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  1. watch this, here are notes to go along with it: no wet blue signature = no credibility bankers do acceptance's. blacks law dictionary defines HUMANS as bankers.? you can do anything a banker can do. banker, one who is engaged in the business of banking, banking, issuing notes for circulation, so if you put faith in a note then you are a banker?... Accept means you will pay the document. If you pay the document/ negotiable estimate, then obviously it belongs to you. anyone who sends you a bill and does not send you the check to pay it with, has created a liability witch they did not provide the remedy. "everything in commerce is in the mirror" - winston shrout uniform commercial code doctrine: in order to create liability you have have to make presentment (give it to them. hand them paper). That's why in court if you don't have your "ticket" they hand you a copy, if you take it you "consent", so best thing you can do is say "no i dont have it" and keep saying that???..... If they made presentment then they have to provide a remedy for it cause they just created liability in the public..... "we use to get presentments from the irs and they wouldn't send the check, so we use to write back and say thanks for what you sent but where's the check, and then after a period of time they then started to send the check" winston shrout. Acceptance: "Write all below on a bill its considered a MONEY ORDER it must be Diagonally (historical significance / how bankers use to do it)" _____________________________________________________ Accepted for value ( you give it faith as a banker, you are a banker) Exempt from levy (because you are a banker/stock trader) [SIGNATURE] [date] Exemption id # (for account identification): Deposit to The Department of the Treasury Charge the same to FIRST LAST (the account ID not the strawman?) ____________________________________________________ FIRST MIDDLE LAST (the strawman/private entity/company ?) FIRST LAST (the account ID at treasury, or do they use cooperate strawman entity?) When you accept this as a banker (and that you are) you turn this document into currency. every piece of paper that is backed by the faith and consciousness is something you can then use to exchange for energy with. Faith in credit, if there was no faith in Australian currency then it would be no good. all currency in the world is debit, there is no gold? http://www.treasury.gov.au http://en.wikipedia....%28Australia%29 The Commonwealth Treasury was established in Melbourne in January 1901 http://www.butt-onz.com.au/ Definition of BANKER A private person who keeps a bank; one who is engaged in the business of banking. People v. Doty, 80 N. Y. 228; Auten v. Bank, 174 U. S. 125, 19 Sup. Ct. 628, 43 L. Ed. 920; Richmond v. Blake, 132 U. S. 592, 10 Sup. Ct. 204, 33 L. Ed. 481; Meadowcroft v. People, 163 111. 56, 45 N. E 303, 35 L R. A. 176, 54 Am. St Rep. 447. Definition of BUSSINESS This word embraces everything about which a person can be employed. People v. Com’rs of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 242, 244. That which occupies the time, attention, and labor of men for the purpose of a livelihood or profit. The doing of a single act pertaining to a particular business will not be considered engaging in or carrying on the business; yet a series of such acts would be so considered. Goddard v. Chaffee, 2 Allen (Mass.) 305, 79 Am. Dec. 796; Sterne v. State, 20 Ala. 46. Labor, business, and work are not synonyms. Labor may be business, but it is not necessarily so; and business is not always labor. Making an agreement for the sale of a chattel is not within a prohibition of labor upon Sunday, though it is (if by a merchant in his calling) within a prohibition upon business. Bloom v. Richards, 2 Ohio St. 387. Definition of BANKING The business of receiving money on deposit, loaning money, discounting notes, issuing notes for circulation, collecting money on notes deposited, negotiating bills, etc. Bank v. Turner, 154 Ind. 456, 57 N. E. 110. See BANK; BANKER.
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