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Found 1 result

  1. BORNEO/TROPICAL FRUIT SEEDS FOR SALE: 1. Buah Datan - Limited seeds I don't know the species of this fruits, it's a vine so perhaps it's in the family of Apocynaceae or the genus of Willughbeia. The leaves and stems similar with Willughbeias. Big fruits, red skin colored when ripe, white fleshed, black seeds. If someone know the species of this fruits, please let me know. Local name: Buah datan. Taste: When ripe, 40% sweet and 60% sour (Unripe fruits are very sour). Price: $4 USD per one seed. 2. Willughbeia sp (Tampirik) Local name: Tampirik. Taste: Sweet without any sour taste. Price: $4.25 USD per one seed. 3. Lepisanthes alata Limited seeds, red colored when ripe. Local name: Brengalun sua. Taste: Sweet. Price: $3.50 USD per one seed. 4. Lepisanthes amoena Limited seeds. Local name: Brengalun. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed. 5. Artocarpus anisophyllus Limited seeds. Local name: Mentawak. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 6. Artocarpus sarawakensis Local name: Pingan, Tarap gunung. Taste: Sweet and delicious. Price: $3 USD per one seed. 7. Artocarpus sericicarpus Local name: Pedalai, Peluntan Taste: Sweet and tasty. Price: $3 USD per one seed. 8. Artocarpus elasticus Local name: Bendho, Mendi Taste: Sweet. Price: $3 USD per one seed. 9. Artocarpus nitidus Local name: Betoh, Selangking Taste: Sour. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 10. Prainea limpato Very rare and limited quantity. Local name: Kesusu, Limpato, Buruni, Ematak, Tumpang. Taste: Sweet with a slightly sour taste. Price: $6 USD per one seed. 11. Nephelium uncinatum Local name: Lanamun. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed. 12. Puson (Nephelium sp) Nephelium species with a beautiful shape. Local name: Puson. Taste: Sweet. Price: $3 USD per one seed. 13. Dimocarpus malesianus Local name: Tangkuhis, Mata kucing. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 14. Baccaurea angulata Local name: Belimbing darah. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed. 15. Baccaurea reticulata Baccaurea reticulata are smaller than Baccaurea deflexa, but the taste are also sweet. Local name: Tampoi kecil. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 16. Baccaurea deflexa Local name: keliwetn. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed. 17. Baccaurea edulis Local name: Kapul kuning, Mawoi. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed. 18. Baccaurea sp(Luwi) Local name: Luwi. Taste: Sweet with a slightly sour taste. Price: $2.50 USD per one seed each varieties. The fruits also the taste are different with Baccaurea macrocarpa. 19. Baccaurea macrocarpa Local name: Kapul. Taste: Sweet. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 20. Dacryodes rostrata Local name: Kalasu. Taste: Tasty and creamy. Price: $2 USD per one seed. 21. Langsat (Lansium domesticum) from Borneo Big, sweet and delicious. Local name: Langsat. Taste: Sweet. Price: $0.80 USD per one seed. VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO BUY: 1. Decide what and how many seeds you want to buy, then i will calculate all including shipping costs. Send your complete address and also your phone number (Indonesia postal system requires your phone number to process the shipment). 2. BECAUSE I RARELY VISIT THE FORUM, SO PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MARYOTO1981(AT)GMAIL.COM FOR FAST RESPONSE. 3. WHOLESALE BUYERS ARE WELCOME. 4. I HAVE SENT MANY SEEDS TO MANY COUNTRIES IN THE PAST, SO I HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SENDING SEEDS WORLDWIDE, INCLUDING TO AUSTRALIA. 5. FRUITING SEASON OF FRUITS SPECIES IN BORNEO IS VERY SHORT, SO I NEED FAST RESPONSE OR YOU WILL RUN OUT OF SEEDS. BECAUSE IF I DELETED MY POST AND REPLACE WITH NEW SPECIES, IT'S MEAN THE SEEDS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. 6. BECAUSE I LIVE IN VILLAGE IN THE MIDDLE OF BORNEO JUNGLE,SO ONLY AVAILABLE EMS SHIPPING SERVICE AND STANDARD SERVICE(USING POSTAGE STAMPS,NO TRACKING NUMBER,LONG TIME TO ARRIVE).
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