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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by eLwAd

  1. Just wondering if there are any conditions which induce trichs to pup. Almost all my trichs with singular grow tips have started to pup at the same time. peruvianus and bridge, not the pach as they are multi tipped. thinking it might be that they are all in the ground as all the potted ones bar one are not following this trend. Also they all have two pups, coincidence or do they just do this, only the psycho0 and the spach are not pupping, just growing uber fast :drool2:

  2. ph,

    hope you don't think i was complaining on the viability of the seeds, stoked with the phf2.:worship: probably something i did my end that they haven't come up, or maybe they are taking time to sprout as it has only really started getting warm in the last 2 weeks. i dunno, never tried to raised edulis from seed before so it's all trial and error. i'm just happy to add to my collection, cheers mate.

  3. have got 13 from 20 of the phf2 a.t.m. but so far none of the nl have sprouted. same sandy-ish soil, same pots, same water , same sun. only the nl was planted one day later. has anyone else noticed longer germ rates for nl seeds? the phf2 sprouted just under a week ago.

  4. was wondering on the best time of year to transplant trichs. have just finished builing an 9m long .5m high raised garden bed and want to put all the rooted cuttings into the ground to get better growth for the growing season. is now the time? it's been pissing with rain here last few weeks, pots are outside in the weather and healthy. whaddaya reckon?


  5. found these in the local paperbarks next to the lake last weekend, fairly sure they are g. purp. are there any species in wa whch are even close in physical appearance to g. purp? if so are they inedible? noted that they always grow in semi open bushland and not in the really dense and shaded paperbarks close to the lake edge, even though there are a lot of rotten logs in there. none showed signs of bluing and none went sloppy like gym. a which someone suggested earlier, though in perth urban fungi gym. a looks totally different so wouldn't have thought that i would have picked those.






    resized :blush:











  6. i know exactly what you mean!!

    happens with alarming regularity, just walkin or driving along and BAM. i swear i dreamt this a week, maybe months or a year ago. it's cool but sometimes can be disconcerting. wish you could predict when it would happen once oy dream it :scratchhead:

  7. swollen members, earlier stuff is better, the latest one takes some getting used to

    moka only aka ron contour

    hadag nahash, funk interspersed within hip hop but some beats are there

    parvarim refugees

    one day as a lion, za de la rocha's latest project

  8. thanks for the quick response, torsten yeah it's directly birth related and she is breastfeeding, should have put that in the OP,sorry. i know that will limit the applications available.

    archaea, will portulaca oleracea work as a juice or eaten/brewed? will continue to search too. thanks guys

  9. Hey guys, after a bit of help from the community.

    wife has just given birth and needs some anti-inflammatories but is allergic in a major way to the nurofen/brufen drug group. is there anything out there which can be used in place of these synthetic chemicals. thought someone out there might know something.

    thanks in advance

  10. fractals....

    everywhere in nature and extend outwards(and inwards) ad infinitum :blink:

    i can't even conceive the extensive nature of that, it turns your brain to goo

    where does our reality reside withinin this continuum?

    definitely probable that other realities have collided with our own, but also expands the posibilities of, well everything multiplied by a factor of X. we are definitely not capable of comprehending this potential, i think we have lost touch with this ability over time but i think in the past some sort of realization of the nature of our existence was formed.

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  11. if you have the money( to buy and run)then go a troopy #1 cruiser #2. 80 series but no older, 60 series are tough as but are super thirsty and will have done some kms by now.

    i will say this though, if you don't want to go anywhere where you'll need massive lift and the extra power a big cruiser/patrol has which lets face it is not many places unless you are actually prepared to damage your rig then you should check a late 90 early 00 pajero. i know i'm in the minority here and yeah it can be a soccer mum car but parts are cheap, they go forever and value for money and power to weight they are actually damn good. could save the extra 5-8k on a cruiser and use the cash to deck it out better.just my 2c.

  12. i think it has something to do with culture, the more you are involved/invested in that culture the more you will gravitate to the language.

    grew up in oz but traveled for 6-7 years spending a lot of my time in israel. learnt to speak, read and write and then started to dream in hebrew which was a bizarre feeling after only speaking english my whole life. now i'm back in australia i'm stuffed though as i now speak a mix of both, even in the same sentence. people ask me questions i'll start to reply in hebrew before realizing they have no idea what i'm saying.

    some words just fit better for certain things. that's what i find i do now, whichever is the best word and feels right my brain associates with it irrespective of the language.
