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Blood Trance Fusion

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Everything posted by Blood Trance Fusion

  1. Blood Trance Fusion

    Poor countries cutting more emissions than the rich

    56"? Mine's only frigging 1-metre across. I'm going home to burn my plastic-recycling-bin to boost the economy and get me a new tele!
  2. Blood Trance Fusion

    WA internet users are being watched

    An SSL certificate would be nice! Either self-signed or from a costly american certificate authority for user convenience. Tor isn't just like browsing with no security but it has different security concerns. It hides your identity to your target but not to the Tor network. People in the Tor network can potentially see the information you're sending. You --> Tor Network --> Service/Website Use it if you don't want to be linked to your browsing habits but not if you're transmitting sensitive details like your name/address/CC details. At the simplest level, it's anonymity at the potential cost of your data privacy (but not necessarily linked back to you anyway).
  3. Blood Trance Fusion

    Australian live cattle trade to Indonesia

    I heard something similar on the radio. What's with said occupation, accepting refugees or foreign aid?
  4. Blood Trance Fusion

    Australian live cattle trade to Indonesia

    Kosher and halal slaughter should be banned here to start with but racism and anti-semitism's a common proponent's line of defence as "Hitler was a vegetarian his first law passed banned kosher food preparation".
  5. Blood Trance Fusion

    72 hours to End the War on Drugs

    Target breached and continuing steadily haha. Not that it's a surprise that the general populace supports this.
  6. Blood Trance Fusion

    Wishful thinking at botanical gardens

  7. Blood Trance Fusion

    1000th Post Giveway

    Congrats to the winners!!! Neat follow-ups, Amazonian; keep out of harm's way long enough to see those Lophs sprout haha!
  8. Blood Trance Fusion

    Free Seeds!

    Happy to hear! I hope they're fruitful for you.
  9. Blood Trance Fusion

    Free Seeds!

    Trichocereus spachianus (~25 seeds) Catha Edulis (5 seeds) Banisteriopsis caapi (4 seeds) Sida cordifolia (~20 seeds) Ariocarpus (~20 seeds) First in; best-dressed. Pick one, post your choice (so others know) then PM your address to me.
  10. Blood Trance Fusion

    NZ dimitri bust

    I doubt I'll be visiting NZ in that case; I weigh over 60kg and my body is an involuntary, clandestine, DMT laboratory.
  11. Blood Trance Fusion

    NZ dimitri bust

    Well it sounds like this customs' spokeswoman has - she knows her stuff! This was MHRB (1% DMT); a package of 1800kg?
  12. Blood Trance Fusion

    NZ dimitri bust

    I have not heard that one. No wonder it's such a highly-classed substance!
  13. Blood Trance Fusion

    Free Seeds!

    All posted, gang! Check your letterboxes on tuesday.
  14. Blood Trance Fusion

    Free Seeds!

    You're all very welcome. I'll post them tomorrow.
  15. Blood Trance Fusion

    WTT/WTB: Atropa belladonna Cutting

    I can offer Brugmansia versiocolour cuttings, Acacia obtusifolia/acuminata seeds, Tricho. seeds, Banisteriopsis caapi seeds, money...among other things.
  16. Blood Trance Fusion

    Psychadelic music recs?

    Nachtmystium. Addicts: Black Meddle, Part II especially. Black Metal and Pink Floyd's Meddle-inspired.
  17. Blood Trance Fusion

    lookin for brugmansia and t.peruvianus

    ~10cm Brugmansia versicolour rooted cutting?
  18. Blood Trance Fusion

    WA Trends in Ectasy and Related Drug Markets 2010

    Thanks for sharing; this is a good read.
  19. Blood Trance Fusion

    Common Succulent?

    I see this sort around a fair bit and would just like to know what it is. It seems very common and I'm sure one fo you will know. Thanks in advance!
  20. Blood Trance Fusion

    Registering a dot.com.au

    One should be able to. Lots of hosts/registrars rope you into the other service out of convenience or difficulty in transferring a domain or re-directing it. As a web developer, I'd generally advise against having the same person providing both. It's sort of like using a Microsoft product, more commonly-known as lock-in.
  21. Blood Trance Fusion

    Mushroom Cultivation Course

    Thanks! I'll have a think about it and see if a mate wants to come.
  22. Blood Trance Fusion

    Registering a dot.com.au

    It might be against the terms of use of the .au TLD but domains rarely get siezed (until piracy/counterfeit sites recently but they're VeriSign-controlled while I don't think .au is). Good (.au) domain leases here: https://www.cheaperdomains.com.au/ Cheap pornography (not child) and piracy (linking, not hosted) hosting: http://your247host.com/
  23. Blood Trance Fusion

    Bin Laden dead?

    Both weren't in the best interests of jewish people occupying another group's land? Only similarity I can see...
  24. Blood Trance Fusion

    Heading to blue mountains this weekend (7/8 may)

    Haha! I "walk the dog" while "looking for my keys" every morning and it's a bit stranger around Central Station, checking out the growth, than in a national park. On the weekend I was walking back from a concert and there was a tree with exposed roots covered in growths so I bent over to see if it was recognisable then a couple walked past me in the dark and the male said "ah - mushrooms..."