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Group work and Ayahuasca

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Recently spoke with a good friend regarding group work that specifically focused around the use of Ayahuasca. I generally shy away from narratives however found this conversation/discussion interesting enough to recount particularly how the actual expereince related to the intention of what occured within this environment.


Into the resistance, the shame, resentment, fear, shadow was part of our intent. I suppose they we playing out forms of archetype e.g. really worried about what others were going through....another was stuck somewhere deep, yelling at God that 'he can't help it', another needed to talk a lot until eventually no one was talking back, he seemed offended and then went deep....all that happened become very appropriate and part of some higher order necessity.

[21:50] paul: I'd love to talk more on the toning , but for your enquiry on the body, it hit a couple of us hard and was like an 'enforced?' primordial self emerging that expressed the pain in various ways.

[21:51] paul: the next day a little scattered thou we enacted various processes to ground ourselves and connect in safety

[21:51] Tripitaka: Was it the intent of the group that you went into the pain or was it a spontaneous happening?

[21:52] paul: we had set an intent for that yes thou it was also the feeling of it being spontaneous, as it happened in ways we did not imagine much syncro group mind experienced by all, a truly powerful event

[21:53] Tripitaka: So how did you move the pain was that the process of toning

[21:53] paul: we met as a group 2 times before the night to set intents, would love to go into that with you soon, I feel it's where something is at for that truly is being called for

[21:54] paul: yes the pain did transform in the toning, I was at times feeling like I was purging it for the group, I do mean that this was my experience and felt deeper than the ego

[21:54] Tripitaka: Sounds powerful, I really resonate with the idea of sharing a space prior to the experience. I feel it starts that idea of reverence and emergence

[21:55] Tripitaka: Yeah the group focusing of energy is pretty potent!

[22:11] paul: We held heart circles before and after with circles cast and all adding to the ritual of holding the space, something we came up with as a group...this side of things was what was so fresh and transformative about the event...no one controlled yet in some way all of our controlling was shared with each other , as was our passivity. Another way of saying we co-operated, it was a creation of pure community

much consensus, and transformation, love ,gratitude, overwhelmingness for each other, all acknowledged for their part.

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Ayahuasca can work well when intentions are focused around particular energetic alignments people would like to see manifest.

More often than not, in my experience, Ayahuasca, like stan grof's notion of the inner-radar, goes where it needs to go...whatever is in most need of being processed comes to the fore...irregardless of intentions.

Often it is the material that lies underneath, somehow driving our conscious intentions in over-compensatory ways, which comes to the fore while drinking.

I find that unearthing this material, through simple exercises around becoming aware of what is here right now that is calling for attention, allows a more direct resonance with what may become magnified during the drink.

Sharing what is going on for people in their lives before a drink can allow for the creation of a well aligned and strongly compassionate holding space which can heighten the therapeutic possibilities of aya.

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