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Jesus On Peyote

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Everything posted by Jesus On Peyote

  1. Jesus On Peyote

    Acacia Wanted

    Yea, iv tried many times to get a living cutting from my maidenii with kaka all chance Ild try with going for seeds, or a small established plant so you dont have to go though the germination stage, altho that part of it aint so hard. Peace
  2. Jesus On Peyote

    wasted potential

    Hey Twix. I reckon its a great idea. You could make a 2 series doco, 30 days with alco, and 30 days with marijuana. and a short third doco on the conclusion and comparison between the two. Though im not sure on the exacts of how it will be done, but i think 16 hours might be abit long if you want to show its effects in a "realistic", common use environment,if you know what i. unless most people are drunk for 75 percent of the day.
  3. Jesus On Peyote

    Important legal update for NSW and Qld

    damn that sounded like a draining experience T
  4. Jesus On Peyote

    Important legal update for NSW and Qld

    We where talking about this in the youtube thread. This is Bullshit
  5. Jesus On Peyote


    true, guess ild have to get a good hand on look on em to get a good look at the pictures. But im also skeptical in the fact that UFOs might not exactly be aliens. might be military planes, uncharted planes, things like that. which leads me to another unrelated thing, ufo abductions, for all we know that could be cia or something secret like that doing experiments on people,like the nazis did, but under the guise of the "alien" figures. On the other hand SWIM might have just smoked too much for the day,and should stop.
  6. Jesus On Peyote

    Anyone here play xbox live?

    I feel left out, IS Anyone by chance a PS3 Online player?
  7. Jesus On Peyote

    Pedophile Piggy

    I dont wanna get too involved in this no more,so this will hopefully be the last post ;/ Maybe instead of the solution, for the truly premeditated proven cases , there should be some kind of pharmaceutical to .. i donno "dumb down" the sexual system? forced upton offenders that are released after their sentence. as for side effects on acting out, i recon get them on 50mg Valium forced daily and im sure some of you guys know different kinds of sedatives. Dope em up . This post is only half serious,just an unthought out idea that poped into my head while reading the last few posts
  8. Jesus On Peyote

    Why bother fruiting mushrooms?

    wooh, thanks reshroom, very good nda usful info for anyone.
  9. Jesus On Peyote

    Mexico Declares War On Emo

    I fully agree
  10. Jesus On Peyote


    Kinda looks like a far off plane.
  11. Jesus On Peyote

    Im Back!

    Welcome back!
  12. Jesus On Peyote

    Mexico Declares War On Emo

    hmmmmmmm hoki 1- status quo. the other "tribes" have been round for longer.. i admit i misread some of the article so maybe the Mexican pride might not play a factor, depending on what these "other tribes" motives are,which it doesent say,other then they just hate them. 2- Im not trying to edge religion into the thing,just used it as an example. like, "when 2 forces collide" it was just an example. plus christians aint so big and muslims aint so little. their both "subcultures" in a secular world. I cant fully answer that, because its still in its infancy in terms of "looks". but to though a few things out there, enthos are more on the "hippie" side of things, if you see someone walking round with dreads and a beard, wearing a pro pot or whatever shirt, then people will look at you differently. thus putting you into another "category". In the end, the message i was putting out there is, its not good to go round bashing people for what they are,even if you dont agree with their life style. and dont forget i did mention i have no love for emos, yet, i have no hate for em. they just shit me lol. am i going to go rally a group of people to hunt em down..No. i dont know the situation in mehico, but its probebly nothing more then the riots we had here, aussie vs immigrants back in the day that shall not be named.
  13. Jesus On Peyote

    Mild psychadelic smoke?

    Iv found that when it was legal, some good healthy salvia leaves (no extract) can bring in stage 1/2 of the salvia trip scale. I was growing it inside under a constant humidity encluser, and you could see the actual salvoirian crystals comming off the leafs much like trichomes on marijuana, the method i used to dry was in the oven at low heat till they got crispy, i found that letting them try naturally made em go a strange coller with maybe some "defects", in eather case, i either wasent drying naturally right, but the oven dry was always good. In terms of dose, 2 pipes of wonder leaf was good stuff. i rarely ever made it to the third pipe b4 it came on. For a mild smoke.
  14. Jesus On Peyote

    Mexico Declares War On Emo

    Maybe the Mexicans dont like American borne subcultures invading their lands? in my mind, kinda (not the most stable) it can be alikened to Christians invading muslim lands. and we all know what happens to the christians when that happens. Im not saying its justified,other wise most of us in this forum would be under constant attack by the more "mainstream" Australians. All i know is the mexicans have a proud past and culture and see the emos as a threat to the younger generations.. kinda like hippies in the 60s 70s in america, they dident get bashed, but they where scorned by 90% of the establishments, or the "status quo". BTW Emos do shit me. once i was talking to my cus, and i told him i liked a song by.. cant remember but the song name was black parade, or somthing like that, and he called me an emo, at the time i was like wtf is an emo, i cant like a single song without having a tag slapped on me
  15. Jesus On Peyote

    A month on dope terrifies journalist

    I dont smoke!, it wasent me, it was the one armed man Nah, i admit i smoke quite alot, and it HAS had negitive impacts in my life, however, i dont blame the weed, i blame myself for getting myself into that situation. In all seriousness, Long term use of even smoking CAN bring about some problems, but to go as far as injecting THC (first iv heard of it) is over the top and stony is right when they are just trying to liken it to "harsher" drugs. Its all moderation, people that take E for example Or even alcohol, once or twice a month compared to people that take it everyday, there is a giant difference. Somone should send the jurno a request to try Drinking alcohol every day as much as she smoked, then give her unbiased result. (that includes injecting some injectable alcohol. )
  16. Jesus On Peyote

