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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by _Cursive

  1. WOW! From those pictures you certainly have more weeds than land! :P

    To me, it looks like you neglect your land and the weeds get to height where they are able to deposit their seeds into your pots.
    What I would do is use a weed-eater to get the land flat then get cardboard and layer it down where you want your pots, put the pots on top with a 1 metre radius of cardboard around the pots. That should stop the weeds from getting near your pots.

    You will need to saturate your pots with water (or wait for a heavy rain) before you try to pull any weeds. Pulling weeds in dry/arid soil is a waste of time, they cling on like dags and inevitably break short. To be honest I'd re-pot everything and start fresh. Even baking all your soil to eliminate any dormant seeds.

    This technique won't stop the weeds permanently, but it'll give you a great head start to be able to weed them as you see new ones emerging. :)



  2. Nice, except we are talking about conditions of the mind and soul, not a machine.

    We still don't have proof of a soul. It's just a 'feeling'. Individuals 'feel' a lot things. So lets rule out the soul part.

    Schizophrenia is genetic. Schizophrenics perceive the world differently without realising it. Schizophrenics can't self diagnose, and are usually socially dysfunctional in society and can end up homeless due to this. Medication is the only way to control this.

    This post is BRILLIANT and thank you Alchemia for posting it!

    Seeing underlying mental conditions like schizophrenia break out during an hallucinogenic trip, isn't pleasant at all! The problem I've had personally and see a lot with trippers, is they slowly, without realising it, lose grasp on reality.

  3. Hey Dreamwalker!

    Yeah man, it works a TREAT! The slugs and snails don't go anywhere near it, they pick up it's nearby and stay well away from it.
    The best part is it's re-usable, unlike the slug and snail bait (which ATTRACTS them if they're not nearby). You don't need much, 2.5mm TPS will be enough, just strip off the insulation.
    I'm an electrician, so I can get it anytime.

    Poppies suffer from attacks A LOT, so I make a circular perimeter around them, and just make it bigger as the plants get bigger.

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