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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by foolsbreath

  1. thats a great story, although, maybe the bird doesnt respond because it has no head!!!!


    My friend gently shook the leaf it was resting on; the bird stuck its head out, gazed at him for a second and went back to bed!

    But yeah, I think the caterpillars require further investigation. I wonder whether they just sequester the alkaloids, or whether they alter them to make them more useful as a sleep aid? That would be cool!

  2. i can't find any evidence to back it up, but i've been led to believe that around 500ug there seems to be a cut off, ie: you wont get any increase or difference in effect taking 2000ug as you would taking 500ug.

    As far as safety goes:

    I have read (but can not find the report) that this is indeed true for the seratonin related pathways, but LSD also has a significant effect on dopamine, NA, and catecholamine pathways. These effects are seen at much higher doses I think1500mcg + and lead to a marked change in effect. I think the rue will also play a significant role due to this change in action at these levels

    An interesting read on the various actions Here

  3. I have a plant that has been girdled.

    It is only a few feet tall but has been bent over at 90 degrees and effectively ring barked above the first few small branches.

    It is still alive above the damage, but I don't know for how much longer

    My question is is should I remove all branches above the girdle and strike as cuttings and discard of most of the main stem, try to strike the whole top as a cutting (rather bushy, woody and at least a foot high) or remove a bit more bark and try air layering to get roots going and then removing the whole top?

    It strikes cuttings not too difficultly

  4. people have taken extremely high doses of acid, I don't think that that level of acid is out of bounds with an maoi, I would only worry about some sort of contradiction that might occur at higher doses

    If one were to attempt such a feat, It may be better to do 600 mics slightly mao inhibited then if all goes well take the other 600mics fully inhibited and maybe that will give a better idea of what 1200mics would be like with 2-3 gms of rue which would be sort of in the middle range of mao inhibition

  5. LOL yeah GG is after a tank for potable water made out of natural materials by the sound, I don't think he actually wants to drink his water tank!

    Good options could be an acrylic canvas. You can also get a wide range of pvc coated or backed materials and some other specialty fabrics

    Check This sit out :)

    I looked into this stuff for the old humpy, but in the end just decideed I wouldn't go camping in the rain, getting soft in my old age :blush:

  6. Jesus Christ

    I know plenty of people who consume that much caffeine each and every day

    The fool obviously had a pre-existing heart condition, took no notice of previous chest pain and recommended levels of consumption and loved the coffee rush which he obviously used to get him wired for his sport

    lets just say he was completely honest and did not partake in any other performance enhancing drugs, he was still ignoring his body telling him that it was under stress at the same time as competing in what is a very taxing sport. I think there would be hundreds of diuretic and mildly stimulating substances that could have brought on such effects when when taken in large amounts under physical stress and in someone who has a pre-existing condition.

    I bet if he saw his doctor about his previous chest pain he would have told him to steer away from coffee or caffeinated substances altogether

    Oh and he was a smoker, shows he had no real concern for his health anyway and would have been unlikely to give any regards to warnings even if they were stamped on the can considering the graphic warnings on his smoke packet he conveniently ignored :BANGHEAD2:

  7. You are looking for bushman's friend PH (Brachyglottis repanda)

    It is a very common and useful shrub in NZ, but I believe it is native although I'm sure seeds are available they are of short viability.

    I learnt of this one when I was very young. I'm sure most kiwi's would have due its fabled use as perfect toilet paper and can be used as writing paper too.

    Bushmans Friend

    Although the picture in the link doesn't show it, the underside of those leaves are white soft and furry

  8. Checked some old lecture notes, and the Dr Ritter of the Galapagos definetly died in 1934

    In your quote of the book references there, the † after his name means that it was published after he was dead, and I think one was finished by someone else

    Someones wiki has mixed up two Fred Ritters :wink:


    Dr. Ritter auf der Galapagosinsel. (“Dr. Ritter of the Galápagos Islands.”) Berlin: Verlag con M. Willahn.

    “Adam and Eve in the Galapagos.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 4 (October, pp. 409-418).

    “Satan Walks in the Garden.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 5 (November, pp. 565-575).

    “Eve Calls It a Day.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 6 (December, pp. 733-743).

    Concord, New Hampshire: Atlantic Monthly Company.