    A month on dope terrifies journalist

    A month of injecting anything will most likly fuck u up abit.., where was her bong? and hasent she heard of betty crocker hash cookies
  17. Jesus On Peyote

    DXM and other stuff on Youtube

    There should be some kind of "omerta" (mafia secrecy) type stuff about ethogens atm. its not to stop people from learning about ethogens, but those who seek, shall find. rather then plastering it all over the net in these "drug crazed" fashions. In essence, enthogens use is more about spiritual and philosophical ideas and such.. and when you get 15yo american teens wanting to get high on anything they can, the news will jump onto these things with negitive slogans and try ban them, without actually understanding what its all about. and what makes matters worse is like ethnodude mentioned, when u can buy 20x salvia smoke, and others from webstores that promote all these products as an alternative "legal" high as the story gets bigger then so will the pressure to ban any substences that may lead in that direction. And the next thing we know, theres a whole new task force to try and save the children from these things,and b4 we know it having nearly any plant thats not an inactive will be illigal. IMO, no end products or at very least very little should be sold online, only their bearers. if people wish to try salvia,they should be able to buy their own plant(legally), and grow it and use it as they will, just as an example.
  18. Jesus On Peyote

    band i have joined

    I donno much about stoner rock or whatever, but the acoustics sound pretty good.
  19. Jesus On Peyote

    Pedophile Piggy

    In my books, a child is ages from 1 to 15ish these days. also there is a slight difference between a "consenting" 16 year old with an adult, thats where the lines are kinda fuzzy,because the "child" is in adolecents and may think she/he knows best, or think they are in love, but none the less the adult is in the wrong in these cases, simply because he/she should know better. Im more talking about NON CONSENSUAL . which is abuse,molestation and personal sexual gratification. Somthing so "evil" that serves no purpose then to take advantage of CHILDREN.there is no consent there,only abuse.
  20. Jesus On Peyote

    Happy Easter my friends

    Happy easter, infidels. ill let u know when the real orthodox easter kicks in just kidding, i dont have a clue (next weekish?). STAY safe on the roads,if driving. Happy easter Peace.
  21. Jesus On Peyote

    Tent cities spring up in LA

    Cold days in california..I dont get the sub-prime thing, but i hear about it alot, sounds bad..looks worse.
  22. Jesus On Peyote

    Pedophile Piggy

    Stone, no offense (not really), but you rationality sounds like one that iv seen on a tv crime interview about one of australias pedophiles. (or Micheal jackson). its not the money dumbass, its the sick heads that pedos have, they molest for their own sexual whatever. and now with the internet, they figured, "hey we could make some money" which gives them even more reason to do what they do. when fuknuts "that just want to look" sign up AS for the people looking at it, if you think they shouldent be targeted, then im sorry but you really are retarded. they are the future pedos. Ever heard of de-sensitization, or sexual de-sensitization? Dont think im getting angry, just being blunt. Peace
  23. Jesus On Peyote

    Pedophile Piggy

    Ahh, im the one that mentioned the chinese firing squads,not jonoboy , and only for child molesters. This beastality and necro stuff are already illegal in 95% of the world..dont mean to sound like a wank, but i think you might dabble the internet too much there stonehenge. Anyway,Im not a parent,(i am an uncle) but all it takes is common sense and a moral\human view in life to down right hate anyone who is capable of EXPLOITING a CHILD and profiting from it. THEY should be shot, we dont need the chinese firing squads,we can do that ourselfs. Especially when charged people are out in less then a decade. Then theres the people that look at that stuff and help finance the people doing it, "supply/demand" thing. They shouldget LONG prison terms if they are proven and guilty. (but that costs tax payers, it uses food, and in this overpopulated world,who needs scum like that) So personally, ild be willing to shoot them too. again, after all is proven. we dont want to be shooting prospective innocents people. And who cares if his life was in danger if he went to prison?their solution instead of prison is to let him walk? bollox. And again,like i said b4, linking drugs and child molestation is bollox times 2. like i think Vert said me personally walking outside to pick a few leafs or flowers doesent hurt anyone, maybe in some cases myself, but im doing it. Even in worst case where people go to get the more illicit drugs.. there may be some harm done to people in that depending on how they run their trade, but whoever does, if anyone, knows their personal risk.. and and it certainly doesent involve MOLESTATION. PS- stonehenge- Jono never mentioned a word that had anything to do with a firing squad, and i never mentioned shooting anyone accused , only Guilty. call me hardline or crazy or whatever, but that is the only crime i can contribute worth a death sentence. i actually find it sickening even thinking about it while im typing this shite. Ending, Child molestation isent a crime, its a crime against humanity...you cannot target defenseless children,(no matter how loud and annoying they might be at times (uncle ). Its wrong, it represents much of what the word EVIL stands for.
  24. Jesus On Peyote

    None sequentor

    It just sounds like your trying to dupe him into incriminating himself with plants that are not allowed to be sold. Of course i could be a million miles off that.
  25. Jesus On Peyote

    Pedophile Piggy

    Ah Happy ending , now lets go shoot us some pedophiles..