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woof woof woof

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Everything posted by woof woof woof

  1. woof woof woof

    Happy Birthday Torsten

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!!!
  2. woof woof woof

    Wanted. NEEM seeds

    dude,.... neem is a pest tree. it was once introduced on our island and is spreads like crazy.
  3. woof woof woof


  4. woof woof woof

    dissection of iboga fruit

    Never really thought about the rates afterwards. I always thought they were just a yummy snack for furgivores to spread the seeds. Maybe I need to eat them poop and then dig them out and see if the germinate at better rates. hehehe. Would be interesting to find out what animals eat iboga fruits. sperm taste??? dog sperm maybe.....lol...........just kidding hahahaha...... no but seriously.... I just find them to have a subtle sweet taste,.... and I always thought the sweet stuff in them are just a problem with attracting unwanted microorganisms. maybe digestive enzymes or the whole digestive tract may have beneficial properties to germination rates.
  5. woof woof woof

    dissection of iboga fruit

    iboga fruit is actually good tasting. Very little fruity flesh though. I used to eat the flesh off the seeds to get rid of it in order to avoid the sugary content to prevent contams when germinating.
  6. woof woof woof

    Bridgesii X SS02 vs SS02 X Bridgesii

    Nice plants! We need more mixes. I am always hoping for a mix that sets flowers in the tropics. Up till now no trich has ever set flowers here at Lat 12deg. :-( So if any of you have Trichs that set flowers in the middle of summer under temps of around 30C.... I would love to have a cutting or 2!!!!
  7. woof woof woof

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    Btw I find it very amusing such a skeptic as you Dolos on a forum of people where the majority is keenly aware of the action reaction ,... reap what you have sown / spiritual etc. But nothing wrong with someone that is a critical thinker..... just hope that you are not to critical for your own good. (just hoping the best man!)
  8. woof woof woof

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    still MUCH higher then it has been for a few thousand years,..... Mr Berkley dude is clearly demonstrating that even with the new data we have swung for the warmest we've been in a long long while. And it is not solar activity or any other natural phenomena that is contributing to this warm swing. CO2 is still the most suspicious contributor..... wouldnt you say so Dolos???
  9. woof woof woof

