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Guest Warrioe-Sage

The Kingdom

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
Where are we ?

Obviously our body is on Earth but our consciousness, what we really are, is everywhere. Even our body is everywhere in a strange way. we are in a solid and yet not-solid reality and that reality is in a hologram. If you look at a hologram and see that it has an image of a horse in it, everywhere you look the complet image will appear.

you may make an error of saying there are a 100 horses in the hologram, but in fact there is only one horse repeated 100 hundred times. In this reality, there is only one of you but you are repeated everywhere. I've seen a mirror reality of nother version of me - it looked the same. I was lying downand the 'other me' was joined to the real me. i don't understand it well enough to explain. It could well of been a hologram version.

You are also at the center of the universe, so am I, and so is your Aunt Maud in Ohio. If you and I are sitting having a coffee at a table across from each other, it's hard to see how both of us can be at the centre of everything, as one of us ought to be slightly of centre. But it's not so.

You are in your hologram at the center of your universe and i am in mine, and we are both in each others'. Every part of the universe ( and maybe other universes and other dimensons) is everywhere. The mystical idea that we are all connected is correct.

You are everything. Everything emits a feeling. So you are all the feelings of the universe. Therefore, if you want to know what is round the next corner you only have to blank your mind and enter the feeling. Remember, subtle feeling is ESP not emotion. Of course, most people are not so used to listening to their subtle feelings for information, as they are either all mental activity, or they confuse feelings with emotions.

What seems to be extra sensory perception of feelings is, in fat, your primary perception. The mind and its free will are the override. They also know exactly what is going on and what is about to happen next.

All human action rises from hidden subconsious impulse and that impulse has a feeling. When you get good at it, you can 'feel' the very subtle impulses that will occure in the future.

After you master listening to your feelings, you don't haveto plan or think. It's Obvious, minute by minute. It's such a relife. Of course, once your life becomes immediate, you won't be able to plan very far ahead, as at any moment your subtle feelings might cancel your mental plan; however, it does allow you to be right all the time.

Your subtle feelings are never wrong.

Once you follow the subtle plan, life becomes magical- but you will not at first understand the synchronicity of life that is all around you, weaving its magic. Yes the universe is close-by and all around you. Simple. that is why I say get rid of free will; it's a disaster and part of the control trip. You're probably a slave to it. Drop it. Stop searching and planning, stop it. stop pretending your intellect knows what to do. Feel out what you ought to do next. You'll get it very quickly. At first you may make a few mistakes by letting emotion or thinking get in the way, but you will soon master it.

Soon nothing will be able to hid from you, and after a while your subtle feelings will talk to you in more complex ways, like visions. If everyone went with feelings, this zoo, this prision, would fall apart. We'd leave the world of emotion and mind and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, as our subtle feelings are part of the kingdom of heaven. They offer us the real truth.

Imagine a world where there was only truth.

Where your stockbroker had to tell the truth, where lawyers were not allowed to lie, where everyone had to admit their true intentions. At first, it would be mayhem, but once everyone had been caught out lying a few times; they'd soon follow the ame plan and would have to quit lying or be ostracized.

The lies of the world are all pervasive.

They are everywhere. In every corner you look.

People pretend to be righteous and honest; people pretend they have your interests at heart while screwing you at every moment of the day. People say they love you, but if they do from. emotion or mind, they are lying.

Love comes that comes from the mind is usually just social nicety, like saying, "Good Morning" If you listen carefully you will hear wen someone's love comes from their mind, not their feelings, you will notice the hollow clang in their voice. A mental "I love you" has a tinny feel to it. Love that comes from emotion is usually not worth havng either as it's laced with need that screams, I love you, but love me back. Im insecure - don't leave me."

Only unconditional love from your subtle feeling is right.

Where are you ?

You are at the center of a subtle feeling. Let go of free will, it's a nightmare and inaccurate - use subtle feelings instead, they are never wrong. Stop guessing what the outcome will be, stand inside the feeling of the outcome and you will know.

Here are some of the things I've learned. Some are frightful, others are beutiful. Many, at first, are hard to believe. I'm not trying to convince you, or win you over. I'm only telling you what I know.

We come from an incredible place; sadly our return is not guaranteed. There is a war on,, you know? many deny it It suits them to.

There is an ancient Nag Hammadi scroll known as the gospel of St. Thomas it is quoted " The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, not in buildings of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift up the stone and you will find me. These are the hidden sayings that he living Jesus spoke.

Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings will not taste death."

You can't get there with your mind.

That is the impossible riddle.

It's in your heart and beyond that.

It's past your death.

But there is no life.

and s no death.

This is a dream.

