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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by quarterflesh

  1. quarterflesh

    So who else 'Rims?

    i want to get this for the ps3
  2. quarterflesh

    ID Help, please.

    1 looks like that jasmin weed
  3. quarterflesh

    What's this? I need it, please ASAP

    looks like water damage. i see this all the time being a tiler. most likely your shower is leaking
  4. quarterflesh

    EGA Fundraiser Auction

  5. quarterflesh

    Acacia Acuminata

    for some reason i dont think it would be suitable for a aya brew
  6. quarterflesh

    For Sale/Trade: 100g Mucuna Pruriens seed powder

    no way its illegal you can buy that stuff on ebay
  7. quarterflesh

    Trichocereus clones show off

    whats is this 'black plague' you talk about in the bridgesii ?
  8. quarterflesh

    Face in the clouds

    damn crazy ufo's always getting in ppl's photos
  9. quarterflesh

    Soy Milk

    soy doesn't give you cancer.. the government does. any ways i gave up milk for soy 3 years ago, this is the first time iv heard about it causing cancer. i know ppl who have drank it there whole lives without any problems, but i would like to hear some more info if anyone has some.
  10. quarterflesh

    couple fed dog LSD

    worst couple ever!
  11. you could dig it a little deeper and top it up with sand to support it i guess
  12. quarterflesh

    Kid getting tooth pulled by string

    rofl. oh what terrible memories that just brought back
  13. quarterflesh

    Vanilla orchid and grafted lophs

    missed out damn.. i could have given you a massive vanilla i have growing in a pot. im moving soon so that was gonna go to someone, would have loved a loph for it
  14. quarterflesh

    RC's held by customs

    sounds like Mephedrone
  15. quarterflesh

    sowing out hoodia

    im not having much luck growing these either, id love to here opinions
  16. quarterflesh

    what is this??

    having a hell of a time trying to kill off this stuff, its taking over most of my pots and and seedlings. please help
  17. quarterflesh

    Any old trippers on the board?

    my boss is a tripper from way back and loose as, i can ask him anything. he might have a good answer for you
  18. quarterflesh

    what is this??

    sorry tripsis i replied at the same time as you. ok i will let them be for now
  19. quarterflesh

    what is this??

    im not a fan, they remind me of moldy cup cakes. any idea how to get rid of them, im not sure about damage just yet i just dont like the look of them and there everywhere
  20. quarterflesh

    RC's held by customs

    very odd first post btw!
  21. quarterflesh

    RC's held by customs

    customs are a fiddly mob eh. i suppose it all comes down to what was in the package and weather or not its aloud in to the country. call at your own risk. good luck
  22. quarterflesh

    Need to start my collection from scratch..

    or i have a few hundred seeds laying around somewhere. let me know
  23. quarterflesh

    Need to start my collection from scratch..

    i can send you 1 or 2 established lions tail seedlings. there anywhere from 6-8 inches tall. pm me if interested, i have 4 and am running out of pots and room
  24. quarterflesh

    Are there aya ceromonies in oz ?

    i dont think anyone wants to end up in jail like that fella from england that was posted just the other day