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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Amulte

  1. hey this is perfect. im on the pension and with new baby havnt been able to afford a ticket yet.

    i gotta get back into posting again instead of lurking but thats another story.

    gotta figure transport but that wont be any trouble im sure..... hell ill hitch-hike to ega if ihave to, ive been in withdrawls for a year or more.

    much love, when will it be drawn?

  2. a heard a reference to salvia on either family guy or american dad in the last week or two...funny

    american dad, new episode, Hayley says "i gotta stop smoking salvia before going to get my body painted"

    CSI puts out alot of sensationalist drug hype in the show ive noticed. i remember one episode where this dude on PCP tore up his friends stomach and ate his innards.

  3. ROFLMAO wtf? he looks like a practitioner of the dark arts. theres worship involved but i dont think its the Christian god. trippy shit.

    sneak in a video camera for us SC, would love to see it.

    good luck and stay safe.

    after hearing crowder speak he sounds like an occultist...

  4. I have moved so please do not send any trade items till you get the new addy.

    i can get things sent to old addy for now, will pay for redirection soon tho but yeah, get my new addy if you need it please.


  5. AWESOME day!

    was terrific to meet those of you whom i have not had the pleasure meeting, and seeing those i haven't in a while.

    Really a top day with wonderful groovey people.

    Much love to all, well be doing this again soon that's for sure ;)

  6. that sucks farmeroz, hope you make a speedy recovery.

    The meeting is on Saturday the 21st isn't it? I just noticed that the calender event says the 20th, even though it appears on the 21st.

    yeah thats really odd, most probably an error on my part i imagine... it also appears to say its at 2pm(14:00) but really meet is at 10am. That one is beyond me but the other is error on my part entering it. appears i cannot edit it. no trouble.

    its this saturday to make things easier.

  7. Lets meet near the big white thing at 10am.

    the obelisk? yeah thats a pretty good idea. right at the top of the hill, you CANT miss it. im a few Km away and i can see it from here. hang out up there for a little waiting for others then move off.

    id offer my mobi number but with no credit i wouldnt be able to tell late peoples where we are unless they simply call. dunno, if you think youll need it send me or whoever a PM and im sure well find ya.

  8. I hated working for a Company like Bridgestone & the Plastic Personality I had to upkeep.

    i thought it would have been more of a rubber personality....LOL sorry.

    but mi glad someone asked as i was just about to myself. sounded too interesting.

    but may I ask why you had to get them removed in the 1st place? obviously there would have been problems as i dont see it being elective surgery, but where were the problems/complications?

  9. ok things are looking better now.

    i explained the fuck up and "it all makes sense now" as to why shes not doing well. NOW things are looking better and she has been rehydrated but she is pushing herself as she desperatly wants to get home.

    For those who dont know PCA is Patient Controlled Analgesic. push a button for a dose, after a dose it locks you out of dosing for a few mins, then allows dose again. they filled hers with 180mg of morphine.

    they checkout out her internals and it appears torn but no bleeding.

    much love.

  10. hehe its all good ace. all very very good ;)

    seriously i love you all.

    she is coming along ok.... in quite a bit o pain today, went pale and shakey on me a few times. im a bit worried she may have ruptured or torn something internal as they gave her morphine (AGAINST MY WISHES!!!!!) and she had violent vomiting and dry heaving from it in conjunction with the GA after effects. they got more training, sure, but i know the girl and her reactions to things. and WTF?!?! the anesthesiologist is trying to tell me morphine is NOT ADDICTIVE!?!??!!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!#!)^@(&%@#($%02817461203963-9 WTF!!!!!.


    we discussed it before this and it was put into the birth plan for her NOT to be given morphine! she was ment to be given Remifentalin. yes it has a sorter life in the system but its just a matter of changing the PCA dose control lockout timer to be shorter in duration. ill explain all this in a bit, sorry shit is so full on atm im having trouble keeping up.

    ill be able to explain things better when things cool down.

  11. the amazing randi has been at this ever for decades now. used to be a magician turned reveler of secrets. magicians hate him for giving away alot of tricks. but i digress, he has been at this for a long time. back in the 70's he got together with dick smith to put up a shitload of money to ANYONE who could accurately dows water. there is the doco about it on google video somewhere.

    the man wants to see a miracle, and if anyone can show him one and he confirms it as a miracle and not a magicians trick or statistical favoring, then he will fork out the $$$.

    he is the man who exposed Uri Geller as a total charlatan. seriously the mans life has been rather interesting in his conquests for the supernatural.

    he even teaches people about "faith healers" and has a rather comical appearance on the tonight show where he performs bare hand surgery. it is a trick but he does this to show people how the illusion is done. even in India exposing the BS mystics.

    check out his videos online. plenty on youtube and everywhere. any serach on James Randi, Uri geller or faith healing should turn up with something. give it a go, he IS a rich bastard. he has the cash. hes friends with a few other multi millionares.

    UNLESS his understanding of how to fool people is how he has made himself such notoriety and trust within the high roller circles... ya never know.