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    Dolos,.. Hope you are just messing with us..... in case your not,... here is some history Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: a book review Posted by: JeffMasters, 12:48 PM GMT on May 16, 2012 +33 No climate scientist has been subject to more attacks on their science and character than Penn State's Michael Mann, originator of the famed "hockey stick" graph of Earth's temperature history. Dr. Mann has an excellent new book called "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines" that takes the reader on a fascinating journey to the front lines the high-stakes battles between climate scientists and their detractors. It's a must-read for every serious student of Earth's climate. Along the way, you'll learn about tree rings, the IPCC process, the fossil fuel industry's savvy PR campaigns to discredit climate change science, and get an insider's view of the notorious stolen emails of "climategate." For those unfamiliar with the "hockey stick", the shape of the graph showing Earth's temperature has a long, relatively flat portion representing the period 1000 AD - 1800 AD--the shaft of the hockey stick--followed by a sharp upward rise that began in the late 1800s and continues to this day--the blade of the hockey stick. When Dr. Mann first published the hockey stick graph in papers he wrote in 1998 and 1999, it quickly became a central icon in the climate change debate. As he writes in "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars," the hockey stick graph "told an easily understood story with a simple picture: that a sharp and highly unusual rise in atmospheric warming was occurring on Earth." Contrarians bent on discrediting the science of climate change have fiercely attacked the hockey stick, attempting to portray it as the key piece of evidence upon which all of climate change science depends (which is not correct, since many different data sets unrelated to the tree ring studies under attack show a hockey stick-like shape.) The contrarians have adopted "the Serengeti strategy" towards Dr. Mann--"a tried-and-true tactic of the climate change denial campaign...isolate individual scientists just as predators on the Serengeti Plain of Africa hunt their prey: picking off vulnerable individuals from the rest of the herd." The history of the hockey stick The book starts with some interesting background on Dr. Mann's career. He got into climate science by accident--while working on his Ph.D. in physics at Yale, funding got tight, and he elected to switch to the Department of Geology and Geophysics, where funding to perform research on natural climate cycles was available. In the mid-1990s, while working on his Ph.D., he helped discover the decades-long natural cycle of alternating warm and cool ocean temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean thought to be responsible for the active hurricane period that began in 1995. He gave the phenomenon the now widely-used name, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), during an impromptu interview with science writer Dick Kerr. After receiving his Ph.D. in 1996, Dr. Mann moved on into using statistical methods to study past climate, as gleaned from tree ring studies. He takes the reader on a 5-page college-level discussion of the main technique used, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and shows how his famed "hockey stick" graph came about. It's one of the best descriptions I've seen on how PCA works (though it will be too technical for some.) His inaugural PCA work showing that the 1990s were likely the warmest decade in at least the past 600 years was published in 1998. Since the paper coincidentally happened to be published on Earth Day during the warmest year in Earth's history, the paper received a huge amount of media attention. His follow-up 1999 paper went further, suggesting that the 1990s were the warmest decade in the past 1,000 years, and 1998 was the warmest year. Dr. Mann was appointed as one of the lead authors of the 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, the massive United Nations summary of climate change science that comes out every six years. We learn some interesting details about the approval process for the 2001 IPCC report, like the fact for two days, the scientists haggled with the Saudi Arabian delegation about one word in the Summary for Policy Makers. The IPCC report's summary requires unanimous approval by all nations, and the Saudis objected to the language that said, "the balance of evidence suggests an appreciable human influence on climate." They debated 30 different alternatives before finally settling on the language, "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on climate." Figure 1. The hockey stick graph as it appeared in the IPCC Third Assessment Report WG1 (2001) summary, Figure 2.20, Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction. Tree rings, corals, ice cores, and historical records are shown in blue, and instrumental data in red, from AD 1000 to 1999. The grey shaded region indicates the uncertainty in the annual temperature estimates (there is a 95% certainty that the temperature for any given year lies in the gray shaded region.) The thick black line is a smoothed version which highlights the long-term variations. A similar version of this graph appeared in Dr. Mann's original 1999 paper. Climate scientist Dr. Jerry Mahlman was responsible for giving this graph the nickname, the "hockey stick". The battle begins The majority of the book focuses on the battles over the hockey stick that ensued in 1998, as soon as Dr. Mann published his research. He writes: For more than a decade, the scientific community, in its effort to communicate the threat of climate change, has had to fight against the headwind of this industry-funded disinformation effort. The collective battles are what I term the "Climate wars". The battle raged furiously through 2006, when an extensive review of the hockey stick was performed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)--an organization founded in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln to "investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science" for the purpose of informing government policy. The NAS reaffirmed the validity of the hockey stick, concluding: "based on the analyses presented in the original papers by Mann et al. and this new supporting evidence, the committee finds it plausible that the Northern Hemisphere was warmer during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period over the preceding millennium." Dr. Mann writes, "One might think that this would have put an end to the accusations once and for all. But one would be wrong." In November 2009, a few weeks before the December international climate summit in Copenhagen, the RealClimate.org website that Dr. Mann contributes to was hacked into, and a file with emails stolen from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was posted. Dr. Mann explains in detail how these "climategate" emails were taken out context and distorted to appear scandalous by "a massive public relations campaign conducted by major players in the climate change denial movement." To illustrate, he gives the example of Isaac Newton's writings, which can easily be taken out context and distorted to give the impression that he was guilty of "conspiring to avoid public scrutiny," "insulting dissenting scientists," "manipulation of evidence," "knowingly publishing scientific fraud," "suppression of evidence," "abusing the peer review system," and "insulting critics." In the end, no evidence of scientific misconduct was found by any of the five independent reviews of the affair, conducted by the UK Parliament, a CRU commission led by eminent geoscientist Lord Oxburgh, Penn State University, the National Science Foundation Office of the Inspector General, and the University of East Anglia. As a result of "climategate", nothing at all changed in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on climate change. It was a phony scandal. A fierce advocate of good science As I read the book, I was impressed by Dr. Mann's tremendous passion for science and knowledge that comes through. He loves figuring out how things work, and stands in fierce opposition to shoddy science and anti-science political attacks. I had the opportunity to sit down over a beer and talk with him at a recent conference, and he had little interest in talking politics. He'd much rather talk about science, and we had a great discussion about hurricanes--he's published several papers that use statistical techniques to estimate how many tropical storms we missed counting in the Atlantic before the advent of satellites. He frequently talks about how science works and the importance of following the scientific method in his book: "The scientific process--left to operate freely--is inherently self-correcting, even if the gears may at times turn more slowly than we would like...Scientists must be allowed to follow the path along which their intellectual inquiries take them, even if their findings and views might appear inconvenient to outside special interests." In the end, Dr. Mann is "cautiously optimistic" that humanity can meet the challenge of climate change, but acknowledges that climate scientists are in a "street fight" against well-funded climate change disinformers bent on obscuring the science. Conclusion: five stars out of five The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines is a must-read for every serious student of climate change science, and gets my highest rating: five stars out of five. The book is $17.78 at Amazon.com. True to its title, the book has spawned its own mini-war in the ratings section of Amazon, where readers either loved it or hated it--75% of the reviews were 4 or 5 stars, while 21% were 1 star reviews. Only 4% of the readers gave it a mediocre 2 or 3 star rating. Some of the 1 star reviews are no doubt there because “Watt’s Up With That,” one of the most prominent climate science confusion sites, put up a post calling on readers to attack Mann’s book and to attack positive reviews. Links Besieged by Climate Deniers, A Scientist Decides to Fight Back, an opinion piece by Dr. Mann that appeared on the Yale Environment 360 site on April 12. Much-vindicated Michael Mann and Hockey Stick get final exoneration from Penn State — time for some major media apologies and retractions. Climateprogress.org blog post by Joe Romm. An interview with Dr. Mann about his book, "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars", appeared on Andy Revkin's Dot Earth blog in the New York Times on May 3. My favorite climate science blog is realclimate.org, which Dr. Mann co-founded. You can see one of the latest challenges to the hockey stick answered in a May 11 post discussing tree ring records from Siberia. I'll have a new post by Friday at the latest. Jeff Masters
  10. woof woof woof