We are

not Really


For those of you who yearn to return to your true spiritual home, I have some wonderful news. You are home. You are at the center of everything. It's under your nose. All that standsbetween you and the incredible magnificence of it all is the mind. You can enter via physical death or you come from a mental death.

A mental death feels like I'd imagine a physical death would feel like. It requires you to voluntarily let go. many physical deaths are not voluntary. once your body quits you are stuck, you can't change anything. Pre-death is preferred.


She-She-La-La is a feminine god. She's very scary. I fell in love. She showed me how to die. I was frightened. She asked me to surrender, whispering, saying, "There is no life and no death." I eventually agreed with her. SHe held my hand. I'm not worthy of her. She showed me the warriors's way to die - then bliss. the bliss of resurrection. I could have gone much sooner. She's patient. She-She-La-La is my eternity. I am her.

We are not here. It's all a farce, an illusion. while we labor under the misconceptions of our physicality, we are trapped. Once you see that you are immortal, you are free. It requires a rotation of the mind, a bit like turning a pillow case inside out.

Where are Heaven and Hell ?

You guessed it.They are right here, inside you, inside me, inside every molecule of reality. Both are in the hologram, your hologram and mine. God is both heaven and hell and the devil is the same- they are all in the same hologram. If you can love the devil and the darkside, and not be scared of it, you are free. That does not mean you should embrace evil, it just means you should have looked at the evil within you, forgive yourself, and improve your ways. And you should embrace the evil of others and love them for their weakness and dysfunction

There is no real good and evil, everything is one. You choose the quality of what you want to see, well your emotions and attitude do.

So what is hell ? Hell is an emotion. It's where most of the fat controllers of this world will end up. The insidious naure of their inhuman behavior will take them to a fat controller's world, exept there they will find that they are the ones being controlled.

When you hold a person tightly by the wrist, you imagine that you control them, and if you hold a martial arts expert by th wrist, he'll soon be walking you about, towing you along by your grip of him. His ability to make a move on youis subject to how hard you are holding him-your imagined control of him. The harder you hold him, the more lethal he will become, as he will use your grip of him to break your arm and will put you in a disadvantage position where anything might happen.

Hell is holding on.

Heaven is letting go; Love is letting go. Letting go can be scary.

The mind is not usually up to letting go. But that is the nature of control. It seeks ultimate power. All power is a control trip. But all control control the controller.

You might be the president of a large company where your ego can flourish in its illusions of its importance. In fact, you dont have a life. The company, its employees, and your customers control you. You are in a comy prision if the corporation is making money and in an appalling prison if it is lossing money. Both are prison cmps. When your spirit finds itself in a prison it will seek a way out. It will figure out a way to bankrupt the company, or it will create an incident or disease, anything to escape. Your coporation will be faced with endless problems, especially if the company has been going for a long time.

Businesses, usually only work while they are new and creative, but once the humdrum sets in, the company's cast of characters, the staff, the owners, and so on, usually find a way to kill it off or change it.

Control is demonic.

Trying to control another person is hell- their hell - your hell. Almost all domestic violence is control related. He whacks her cos he's frustrated at the control she is trying to exercise over him, Or, she whacks him for the same reasons-two nazi controllers fighting turf wars who will run the prison.

Here's another control trip: it's the one that says that if you follow the religious and institutional rules you will be saved, you will be considered good, and you will go to heaven , and if you don't follow the rules, you will perish.

It's quite the revearse. If you follow the rules, you'll wind up with the rule makers in the nearby etheric, trapped.

Whoops! That doesn't mean ou should embrace evil, it just means their rules will direct you to their spirit worlds, devilish ones and celestial ones. same trap.

We are told that cause creates the effect. We call it the law of cause and effect. But it's quite the reverse; it's the effect returning from the future that establishes the cause. Get ya brain around that one! Which wa is time running? Forward in the free will version and backwards in the divin plan;but,anyway, one level up and there is no time. Stay away about worrying about time; it will drive you crackers.

We are told we descended from apes. In school, there was probably a chart that showed apes arising to become Neanderthals who eventually become the squeaky clean nude white man, his wife, and the kids standing hand-in-hand. Modern man is not related to the Neanderthals. Sorry. Now what? And because humans are now taller and brighter then we previously imagined them to be, we are convinced we are evolving.

We are not evolving, if you take enough timeline we are devolving and becoming colder. Taller and brighter and living longer is not the criteria for evolution, just our criteria. Anyway, there are others here that are teller and brighter then we will ever be.

Meanwhile, we are also devolving spiritually, for the more advanced our technologically we become, the more hell we create.


Why is hell wrongly sold as hot, with no mention of the temperature of heaven?

