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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by _Cursive

  1. I appreciate that he challenges the dominant scientific dogma, which I perceive as a machine that defines and authorizes itself. I don't have a problem with the very natural impulse to look at available information, observance, experience, others's experiences and form a probable story based on the information. We living beings have been doing this as long as we've existed. The appeal to science is the major damage in our era because it posits its truth as absolute. The very same culture that said/says 'God' and acted/acts astonished that there could be another version seems now to be saying 'Science' with the same astonishment. The effort is to come up with a One story that is the absolute truth period. We will always have our physiological, psychological, personal experiential, cultural, and animal lenses by which we perceive. To give some temporal perspective, Copernicus, Galileo, and others were viewed by the dominant paradigm of their times as obscure quacks too.

    I totally agree with you. I have recently been exposing myself to philosophy and psychology talks on Youtube. From the many many lectures I have watched I have realised that I was still heavily leaning on the science dogma attitude toward life, as much as I thought I wasn't.

    I got in to politics through philosophy, then the psychology of politics and then realised that people tend to fall into categories with or without realising it. Once I became aware of this, man, my perception of the world really hit home, in a bad way.

    Dreamwalker's quote summed it up:

    humanity just seems so sad & pathetic.......everything we are taught & told..our whole culture...its all just mostly lies...what a waste..

    It's not peoples intention to be a certain way, it's the dogma/indoctrination that has shaped them. It's most prevalent in politics and religion, and as I have just realised, science to a certain degree.

    Very fascinating stuff, but a bit bleak at the same time :)

    • Like 1

  2. Thanks for the input ThuderIdeal! Appreciate it mate :)
    Always welcome input to anything I post, even if you disagree and give your reasoning to why. I am going to start with the first Youtube vid then work my way through them.

    I have just read your signature, that is a great statement.

    ... but for me it isn't about which side of an argument is righter than the other. that's the end goal, sure, to find some truth that is reflected by the world. in the meantime there must be room in academia and in education to allow for the co-existance and receptivity to alternative paradigms, not just one dominant paradigm!!

    I have just become fully aware of how stubborn and right people want to be. Even in the sciences. I think Sheldrake talked about how the constant of gravity ISN'T constant, and depending on geographical location an time of the year, it changes. Not by much, but it none the less changes. It was made constant to tie in nicely to their outcomes.
    Whether it was in that talk or another, I can't remember.

    Thanks again! :)

  3. I've upgraded 3 times now and have only ever had better vapes... Currently I've spent $60 on a model which is below the provari (as far as my research says...?!), that's from china tho, pm me for source. They claim to manufacture a lot of the brands as generics. You can even get then to put your logo on there product/box...

    I'll go the provari next which begins at $230 aust + cartomizer costs...

    The plastic ones suck... Pyrex all the way... Going the adjustable battery I think has made all the diff. Feels fully controllable with each flavour I try, you can tweak will perfection. Bottom fed cartomiser all the go too, stay away from the ones that wick to the top


    I got two of these complete and ready to go, 3 spare wicks and a charger + 20 free nic juice for $60. Two batteries which are 1100amp or whatever the rating is, my 650's lasted 1.5 days so these should do me 2-3 days each

    I just got mine today. It's great! I got the 'High strength' (3rd highest nicotine content) liquid and it's buzzing me out. I don't smoke mind you.

  4. Not a problem Dreamwalker! :) Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I do love Molyneux's work, he's very meticulous with his research/evidence.

    What '3rd video down' do you mean? I clicked on that Thunderideal link and it's just someone's profile. I'm a bit lost sorry :D :)

    Hope the weather is treating well, I was glad for the rain!

    EDIT: I found it, don't worry! Thanks for the link :)

  5. Ever wondered what political views look like in the brain?

    Very fascinating study (with LOTS of evidence) showing how reasoning and evidence are overshadowed by bias and ideology.

    Evidence showing politics is akin to a drug, especially when opposing other views.

    "Each participant was wired to an electroencephalograph that recorded activity in their anterior cingulate cortex...."

  6. Well the whole 'global warming' fiasco, fore-fronted by Al Gore was all part of a nice little plan to implement (and him to profit nicely from):
    'Carbon Tax'.

    What we know is this: Where there is government, there is corruption with laws and bail-outs to protect those in the closed loop system.
    The idea of an anarcho-capitalist system -remember we don't KNOW anything 100% until we try something, is that without the toilet paper that is fiat currency (which is infinite) then we would use some other means of currency that HOLDS value due to scarcity. The wasteful tendencies of throwing money around would cease, as it is valuable DUE to scarcity.

    Anarcho-capitalists don't claim to have all the answers, but what they do know is that the current system doesn't work and is INCREDIBLY inefficient.

    • Like 1

  7. that was painful,

    carbon tax had demonstrably low impact on the australian economy, 0.7% CPI increase, now we have, thanks to the "free market" gas prices increasing by some 300% in places, all because energy retailers can get higher prices by exporting it and thinking "let's fuck over a captive market as much as we can!", yeah free market is awesome! but you know, carbon tax was a fucking wrecking ball and etc.

    also people have been predicting the death of the housing market for a decade, wake me up when it happens yeah?

    i would treat with a high degree of scepticism everything a so called "anarcho-capitalist" says

    fuck me quoting tony abbott on anything should immediately disqualify anyone's argument,

    Are you pro 'the-system-we-have-now?

    I don't quite know what you're getting angry at. You do realise that it is government that fucks everyone over by implementing taxes and laws by coercion. We don't have a 'free market' anymore. What we have now is fascism under the guise of Capitalism with laws made (by government) to protect themselves and their vested interests (big businesses) bought out with fiat currency (printed money).

    In an Anarcho-Capitalist system, there would be no taxes, printed money would literally be worth nothing, there would be a whole range of entrepreneurs where lobbyists couldn't stifle ideas. I'll use your oil/gas prices as an example. The oil tycoons buy out 'clean energy' concepts all the time (with fiat currency). With no printed money from the government, they would HAVE to offer you something of worth in order to buy it. What that is, we don't know yet. This makes it FAR harder to just buy things off, weather it be people or ideas.
