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  1. <<<*sigh* Ok, firstly I hate mornings, the fact I'm awake this early has a lot to do with the fact "they" have been goading my mind to tell a "nice" story for days now. So here goes; Its about those freaky times when an individuals life has been "saved by an unseen Angel". Yawn worthy stuff to many regardless of what time it is, however many seem to like these types of stories for the sense of hope they give. Guys normally look at me with suspended disbelief like I'm trying to chat up all the girls in the room, while the girls go "ahhh!" Every word in these stories are true accounts from my life. "They" have "intervened" in my life on a number of occasions without any need for prayer or requests from "God" or the "heavenly host" or whatever you choose to believe or dis-believe. It makes little difference to me, I wont argue semantics with anyone about it. Here are two of the "nicer" accounts that have occurred: Late one night, I was traveling home from my mothers in Mt Gravatt in Brisbane, heading North on the Gateway motorway travelling at 100 km/h in my Hyundai on an empty Motorway. I had ended up in the right hand lane to overtake a car but hadn't seen a car for a while, and just kept going in that lane. All of a sudden, I had the feeling I was in the "wrong lane" The words; "You should change lanes" entered my head. I saw no real reason for this, the road was empty! I conceded with myself the "keep left unless overtaking" rule and duly changed into the left lane. Only a moment or two had passed when in the blackness ahead on a gentle curve I saw on the left hand side the lights of a stationary semi-trailer suddenly switched on! FUCK! It was only meters ahead on me! Had I made the wrong choice? My brain scrambled to comprehend what was about to happen. The semi-trailer that had just switched its trailer lights on was parked on the left hand road shoulder, much to my relief! As I began to pass it, I then saw that in the right hand lane another semi-trailer had jack knifed in the right had lane. No lights, no warning, and certainly no chance of me even considering ANY evasive action. So stunned by this I kept driving, missing my exit and continuing over the Gateway bridge toll booth (they had people in them back then) Shaking I mentioned to the person in the booth the cut down version of this story, "THERE'S A TRUCK JACK KNIFED ON THE MOTORWAY!!" It took me a little while to work out how to exit and return Southbound, but by the time I had, the toll booth attendant on the return was telling me about the truck. "Yeah! I know!" I smiled still in disbelief how close I came to a fatality. The next story was only @ 5 years ago. I had taken a new twist in life and was studying at a Tafe on the other side of the city. Between the hour long journey each way and the mental cramming for assignments and trying to supplement my income I had been burning the candle at both ends. I was on the way home one warm Brisbane afternoon driving in the middle lane of busy city traffic when I began to nod-off. My right hand dropped with the wheel as my eyes closed momentarily and head began to sink. All of a sudden I felt my right hand "pushed" up again! I snapped back awake with adrenalin racing realising I was driving a car in the middle lane of three packed lanes of city traffic that would of ripped my little plastic car to pieces if I had of swerved any further! Angels have all ways surrounded me. Possibly more so to protect everyone else from a menace like me! Have you ever felt "saved by an Angel"?
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