    Friedrich Ritter † Als Robinson Auf Galapagos. (“The Robinson [Crusoe] of Galápagos.”) Leipzig: Grethlein & Co Nachf.


    Dr. Fr. Ritter † Het Treurspel op de Galapagos-Eilanden. (“The Tragedy of the Galápagos Islands.”) Haarlem: N. V. Uitgevers-Bedrijf “Eigen Volk.” (An undated Dutch translation by L. Th. Domhoff.)

  9. Yep, they are showing their brilliance once again

    All this will do is decentralise the problem, pushing the dealing out into the surrounds and stretching the ability of the police to try and stop drug dealing to a point where they have less control over it have at present while allowing less resources to be spent on more important police work like dealing with assaults and abuse

    Hagakure points out that the broken windows theory correlates with the legalisation of abortion, while the last link in my first post "shattering broken windows" shows that alternative methods of policing have been more succesful at reducing crime in other cities like san fran when compared to NYC at similar times.

    It simply won't have any positive effect

  10. there's also alot of damage done when you dont wait for facts and proof. infact i'd think there is more. To use my example above, If someone was to take my daughter from me simply because of a photo on the net, well, i dont even want to think about that...

    sorry, but thats a load of crap. As soon as the video went live on youtube the police were notified by people with 'honourable instinct' . they tracked the people down and launched an investigation. It was found out to be a case of stupid kids posting a video to the net that shouldn't of been posted. What i find amazing, is the reaction from the "alternative" crowd. It was identical to the "mainstream" crowd. knee jerk, "I know best and no one can tell me otherwise." I've seen this on serveral boards, where people take the moral high ground "oh i can tell she's on ecstasy, i know what im talking about"... when the 'facts' that you say should not of been waited for, came into play, they were wrong...

    Well it wasn't just a photo, it was a video and it tells alot about the people

    Firstly the kid is riding on the floor of a vehicle

    The people in the vehicle are poking fun at the kid and hitting around the head to try and make its eyes go straight, its not a bloody massage

    That alone is enough for criminal charges I think, not just a case of stupid kids

    Furthermore, who places so much faith in a police investigation? Several people have said wait for the findings of the police investigations. Police investigations, just as political investigations are next to worthless to me, just plain bull shit, I'd rather judge with my own eyes than rely on the findings of some bullshit investigation carried out by bullshit artists.

    I don't know either way what happened to the kid and arn't passing judgement on that

    But the video shows reprehensible behavior from the people in the van regardless of wether the kid has been given a hit of anything

  11. my only fears are outburts directed at me duringa fragile psychadelic state that i will be in, ive had enough stress of late to be able to deal with that.

    the only concern about alcohol intake there is, is out of a genuine concern for you and ur health.

    Id love to come and have a sober chat with u, as i always do. Ur a great guy tarn, and if u can avoid getting to sloshed id love to be there with u, otherwise im gonna hafto make a miss from this one.

    plus the thoughts of the camp turning into a moonshine drinkathon is totally unatractive.

    Wise words Jono. I agree 100% Alcohol is an ugly companion, :wub:

  12. I sometimes make a tea out of the leaves of rauvolfia tetraphylla. Usually 5 - 10 leaves or 2-3 grams dried. Most people here don't seem to keen due to the supposed neuro transmitter depleting properties, but I liike it. Very soothing with a pleasant effect.

    For several days afterwards I feel energetic and actively participate in strenuous exercise, which I would otherwise not do. I did write a report somewhere here if you have a look around.

  13. might as well change it so you don't get caught out amulte and so that AA can get better :)

    But I'm a definite no no for next weekend

    If its two weeks from now, that gives Dodie a chance to come, I can make it and if Jono is reliant on me for transport than its good for him, and maybe I can talk Tripi into coming too :wink:

  14. LOL

    I mean 10pm friday as I would have to work that day, could be there early saturday though if friday is no good at that time

    Then again I could just not go to work at all :innocent_n:

    Lets hear what others have to say before getting too carried away, Jono is probably working today, so might have to wait till tonight before getting some firm ideas

  15. Hmm

    Next weekend is no good for me, But this weekend is looking dubious as well. The kids been sick all week as well and I haven't done any work. My work is pretty flexible and I can really come and go as I please, but I'm getting behind and may well need to go this weekend to catch up

    Maybe a two or three week postponement would be more suitable? If not then I'll just have to give it a miss...... again :(
