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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Amulte

  1. Amulte

    Artificial Trees

    i dont see any birds. LOL, Artificial Birds must be the next project. that is a better option, but i imagine the AT's would help.
  2. Amulte

    Drug test kits now in stock

    ever ingested one? so sedating and stoning. illegal in a few countries, one of those "check local laws before traveling" medications.
  3. Amulte

    Long time no see !!!

    Welcome back, Gom started http://www.australianethnobotany.com havnt seen fractal in months (unless he changed his nick) not sure about brian
  4. Amulte

    Rumour Mill – Mini EGA 2008

    WOOOOOT!!! awesome news! the rumors were true!! YAY!!!
  5. Amulte

    A solution to the Teotz problem

    hehe thanks paradox, just had a closer look at that, things have changed since i last looked at it (boy i made myself look a tad silly ay?). doesn't really ignore them tho. i mean if some people just cant help replying to teotz posts/threads, how are they expected to keep him on the ignore list. i mean, it still shows the blocked persons avatar, and the fact they posted, just doesn't let you read it unless you hit the button. now if people cannot turn a blind eye to his posts how would that feature help? i imagine if one cannot ignore the posts manually, curiosity would get the better of them. show a little self discipline/self control i say. what about people who don't have him on ignore and they quote him, you will read what he said in another's post. do you in turn add them to ignore? when does it end. if you don't wanna see it just close your eyes, click you heels 3 times (or the mouse button once) and repeat "theres no place like home... theres no place like home" although one thing i cannot ignore is the running theme that some agree and are concerned that his posts change the attitude, dynamic, information flow and visiting habits of members (one rotten apple spoils the barrel) but i cannot help but think theres better ways of addressing the situation is all im trying to say. people use the "dont shit in my house" metaphor, personally i see it as a group house. we all live here, we all share this space. dont have to like each other or agree on everything but its better to get along than bicker constantly. not just for ones own mental wellbeing, but everyone else in the house too. the bickering does have a negative impact, but it always takes two.
  6. Amulte

    A solution to the Teotz problem

    i just want to explain the ignore feature...... (unless it changed), the ignore feature pertains only to PM's, not posts or threads (unless it all changed) id honestly be surprised if it does posts and threads.i thought it was common knowledge it was only PM's to be on topic all i got to say is yall gotta stop chewing each other out, accept people for how/who they are, or use the ignore feature of your brain instead of the forums. i mean... imagine two people in an argument, one has knowledge and evidence, the other doesnt, who is the idiot? the one who blindly argues or the one who is trying to talk to a wall? (so to speak). i disagree with some of the things Teotz has said and surely will say, but thats not reason enough to throw arms up in the air demanding satisfaction. it would be pretty fucking boring if we all agreed on everything and had the exact same ideals about things. also id like to add i think this thread belongs in the bitch ditch. EDIT - im not defending him but its not like Teotz goes about spouting racist, homophobic, antisemitic BS.
  7. Amulte

    Freshly cut cacti and heavy rain

    i always take my cacti cuttings inside, into a dry warm and dark place, for a few days to cure over. leave them in there too long and you will get a white growth which is best avoided so dont forget about them. great way to force pups tho, but one has to get the timing right and check for the pup growth constantly, it will happen fast.
  8. how the hell did that happen??? they are 3 different breeds of dog?!?!?!?!
  9. ALL isp's do it... always have, but theres not much can be done about it as its part of the terms and services of the agreement you enter into when you join. the software is pointless.... its better be freeware. i mean... in other countries it may be handy but its useless and redundant here....
  10. ROFLMAO that was great, the story was too but its such a CS thing. ive wondered where he has been... now we know
  11. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    yeah ill be there early, if anyone is keen to rock up early then come find me ;) see yall there
  12. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    im thinking of heading in a bit early if i can get away from here in time, so i might be there about one 1:30ish.. see how things go but ill be there.
  13. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    so we all keen on this weekend the 2nd of august? Toast ive lost ya mobile number if i ever had it, if you still got mine give me a bell ;)
  14. Amulte

    gays on Ansett.

    that was great
  15. Amulte

    The NEWEST Terrorists

    I cannot explain this at all... best attempt would be the brainwashing of children by an old group that is turning into what is called a terrorist organisation. seriously, it has to be seen. its not graphic or anything and is safe for work. quote from the fat lady "I want to see these children as radically laying down their lives for gospel as they do in Pakistan and Isreal" you gotta see it, freaks me out.
  16. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    fudging heck LMAO plans change constantly... ok this weekend (the 19th) looked like it works for alot o people, and now im free this weekend... so 19th or 2nd of august or after? anyone? BUMP BUMP BUMP
  17. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    2nd of august anyone?
  18. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    yeah next weekend no good here... 26th is looking good tho, what about the 26th for others?
  19. Amulte

    Central Coast meet?

    That would be sweet toast (glad ya back btw) but yeah as for dates im up in the air atm. the weekend of the 19th is bad for me, this weekend good but wasnt a few days ago.... ill actually have to talk to the other half tonight just to double check everything, this weekend would be great (methinks) but short notice for others and such... im sure 19th no good for me... ill post later tonight.
  20. Amulte

    Youtube vids

  21. Amulte

    grey/blue poppy pods

    looks like its still a ittle wet from the colour, but then again any pod looks good to me... has been too long
  22. Amulte

    Black out

    ive noticed that myself, in my life ive had some hair raising/pant wetting adventures including but (not limited to)a gun pulled in my face and not had such responses, but ive had similar 'black-out' experiences from verbal conflicts and confrontations and such. the 1st time it happened to me i pulled my girlfriend at the time out of a rip when she couldnt swim, didnt phaze me much but my body reacted in the same way you describe. i think it really depends to what the psyche can and cannot deal with, weather it knows it or not. its a defense mechanisim of sorts, just after years of humanity it doesnt work properly.
  23. Amulte

    Black out

    its sounds like this time you went into shock. i can see other reasons for your other situations. go to the doc and get checked out, but my inclination is that this time was shock from the overload and adrenaline and such. your 1st time could have been blood related (ive known a few blokes who pass out at the sight of blood), the 2nd time was your body trying to prevent you from further killing it. best treatments for shock are gaba, benzos or a tiny drink just to ease the nerves so the dont overload themselves. short post but in a rush atm, sorry.
  24. Amulte

    Coffee and coffeine withdrawal

    i used to go on binges with coffee, constantly drinking till i could not hold the cup any longer. that was untill i ran out one day and couldnt get any, it was the worst sensation i had ever felt. it was as if my nostrils were producing an odour from the inside, and with every breath that smell would make the pain worse. absolutely agonising, it is part of the withdrawl unfortunatly. the higher the dose and rate of dosing the worse the withdrawl ofcourse. after that i now avoid it at all costs, ive occassionally slipped up and gotten into it hardcore but soon remember why i avoid it. its not fun.
  25. Amulte

    Happy Bday Legba!

    have a good one blues man