journey

12. The sacred vouage: Beyond sciencefiction?

I'm up to chapter 7 and its getting pretty full on into the nature of consciousness. I think I'll have to reread it again one day once I've gained further insights into these aspects of the universe as a lot of it has and always will go right over my head. Being a mere motal and all.

Its definetly worth getting if you have a keen interest in these types of knowledge systems.

Happy travels

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