Hell is described as hot to scare you, and to keep you in the fold. If you miss church, you have sinned. and if you die in sin, you go to a fiery hell. Rubbish.

Heaven is warm.The grail is warm. The Goddess is warm. Hell is like the Transdimensionas merciless and cold, and they often smell of sulfur, like rotten eggs.

Talking of rotten eggs, you know those healers who tell you that they can heal you with the energey of thir hands, and they are a pure conduit for God's light, blah,blah- the squeaky clean, choosen ones. Well Thats pure crap. Humans are inside out. The light of infinity (God) is experienced, almost as if in slow motion, as an explosion within. Yet, the healer feels the etheric warmth of his or her kundalini (serpent energy) passing through their hands to the patient's body, and it suits their importance to claim that it is God's light.

It's not. It's sex. It moved from the healer's sex chakra via their hands to the patient through desire for recognition. Be clear, the light of God flows the other way, from within the body towards the surface of your skin.Ding.Ding!

If you truly want to heal people, you take the effeted part of their body and see it hovering in eternity. Then, just pointing at it, you explode the love of God through it and around it, and that love of God explodes like the Big Bang, passing from infinity through atoms and molecules of the cells and eventually outwards through the skin.

The other way is just plan an plan ego wank and doesn't work. By taking the patient to infinity you take them to a non-solid state where they return to God and remember their body is perfect.

Seek and you shall find. The more you travel out to find some what your looking for, the less you will find it. You may of already experienced that.

Sit still and in silence and 'ye will find' Seek not.

The Kingdom of God is around you. You dont have to go anywhere.

"Give and thou shall receive," The churches say, hoping foryou money. The fact is, when you give money from your emotions or your mind, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference. It's onl when you give your money or love unconditionally that you receive. All the rest is a waste of time. It's agenda oriented, expressing the will of the ego. Here's my donaton, where's my pay? it doesn't work. It's odd that people have not noticed that.

Death is scary and birth is glorious they say. Exuse me ! Death is heaven and easy, a liberation Birth I'd imagine, though I can't remember, must be veryscary and very stressful. Imagine coming frm some place warm and nurturing, where you have the comfort of your mother's heartbeat, into bright lights and noise and someone whacking you on the bum.

It's all sold to you backwards to make sure you never figure it out.

Never forget that the Sphere is very clever.

Stuart Wilde


Children are happy because they don't yet have a file in their minds called "All the Things That Could Go Wrong." They don't have a mind-set that puts "Things to Fear" before "Things to Love." Unless we can be like little children, we can't enter the kingdom of Heaven. Unless we can be like little children, we can't be happy. Children are happy because they don't have all the "facts" yet.

Conditions are not the source of my joy.

"The source of my joy is my ability to focus on what feels good."

This is thinking in a way that feels good regardless of conditions, and as you focus you reconnect to the source all of life and to your magnificent inner being. Opening the doorway through which desired conditions manifest.

Young Children know this and are naturally joyful regardless of most conditions. They are connected to their source energy and enjoy what life has to offer. To regain mastery and to live a life of joy, return to your childlike wonder and excitement about life and you will attract all the conditions you desire. A wonderful teacher once said. "To enter the Kingdom of heaven, be as the little children."

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Thought disordered with no evidence for any of the conclusions. Manic phase of bipolar i bet :)

the universe is made of holographic horses? sure in your holographic universe..

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u know salviador

i havent spoken to you ever about this

do yout take ur degree seriously?

is it merely a discpline or really a tool of truth

deconstruct it as i know you are capable of and tell us once and for all....

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I have a degree in psychology, i am almost a fully registered psychologist. I have learnt so much from psychology, i hold it in such high regard,that it sits with psychedelics and meditation on my list of tools that i use/d to learn about myself and nature.

It has taught me to try to see feelings as signposts, to stop and explore the process as to what influenced me to feel a certain way. Psychology has taught me to try to always be able to admit youre wrong.

Seeing a therapist in action is simply amazing to watch, when there is good rapport between a client and a therapist, you can almost see the energy transfer occuring. However, unlike some other healing techniques, psychological interventions empower the client to heal themselves, essentially teaching a man to fish rather than just giving him one. These are the more complex lessons, psyc has shown me structure to help explore confusion... Most importantly psyc has contributed towards my happiness and increased my awareness.

The lessons ive taken away from psychology i have also seen in meditation and psychedelic use, and they have all swirled together to form, in my opinion, an incredibly strong base to climb further.

Uh oh using lots of analogies now, i feel a rant coming on

To answer your question rev, i see psyc as a looking glass and a mirror, and a path all in one. so yes more than just a career, but it is also that as well!

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