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waterboy 2.0

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Everything posted by waterboy 2.0

  1. waterboy 2.0

    seeds AUS to PHL

    Depending on legalities, I would still presume postage is the better option
  2. waterboy 2.0


  3. waterboy 2.0

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    claimed paradoxial vvvv DONE vvvvv Its not that hard folks - order restored (?) . If its not honoured it the last time I will put up in here....
  4. waterboy 2.0


  5. waterboy 2.0


    tony abbott
  6. waterboy 2.0


  7. waterboy 2.0


  8. waterboy 2.0

    MythBuster-Buster: "Plants can't feel" they say

    Thigmotropism is a plant response to touch, such as vine tendrils wrapping around things. But it is till in the aim of support to chase light. Plants are more sensitive than humans to touch.. Response to sound no idea, but have seen some response to music that have amazed me.
  9. waterboy 2.0

    Crash pics 26/1/12

    Step 1 - survive Step 2 - recover many do not get through step 1..... you are a survivor, piccies tell me that. This gave me flashbacks, my thoughts are for you recovery brother. Best Regards WB
  10. waterboy 2.0


  11. waterboy 2.0


  12. waterboy 2.0

    How to Protect Plants During Winter?

    A good way to maintain heat overnight in a greenhouse is with sealed containers/drums of water. Painting them to absorb heat during the day helps a lot. Mission brown actually absorbs and radiates heat better than black
  13. waterboy 2.0


    Dutch oven
  14. waterboy 2.0

    Post your track of the day

  15. waterboy 2.0


    Ren & Stimpy
  16. waterboy 2.0

    Bottle and a million years

    Put it into concrete as aggregate - glasscrete
  17. waterboy 2.0


    sponge bob
  18. waterboy 2.0


  19. waterboy 2.0

    Any saffron gurus about?

    Planting depth appears to be the key, deeper gets a better saffron spice yield and shallower planting produces more daughter corms. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=saffron%20cultivation%20growing&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CFoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.boobookhill.com%2FKiwi%2520Saffron.pdf&ei=yAeKT_LJAejvmAWo4fTjCQ&usg=AFQjCNHIIwbiupQfCLEglTBwBz5Wmt72jw&cad=rja
  20. waterboy 2.0

    Any saffron gurus about?

    Thanks Volle, coupla ideas there, and rumple yep the very expensive spice. At this stage the spice is secondary to really producing as many corms as I can. Trying to work out the best way to push them in this direction, presuming nutrient manipulation. Had considered deflowering to concentrate energy on foliage/corm growth. I am looking for any ideas like the "forcing" of bulbs such as tulips (however this is to grow out of natural season). Cheers WB
  21. waterboy 2.0


  22. waterboy 2.0

    Gone Fishin!

    Redfin Vs Trout, goes back to the merry old mother country. Even today fishing for redfin in the U.K. is called 'coarse fishing' and for trout "sport fishing. Fishing snobery at best. Redfins an excellent fish to introduce kids to fishing.
  23. waterboy 2.0


    meow meow
  24. waterboy 2.0

    Gone Fishin!

    Know nothing of catfish, but carp can be eaten and actually relished by some groups. I have had smoked carp that was kinda ok. It is good to catch feral animals in our water that are environmental disasters. Its even better to use them as a resource, make good plant fertlisers.
  25. waterboy 2.0

    Gone Fishin!

    Its all good Arsea, it is a free space to speak. Just puttting my experince and perspective on it. your logic in kinda good if you live in a climate that is suitable. That I understand from the indigenous people of this Island that I spend a bit of time with. Psylo - the soft plastics you but now are biodegradable, however some things can be worse once degraded by just becoming smaller particles. I cannot vouch for how sound they are environmentally, but can reduce the harvesting of bait in areas under pressure.