  11. woof woof woof

    Banksy art destroyed - Melbourne

    bull shit price tag!
  12. woof woof woof

    Ashwagandha, the rest of the plant

    My plants are doing great btw. Thx Aux! Less drought tolerant then I expected....... maybe it will do well on its own in the rainy season.
  13. woof woof woof

    Lost my huge Turbina

    my caapi died not too long ago............. heart breaking story....... i feel you man...........
  14. woof woof woof

    What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?

    Agreeing with you,.... however perhaps & maybe no more significant if viewed from afar... when harmonizing with your environment you will notice that it affects your timing,.. the right timing... and timing makes a big difference in how on how we perceive things..... and when your timing is right,.. things will come together in a beautiful/mysterious/magical way. Meaning, ''you will see (some of) the magic of life!'' Or you will notice the beauty in the details much better. Understand life better. A higher quality of life........ more love,... etc etc I say that your schizophrenic friend has insight on the spiritual level, but also has an unfortunate mental illness. I don't think is he is completely off. Although I would perhaps explain it a little differently like the following; that telepathic ability and coincidence are "side effects" of harmonizing with nature/universe/God. This is something people that have mediated (on or off entheogens) for a while are likely to know.
  15. woof woof woof

    europe trip. recommendations...warnings?

    Amsterdam is actually nice. It's a little overly touristy hyped,... but if you can find your way below that superficial stuff.... Good historical & art museums. Great nightlife. I lived in The Netherlands for 4 years, 3 of those were close to A'dam and visited it regularly. Where ever you go,... meet people,... see what they tell you is cool.
  16. woof woof woof

    What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?

    a serious meditation person made his inner voice heard in my head. (That was the day of my spiritual awakening (thx natural mystic flow of unconditional love and understanding!!!!) I've seen an aura 1ce. (Before that I tried very hard to learn from what I read in books to see them and then when I least expected it it happened, and the moment I said to myself I cant believe that i was seeing it,.... it disappeared ) As a small child I once heard someone call my name once in a nice calm manner. That happend while everyone else was out of the house. They say that it is common in children. I am sure that it wasn't "JUST" an auditory hallucination. I think it was consciously placed there I've had many so called 'coincidences' in my life that perhaps many would probably find strange or cool. None of them really personal or anything. Just so much of them, that I think the average person will probably think that I am making it up. But I know better now and think people should really find out for themselves. I attribute the "so called coincidences" to my awakening / conscious meditation / seeking connection or harmonizing/being in touch with the conscious part of nature/energy. I see them as an affirmation of being on the right track in my perception of life. I sometimes think about dedicating more time to connecting with the universal love and understanding to harmonizing more. Some distractions ........ Focus/harmony & speedy God to you all! ;-)
  17. woof woof woof

    Mimosa Pudica active??

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuQHmtFYU8 http://www.facebook.com/#!/The.Spirit.Molecule < that is where I found the information. This makes me wonder how many more Mimosa's have goodies in them.
  18. woof woof woof

    Grafting experiment

    might be better if the stock is a little more bigger so it has more water in it. Not sure if it will help,... just guessing that a smaller piece of opuntia would shrink quicker.
  19. Never seen pereskiopsis flower...... mine have become huge..... I guess it needs some colder weather and perhaps being munched up by lizards doesnt help it either. Soooo trucha,.... a project huh!?!
  20. woof woof woof

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120501134327.htm logical huh!
  21. woof woof woof

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    dear Dolos,.... climate patterns are more unstable lately then they have been in the last 1000's of years,..... ... "nothing to be concerned about!" Dude,... I'd be concerned if I were you. Better safe then sorry on this one is a very healthy approach then simply denying everything. The only thing I am saying is that all the changes are NATURAL because we are a part of nature and not outside of it. But that doesnt mean that if we are not the catalysts for the drastic pattern differences seen today. We should find / explore alternative energy sources. Why the hell not? It's good for many reasons. Shuuuuun the non believer! ;-) hahaha
  22. woof woof woof

    First Loph - Peres graft attempt

    i've had peresk rot because of jamming them in the soil while the cut was still fresh. so make sure if you jam in the groung right away that the soil is dry for at least a few days. better jet,... let the cut heal then JAM it in!
  23. woof woof woof

    Amsterdam crackdown continues

    guys & girls,... there is sooooo much pot in the Netherlands,.. I wouldnt worry too much about the ruling just yet. Anther thing is that there is much skepticism about the whole pass for residents thing. While some European countries are relaxing their laws, others like Holland are becoming more strict. Remember that Holland has been soooo incredibly liberal all those years that it has caused allot of problems for the neighboring countries who did uphold their strict laws. And of course making it more difficult for outsiders is going to make it more profitable for the locals selling it to tourists.. ( you can hardly call the locals 'criminals' in my opinion.)
  24. woof woof woof

    Gone Fishin!

    most of the tropical saltwater pelagics is what we usually focus on Rumple. Love mahi allot too. Still my fav to catch. tuna's, wahoo, barracuda.. bill fishies.... we do some bottom fishing too every now and then. Snappers mostly.