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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by in_spirit

  1. Who in their right mind would take an experimental vaccine, that legally is not a vaccine? I know Torsten runs the Corroboree but why the fuck would all of you accept his censorship on something as important as this? He wants the Vax let him have it, but don't be the dumb sheep that follows the first to slaughter. Yes, I understand my post will probably be censored by SAB's Zuckerberg, neither is God they have no right to censor anyone. My honest opinion is Covid19 is a psyop a huge lie, but that's just my opinion, it's not a deadly virus. I don't agree with depopulation, there wish plenty for everyone, but agree change is needed. 

    If you want the Vax go get it, logically you should be better protected, but apparently not, and actually more at risk looking at the adverse reactions and deaths associated with the ? "It's not a vaccine".

    So many smart people here, don't stop thinking now, start thinking for your self, critical think it? Don't just absorb the thoughts of others especially those who believe it is ok to kill people off to reduce numbers so the ones that are left have more.

    Torsten said "Topic is fine as long as it doesn't spread misinformation. If anyone's advice diverges from the official line then they must reference this properly (no, youtube videos are not references)" 

    it's a very nice way of censoring you, you can't give your opinion if it goes against the "official gov't line" unless you reference blah blah blah.  Listen mate get down off your high horse. Yes I know how to reference and cite, but why would I bother for a public forum, it's not a University.

    I know many here look to T as being the grand Poobah, so most won't want o agree with what is really being said here argue, all you want cast aspersions call me names, I don't care, I just hope for all that you can get through this bullshit safely.

  2. ^^I thought this video was a terrible analysis of society as we know it. But im really glad you enjoyed it :)

    I on the other hand found it to be a perfect analysis of the society we live in, however the given solution is too simplistic, just seeing the farm, knowing their is a farm, that we are slaves does not give freedom, the system is almost infallible, we are slaves in the system and the enforcers are slaves in the system, how can you show an enforcer such a truth, when it will destroy his perception of his world, they won't beleive they are not free, or, if they do beleive will not try to get out as they beleive they have it good, good being better than others have it. So why don't you beleive society operates on such a principle???

    • Like 2

  3. Please,

    I am deeply grayeful to evrryone here for the information so freely given here. Of course there is one ondividual, i hope yhis person knows who i am talking about that intro'd me to the world of true entheogens, for which I will be eternally grateful ;) in particular the magic of fungus, which tho I had a deep desire to re experience I also had a deep fear of picking the wrong type. Thank you so much for your help in getting me so deep:)

    • Like 1

  4. You could have got a dairy cow/calf, you wouldn't have to milk as it isn't spontaneous. Being a social animal might be best for the cow and for yourself to put another animal in paddock with, then you shouldn't get charged by a ton of steak eager for company :) yes they get very excited when left alone and someone shows up.

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  5. Ok I have used a few times now for headache, did not alter severity of headache in any noticeable way, I am not sure of amount used, no scales, range from half teaspoon to big heaped teaspoon, no noticeable effect. I do intend to keep trying in larger amounts, when I have other pains/ headaches etc. I do want to thank you for the offer, i'm not saying it doesn't work at some level, just haven't found my level.

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